

24 Feb


Originally posted by Vonspacker

New HUD has potential but it's hard to judge from those screenshots.

I'm not a fan of rotating details because it can be annoying to not have access to information when you want to see it when watching

Also really wish they had used a more realistic game example because it looks ugly when everyone has heal and 8000 health pots but might look better when it's a real game.

Based on that image it seems like the race to dragon soul is measured inwards to outwards which surely would be better outwards to inwards so both teams get 'closer' to the soul in the centre?

I dislike that they haven't included role Vs role gold difference - this feature in the LEC has been really good at visualising where the gold on a team is stacked and who to look out for in fights.

Would need to see it in action and get used to where new info is kept but it looks ok as a rough draft

Thanks for the feedback! Yeah, it's hard to capture how HUDs operate in just a still image.

It's funny you bring up the dragon race inwards/outwards because that is something we talked about several times. We may end trying both directions to see what sticks.

Gold difference isn't gone, it just isn't captured in these stills - still a feature, and will be visible in the lower 3rd!


Originally posted by FelysFrost

That HUD is horrific, it's so 2018 mobile gaming

HEy /u/FelysFrost can you elaborate any on what makes the HUD feel like 2018 mobile gaming? What do you like / dislike?


Originally posted by MuffinLoL

what in the ever living f**k is that UI

Hey /u/MuffinLoL can you offer any specifics on what is frustrating you with the HUD designs? We are here to learn :)


Originally posted by Sockmonkey2878

Man apparently I am minority but I really like the new HUD!

Glad you like it /u/Sockmonkey2878 if you have specific feedback (what you like / dislike) drop it here!


Originally posted by Giobru

The HUD feels like change for the sake of change. No new info over the current HUDs, but everything is jumbled around and it looks (subjectively) uglier. Maybe it makes more sense to group stuff up like that, but hopefully they refine it a lot and make it look better than that.

An emote and a couple of Capsules is a joke but I don't think anyone was expecting anything else. None of Riot's twelve global partners (including Red Bull, Oppo, Mercedes-Benz and sportswashing front EWC) could possibly afford to give viewers, say, one pull on the gacha. Or, you know, a H*xtech Chest

Hey Giobru, what kind of refinement is top of the list for you? We are definitely looking for user feedback!

30 Sep


Originally posted by Technical-Cat-2017

Just tried to watch MAD lions vs PSG. The play button only plays game 1. There is no way to watch game 2 and 3 as far as I can find on the site.

Once you are on the VOD watch page, in the bottom left corner you should see a game selection tool for games 1 / 2 / 3. Do you see it on this page, bottom left? https://lolesports.com/vod/112966697102367363/1/cNq3_PFw508


Originally posted by ninjabunnyxo

Is the drop still available? I can't seem to find it and I'm logged in on lolesports.com and on Opera GX browser...

It should be active, but it isn't available in all regions - where are you located?

29 Sep


Originally posted by mubong

Oh there it was, sorry. The fact is, the yellow dot didn't appear, so I didn't even think to check there (not knowing what to search for). Seems like a consistent bug that's happened to me for months, new emotes and icons not making the dot appear (happened to the Heheh Okay Tristana emote as well but at least I knew what it was). Thanks for the help!

Glad you found it! And also thanks for the extra info on why it was hard to find. 


Originally posted by NicramUrgod

What even is the Opera GX drop? Is it just a esports capsule or limited emote?

The drop is an exclusive emote - season 2 TPA shen :) 


Originally posted by mubong

I claimed this drop 8 hours ago or so, and it only said "Available in your League of Legends loot tab", and there's nothing there. I don't know if there's gonna be other drops, if there are exclusive live drops to opera gx (seems unlikely). As usual, getting information on these things is impossible.

Hmm, it should be there. The drop itself is an emote called “oh well,” it’s Shen dressed in the TPA worlds season 2 costume. If you can’t find it let me know and I’ll do more digging. 

I will take a look Monday on why it isn’t clear in-game what the drop is. 

We can definitely do a better job clarifying the drop contents on the website. The content was locked super late so we had kept it generic at first. Thanks for the feedback 🙏 

27 Sep


Originally posted by Useful_Department852

I found the vods on home. I have noted a new issue with spoilers, I know this isn't the correct forum for reporting issues, but hopefully this can be addressed before worlds is over.

You can reproduce the issue like this...

Start on Home
Find PSG vs PNG, click play
Note game 1 VOD starts at 29:25 (Game start)
Note game 2 VOD starts at 13:52 (Game start)
Note game 3 VOD starts at 1:02:27 (Exact freeze frame with massive text spoiling the outcome of the game)

This really kills all the hype of watching the games on VODs. I am sure the video URL timestamp can be updated.

Where should I report issues like this moving forward?

Hey! you can send them to me and I can def relay that feedback to the broadcast folks who are cutting the VODs. Sorry about that :(

11 Sep


Originally posted by Useful_Department852

Are VODs no longer being offered on the official site, or did they vanish due to this bug? I still don't see VODs

Hey Useful_Department852, which VODs are you looking for? They are still offered on the site, but we have consolidated all of the information that was on the old /vods page and /schedule page into just the homepage. You can now access VODs straight from home by pushing the "play" button next to a completed match.

Is that not working for you?


Originally posted by gnomehouse

Hey, still cant even find the VODS. Tried to watch last week's games elsewhere and they got spoiled for me.

The new site is atrocious for this the use cases of "Want to know when games are" and "Watching game VODs later", which are the only two reasons I ever visit the website. What was the rationale behind the changes made?

Hey gnomehouse, can you tell me more about not being able to see VODs at all? There are some leagues that we don't support fully (like NACL or LPL sometimes). But for most major leagues (LCK, LEC, LCS, etc.) VODs should be visible within a few hours of the match concluding.

I would also love to hear what is frustrating about finding when games are.

29 Aug


Hey friends, super sad this happened during playoffs which is such an exciting time of year. There was a bug regression with the spoiler protection feature. We are working on a fix and should have it deployed today.

18 Jun


Originally posted by TheGuy839

I think you did a good job, but at the same time, its very simple and yet not super fast. For content its ftching, shoudnt it be much faster?

Yes for sure! We had some issues with our CDN specifically that were preventing any caching, which really impacted performance. We have been slowly rolling out fixes today that should improve it substantially.

More to do this week though!


Originally posted by itaicool

I hate the redesign but if it means the website is less buggy and I can propely see upcoming games then w/e I just leave it in the background anyway.

Hoping for less issues over time as we make updates. One big bug we recently got fixed was the forced logouts. That one was driving me crazy. Really happy to have it sorted.

What other bugs are you still experiencing?


Originally posted by Mysterious-Error-351

The International Events is too big. I measured that there could be 420 fakers at 12px arial font there on my 1920x1080 instead. Much more useful use of space if you ask me. A rough draft here: https://imgur.com/a/better-lolesports-sidebar-hire-me-rito-am-free-jvi80DY

We're wasting so much fakers of space.

Wow why didn't our designers think of us? Escalating this immediately.


Originally posted by mybigredtruck

The biggest issue with the site was how slow it was. It still seems very slow so IDK how much I care about this

Sorry to hear about the frustrations with speed :(

We discovered some problems with our CDN caching right after launch, which unfortunately was causing a lot of slowness. It should be getting better today. Let me know if you're still experiencing issues!


Originally posted by SchwarzeNoble1

That's literally the scheduele page with a preview isn't it

Yes, we're definitely porting more of the info from schedule to home. When we were researching the sites the predominant user need is schedule info (when is a match happening, who is playing, what was the result). We wanted to make it as simple as possible to get that info quickly!


Originally posted by watafuzz

I only ever use the schedule page and this not gonna do much to change that.

Not a fan of having a random ligue auto play or all the wasted space on the page.

Well glad you are liking the schedule page haha!

What kind of other features would you like to see on the home page? This is just our first update, we have other stuff planned for the rest of the year. More improvements to home, as well as hopefully getting into standings to improve that page too.

Would love to hear your thoughts!