

14 Jan


Originally posted by nishit15sharma04

Because it costs nothing, so players can spam-generate it. and too much of these objects will put a load on everyone's system as well as the server because it's difficult to load so many items onto the screen every time someone turns to look at them.
[I may be wrong, and it's also possible you understand nothing from my comment]

This is correct!

08 Oct


I'll add one on here - be careful with how many words and the volume of your voice too! Sometimes teammates are giving valid info while I'm trying to clutch but their voice masks relevant game audio like footsteps.

14 Sep


Nah, I think it's a great way to make sure that my team doesn't get tilted. Just had a rough loss? EVERYONE is getting a Spectrum fully upgraded classic for our save round

17 Aug


Holy sh*t this is GOLD

So funny man, great video

12 Aug


Originally posted by tomphz

Yes these names are definitely cooler, but they’re not very intuitive.

If you didn’t have this picture, It’d be hard to tell out of Mercenary, Hero, or Soldier which one is considered the best or the worst.

Much easier to assume that Gold is better than Silver, Bronze and Iron.

This was pretty much the conversation when the change happened. Yes, these ranks sounded cooler, but when you started trying to have a conversation with someone out of game about your rank, or tell a friend what your rank was, you needed to have this image handy to explain it otherwise you'd get confused.

Internally we'd be like "what rank are you?" "oh I'm, uh, the red one? Or was it purple?" "Oh cool, I'm the triangle"

30 Jun

23 Jun


Originally posted by John_Q_Nippleton_III

I agree with OP and one other use of a ready check is when you accidentally queue for the wrong gamemode. It doesn't happen often but when you do + instaqueue into a mode (comp) you don't wanna be in, it really sucks.

Ah man good point, I've done that before and it does really suck


Originally posted by -Daveeeee-

I fixed it over reacted a little but thanks for the reply.

Good news! And no worries, I do that all the time


Originally posted by Randomdudeinthecar

But only one person in a party has the ability to q up which could cause miscommunication if another member is afk or not on voice chat

I find instances of q dodge more frustrating in valorant because of the 90 second agent select. Personally feels like time wasted to sit the entirety of 90 seconds to be thrown back in q again. Clicking on the ready check multiple times before agent select is definitely more annoying but I feel like it'll save more time for those instances and be a net positive result when someone is dodging valorant agent select

Yeah I guess that makes sense, I only play in parties where we're all either in discord or voice, so miscommunication like that is rare.

I wonder what the data looks like between LoL/VAL around dodge rates and things like that. Is VAL meaningfully worse because we don't have a ready check? Hmmmmm


Originally posted by -Daveeeee-

Now I can hear everyone but I cannot talk in game chat. My audio settings are all what they are supposed to be.

Hmmm, I don't think that the fix would've caused that. Maybe try a restart?


Originally posted by -Daveeeee-

• Region: NA

• Type of Bug: Voice Chat

• Description: I can not hear anyone and it shows that everyone is muted for party and game chat. This was happening for EVERYONE in my games for two of my placements. This is not an issue with my own settings or my mic or my headset. This started two games into the new act and I have NEVER had this issue before so I am assuming this is an issue with the new Act.

• Insert Video / Screenshot of the incident: https://imgur.com/a/zXA6upe

• Reproduction rate: EVERY game. 100%

• Steps to reproduce: Just playing the game. This isn't the type of bug where it happens based on me doing a set of actions.

• Expected result: Not being able to hear anyone or talk in game.

• Observed result: Not being able to hear anyone or talk in game.

• System Specs: Windows 10, Ryzen 5 3600, GTX 980, 16GB Ram, Asus X570 Prime P MOBO

Heyo, just to follow up here, we started investigating this issue at around 9:20pm Pacific time last night and a fix was made around 11:05pm Pacific. As far as we can tell from testing and live data, the issue has been resolved, but let us know if it's still happening anywhere!


Just throwing my personal opinion out there on this, I don't work on these things at all - I love that there is no "match accept" button. Isn't queueing up itself the "ready" button? I hate when you're queueing in LoL and you have to click accept like, 5 times because people keep missing the ready check. I feel like I get way less queue dodges in VAL char select when compared with LoL ready-check misses.

22 Jun


Originally posted by Bosoxben30

Okay my version is 21H1

Thank you!

21 Jun


Originally posted by Bosoxben30

Thanks for the communication! Only thing I can give you currently is that I am on Win 10.

Thanks! If you type "WinVer" into the windows search bar (windows key + WinVer) it will run a command and show you your exact version


Hey, just poking in here to say we're actively investigating stuttering in the game. Specifically, what we've observed is players reporting that they get severe stuttering, which looks like loss of inputs, jumping around a bit, rubberbanding, etc. as folks have described in this thread. We're looking at this happening on a variety of hardware (high to low end), and happening during GOOD networking conditions, so we do not think that it's related to packet loss / latency. Anything along those lines would be a separate issue.

Information that would be useful to have, if folks want to help out:

  • Video/images showing resource utilization while the stuttering happens.

  • If anyone is able to consistently reproduce, information about reproduction steps and dxdiag of the PC used to reproduce. BONUS if you're able to reproduce on different machines.

  • WinVer of anyone experiencing the issue.

16 Feb


Originally posted by [deleted]


I appreciate all the detail and effort you've put in to make this report! Would you be able to hop on a discord call with me to talk about the issue? I'm not 100% sure I understand what's wrong from looking at the video and reading your post; some of the info seems at odds, which is a bit confusing

01 Dec


Originally posted by TypeAvenger

Regarding performance, what are some of the higher priority items being worked on?

We don't see any performance related changes in patch notes anymore, and there doesn't seem to have been any tangible improvements since release. (e.g. in-combat fps drops)

We're working on some performance work that takes a long time right now, so we don't have any updates to provide until that's done. We used to have a lot of updates in the patch notes because we were cleaning out "low hanging fruit" types of improvements that weren't too hard to make. Now we're at the point that a lot of the perf work we need to do will require refactoring existing systems, which carries with it a lot of engineering time and testing time.

However, we did recently spend a ton of time digging into the hitch on death that turned out to be related to the act rank triangles on death recap, and we also put in a good chunk of time to build out Nvidia Reflex support so that players can take advantage of the low latency mode that it provides.

Every team on VAL is responsible for performance. We do have a team that's more dedicated to it than others, but we also spend a decent amount of our time on live performance maintenance. It takes a lot of work to ...

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30 Nov


We try to get in fixes for performance in the shooting range, but generally we keep it at a lower priority than the main game mode.

This issue is probably related to a sort of consequence of the game's architecture. We need to do something called "garbage collection" periodically, which is where we tell the game to kick out stuff that's loaded into memory that doesn't need to be there anymore. In normal modes, we force this to be done on the round resets so that it doesn't impact gameplay at all (which is also why you might see your graphs dipping when the round swaps over to a new one). This is why you might get this issue in the range but not in actual games.

In the Shooting range, there's never a round reset, you're just chillin' there. Eventually you'll get to a place where memory is capped out, so when something needs memory, the game needs to dynamically kick something out and replace it with the new thing, which can cause dips like these. They aren't usually ...

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09 Nov


Originally posted by King-Azar

What do you means high RAM speed? CL? Mhz?


06 Nov


Originally posted by Nugman

How fast are we talking? I'm using 3200MHz right now and I can feel dips once and a while with a 3600x. Think I'd benefit from faster RAM?

We tested with around 2k, 2.6k, and 3k. We could see differences in results between all 3, trending up in FPS with higher RAM totals. I'm not sure if you've hit the point of diminishing returns with 3200 or if it's worth upgrading. Depending on the price you might be able to sell your old RAM and buy new RAM for a relatively cheap total upgrade cost though