

29 Sep


Originally posted by SeizureLizard

This won't affect your ability to get watch mission credit

Fix whatever metric you use to count games watched, I've watched literally every single game of Worlds so far this year through your site and it was only counted as two. This happens every single year for Worlds, and it always counts inaccurately

Hi SeizureLizard,

Can you tell me anything else about your watch setup (browser, device, etc.)? As an FYI sometimes ad blockers or other script blocking software will cause the service not to work. Additionally, always make sure you are logged in!


Hello friends, We had a service issue leading into the start of the first live game, but it was just resolved. This won't affect your ability to get watch mission credit for game 1, but I know it's super frustrating. I apologize for the issue :(


Hello friends, We had a service issue leading into the start of the first live game, but it was just resolved. This won't affect your ability to get watch mission credit for game 1, but I know it's super frustrating. I apologize for the issue :(

03 Oct


Originally posted by elitered7

When logged in to the website, once i go to the VOD section the website will automatically log me out and redirect me to watch it logged out. Is this a known issue or a way to correct this?

I have not heard of that bug, it sounds unpleasant :(

Have you tried incognito mode / a different browser to see if it is an issue with your specific config?

02 Oct


Originally posted by shekurika

earlier today and yesterday evening (8h and ~24h ago as of writing this post) the entire lolesports page refused to load when ublock origins was activated. Was that caused by the same issue? It loads perfectly now despite the adblocker

Yes! This was a change on uBlock that broke some of our site. Should be fixed now :)


Originally posted by TerraRising

Nice to hear.

However, this has been an ongoing thing since the final weeks of the Summer Split for me, where LEC and LCK live games and vods just wouldn't work for my NA account.

There may be specific issues with your configuration, especially if you are using tools like uBlock / blocking all JS etc.

Can you reproduce those same issues if you are watching on a "clean" browser?


Originally posted by SuperMrBlob

Thanks for investigating. Any chance you could provide some insight on why this bug keeps cropping up? Just curious :^)

Unfortunately there is no set "source" for issues on rewards :(

It's a pretty complicated service with dependencies across both the game (for missions) and on watch.lolesports.com itself. While we have made substantial updates to the quality of Rewards, whenever major changes happen to either the game or watch it has the potential for breaking Rewards too.

Hooray for code!


Hi friends,

We had some unexpected issues with the Rewards service this morning. We are actively investigating, and I will post an update shortly.

Quick ninja edit - the issue has been identified. All of the games which were watched earlier today have still been recorded, you should get credit over the next 48 hours for that watchtime.

26 Aug


Originally posted by Defenus

Nice to hear! More improvements on pro view sounds cool. The watch missions progression personally is just a pain, they are nice incentive to get audience engaged for an event like world's or the LCS split, but when I'm paying for something like a team pass. I honestly just want to use the emotes/icon everything immediately and not wait till end of split through some grind..

Anyway thanks for taking note.

Yeah same. :)


Originally posted by ashlucky13

i got pro view for lec and lcs and i really like the fact that pro view seemed to get a priority in the time it takes for the vods to become available. However, what i didn't like about it though is the number of times they f**ked up the upload, i'll watch game 1 no worries and then go to watch game 2 and shit im watching game 1 again.

We had a super janky bug where VODs were not uploading correctly that was nefarious to track down. I think this has been fixed as of a few weeks ago. Let me know if you are still seeing it!


Originally posted by shrubs311

My only issue with proview is that it lags up to 15 seconds behind the main streams. If I'm watching with friends who don't have proview than I have to watch the normal stream. I wish they made the synchronized link work for everyone.

Yeah, this is definitely frustrating - we are working hard on improvements right now that will help get the various streams into closer sync to avoid spoilers if watching with friends both in/out of Pro View


Originally posted by MatrioxTCG

My issue is I dont watch League on my PC in order to actually get credit for watching my team... I watch the games on my phone or on my Xbox depending on where I am so I was unable to have them tracked for the pass.

Howdy /u/MatrioxTCG you can watch VODs/live on watch.lolesports.com in order to earn rewards if you want to. Xbox unfortunately I can't help you with right now :(


Originally posted by MrFilthyNeckbeard

I got so sick of the timeline spoiling the match I stopped using proview

Hallo /u/MrFilthyNeckbeard the spoiler setting was fixed about 4 weeks ago. THIS WAS SO SAD I'M SORRY. We will now remember your setting


Originally posted by sta6

Do you happen to know whether if you can buy pro view for the worlds Championship in 1-2 months?

Yep :) More info coming soon.


Originally posted by Aishateeler

Was total bullshit that watching a game in proview made it not count towards the lcs pass. A bug they never fixed.

This should have been fixed in week 2. Are you still experiencing issues with Rewards on Pro View past that point?


Yo /u/Defenus !! Thanks so much for writing this detailed breakdown of your experiences with team pass / pro view. This is great feedback.

A few thoughts as someone who has worked on / around both of these products.

  • Team Pass - we feel this frustration. We are really bummed with some of the issues we ran into with Team Pass, and we have to do better. Everything you wrote is correct, and we need to improve if we are going to make it worth your money again next year. FWIW we made massive changes to the visualization of your progress on on the watch.lolesports.com/rewards page to help some of these issues, but it is only one small step in the right direction. More to come.

  • Pro View - Pro View has overall met most of our expectations. It's a very new product that wasn't even ...

Read more

21 Jun


Originally posted by kvothre

thanks for the response! it was working during the misfits vs sk game now. so things are looking fine at the moment.



Hey everyone, We had an outage in our livestats service that hit broadcast + pro view + watch.lolesports.com. We believe it has been resolved and everything should be working for the next few games, but we are keeping an eye on it.

18 Jun


Originally posted by Corregidor

What happened to the stats for the free stream on lolesports now? Did you guys have a change of heart?

Nope! Stats are still there, we just had some system-wide outages this past weekend :( We made several improvements this week that should restore full service for this upcoming weekend.

03 Jun


Originally posted by RorzaSpirit9


I am having issues with the Fan Pass on OCE. Still upset I couldn't get a team pass however I am not getting credit for my Fan Pass missions whether it's a live game or VOD from Pro View or not. Do I have to watch the OPL specifically?

Hmmm interesting. Let me call in u/riotkatana