

03 Jun


Originally posted by pringlesaregood

if i watch vods of my team on lolesports, do they count towards my mission? ive watched both vods and they have not counted toward my mission rewards

Yo! We had issues yesterday with our rewards infrastructure, however it should be resolved now. Live games / VODs in both Pro View or regular watch will count towards rewards!


Hi Samspudzz,

Due to the widespread google outages we had some issues with authentication and logging in on watch.lolesports.com. This should be fixed now, so if you are still seeing a purchase prompt please DM me and we will try to hunt down the bug


Originally posted by [deleted]


We had several issues over the weekend with the rewards platform, but it should be healthier now. If you still see issues overnight ping me and We will follow up. Sorry for the interruptions everyone!

02 Jun


Originally posted by Vall3y

I love pro view. How about a "minions meet" event on the timestamp? basically 1:30 game time

LOL love the name.


Originally posted by readoclock

There are a number of Pro View bugs I am experiencing:

1) If I navigate to the Pro View VODs page, I can see all the games and a hand symbol appears but clicking does nothing, no VOD will load. The exception to this is the MSI best of 5 series which I can click on the numbers 1 -5 and load a VOD.

2) if I am on a Pro View page I cannot navigate to another Pro View page, i.e. I cannot navigate from Pro View Watch to Pro View VODs or vice versa, I have to exit to another web page and then reaccess Pro View.

3) the volume randomly mutes itself over and over again every few seconds. I have to reload the page when this happens to make it stop.

4) The game actions on the timeline randomly stop working every now and then regardless of what you do with the settings. I have to reload the page to get them back.

I am sure there are others...

All of these with Firefox on windows 10.

Edit: posting this here and hoping you can fix some of t...

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Wow, thanks for the post! I will add all of these to the bug list and we will start trying to reproduce so that squashing can begin.


Originally posted by ifancytacos

I posted this somewhere else, but I'll share again.

My #1 desire for it is to be able to pop out individual streams into their own windows while they are sharing the same video player settings, so if I pause one, they all pause, and they are all synced together. I have two monitors, but with proview as it is, I have to keep it on a single one. I'd love it if I could have the proview on my main monitor with the main stream on the second with the sound of the casters.

I tried to do this by having two instances with the eye button to share, but when I click in and copy the link into a new tab, it just shows the vods page for proview. Maybe this is because it doesn't work with vods, maybe it's an issue on my end, or maybe the functionality isn't there to have two synced connections on one computer. IDK.

I'm not a dev, so I don't know the complexities of popping out individual streams but staying synced. Might be hard when considering VODs (which is 90% of what I...

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Popping video into multiple browsers is something we have chatted about internally. It does work with watch with friends as you mentioned, but only on live games (a bug we need to squash). We are also investigating more user control over audio for sure. Thanks for the feedback!


Hi everyone - quick update from our side, it looks like google is experiencing major outages across the board right now which is affecting watch.lolesports.com (all the things, but Pro View most heavily).

So sorry about the problems, we are triaging actively on our side.


Originally posted by ifancytacos

What's the best way to submit feedback to y'all? Proview is at a state where I don't regret my purchase, but I wouldn't buy it again. With a few small changes, I'd probably plan on picking it up for next year as well.

Share it here! We have been collecting lots of feedback from reddit and twitter and will be pulling it into a backlog of work starting tomorrow :)


Originally posted by Agleimielga

tbh that should just be implemented as a feature, basically toggling audio on/off for the main cast (or pov cast)

Agreed. We are exploring better ways to enable user control of audio first thing Monday. :)

01 Jun


Originally posted by Matanza

Would it be possible to do something to help skip past pauses. Loving proview so far!

Ohhhh that sounds nice! We will throw this in the list


Originally posted by Slayr698

Hey there klaus and whatever other rioters are watching, I love the idea of pro view and will definitely be adopting. Have you considered looking to other streams that watch the game, say LS or members of lpp and having the opportunity to sync their cast onto the preview stream. Like a select casting audio, main broadcast, noob friendly broadcast, ls broadcast etc. I love that you guys are finally trying to make the lcs feel like more than just a watch on twitch video. Cheers for the hardwork

Yes! We have talked about this a bit internally, but nothing to promise yet. We want to see how influencers approach the product and go from there.


Originally posted by BlameMyFriends

Does soon mean this split?

We will be starting work on it next week!


Hi resch97!

Yes, we flagged this yesterday on launch as a high priority change. Hopefully we have more updates next week!!


Originally posted by nizzy2k11

Is there a way to put the stats bar on the right like it was on the old site? Or at least to sync multiple pages of my own so I can multi-screen or even multi-computer the site for multiple views?

Hmm, I don’t think this is something we thought of. You want multiple browser tabs of the same game open so you can watch like 6 streams at once? Or just stats in one browser and stream in another?


Originally posted by Cerianah

Agree wholeheartedly. Up with this.

I’m a bit late (curse you sleep!) so posting here -


We have been working on achieving this a few different ways. More to come soon, but we totally agree.

Also. Thanks SO MUCH for this feedback, this is a fantastic thread. This is exactly what we need in order to make the experience better, so please keep it up. We promise to keep listening, and we will try to keep engaging (when awake)


Originally posted by idrinkmilkis

Is there a way to watch a pro view vod at higher playback speeds? I love watching vods at 1.5x and I couldn't see a way to do it.

Oooof, not yet. I like this feature too, and we have discussed it a few times. I don't think it's on the roadmap right now, but we definitely like it.


Originally posted by goku332

Can you tell us who all the POV players are? It's not mentioned, and no offense meant, but I feel uncomfortable paying for it until I know who I'm watching. As an ADC main I only see DL as one POV. Who's the other?

Hi goku32!

Pro View will include POVs for all 10 players in every pro match played in both the LCs and LEC. You can pick and choose whichever pros you want to watch, as well as the main event stream!

31 May


Originally posted by Akruu

When I click watch is just keeps auto refreshing. I don't even know what the feature does right now. Using Google Chrome.

Hmm, are you logged in on watch.lolesports.com? Do you know what your internet connection quality is like?


Originally posted by firefistpaul

Let's be honest boys. Everyone should be watching that Rookie Stun against TL in MSI Semi-Finals to determine if it was intentional or not.