

23 Sep


Originally posted by funkybandit

I’ve retested and tried everything again tonight. I found the issue. Pc chrome and Microsoft edge browsers aren’t showing the region drop downs on the ticket. I reset everything and cleared all my history. It still doesn’t show.

iPhone and iPad - Safari and chrome also not showing the region drop downs.

Explorer finally worked on pc that’s how I found the missing drop downs which is stopping the ticket submission (the video shows they are missing)

TLDR ticket reports only work in explorer

Gotcha, thanks for the report! I'm able to reproduce it on my end as well. I'm not sure why the lack of a dropdown stops you from entering a ticket, I'm guessing it's some kind of conflict with the region. I'm able to enter a ticket on either one, but my account is in NA.

I'll pass this info along to the team, thanks!

22 Sep


Originally posted by funkybandit

u/Koalifier I’m not sure if your aware of this. But the support tickets won’t submit 😔

Works for me just fine, and we have lots of support tickets in the queue as usual. Maybe you need to try clearing your saved logins / browser cookies? Try submitting a ticket from a different website? Make sure you're in the right region. Maybe you're logging in with an EU account while using a VPN that makes the website think you should be in NA? Stuff like that could mess it up.

08 Sep


Originally posted by ExBlueLogan

So you are telling me that me having an Intel Core i9-900KF 5.0Ghz is being limited by my 2070 super xD? How am I getting 135 fps? like Starts the round with 250 and while the round has not started I am with 250 moving around everything smooth and suddenly as soon as it starts 130 150 goes up to 200 then suddenly drops and my CPU is using 20% so don't say its CPU problem because it's not. It's very simple bad optimization of things how come I have the same fps with everything on high or low it does not matter what I choose, just from that alone you can see the bad optimization

The reason that you see low CPU utilization % is because we aren't doing a good job of using all of your cores. Right now, VAL heavily relies on one thread (the MAIN thread) to do the majority of the work. The render thread does quite a bit, and we recently added the RHI thread to ensure that the render thread doesn't get backed up. We have additional asynchronous loading and animation threads that we use, but they are a very small fraction of what we do, so a CPU as powerful as yours will not be taxed.

If you want to test this, you can open any program that allows you to see individual core utilization %s. You should see VAL using 90+% of ONE core while you're playing the game.

09 Jul


Originally posted by Saikuni

alright! thank you very much. i already had the bug happen once today but i'll test it out again and send you the logs should it happen again! take care

Gotcha! Yeah the patch isn't out yet so you'll definitely see no change yet

08 Jul


Originally posted by Saikuni

how do i get suchs logs and how would i go about sending them ur way?

The logs will be here:


You can send them to me via a google drive link, pastebin, or any other site like that. I don't need any more for 1.02 version of the game, but if you see issues in 1.03, that would help!

07 Jul


Originally posted by makarena0

No mention on the HUD bug. well done

Heyo! We're having a tough time with that bug, it just doesn't consistently show up for us in testing. We've put in a speculative change, but we did not include it in the patch notes because we're not confident it will fix the issue. If it's still happening for folks after the patch, getting me your logs would help a ton!

26 Jun


Originally posted by SimplyFrankie

I was experiencing these issues at around 8pm PDT on the day ranked dropped (6/24). When was the latest fix implemented? Will do!

Latest fix was in the ranked patch, so it sounds like it's not fixed yet. Please send over your shootergame logs :-)



Originally posted by SimplyFrankie

For some reason, when I try to recreate it now, it doesn't happen.. I'll have to send that to you some other time I suppose haha. I only had time for 3 games today and it didn't happen in either.

Oh? Maybe our latest fix attempt worked?

Well, keep me updated!

25 Jun


Originally posted by SimplyFrankie

Sounds good, I'll do it as soon as I can! Just want to add something though. The rate of this happening has increased exponentially after this most recent patch, even when having the game focused. The worst part is it happened 100% of the ranked games I've played haha. Anyway hopefully I can send you the logs tonight.

Sounds great, thank you!

I'm not sure why it would have increased, but at least that will make it easier for us to figure out and get it fixed!


Originally posted by SimplyFrankie

Oh man.. Is there any way I can help fix it? I will do ANYTHING to help get this fixed.

Can you send me your client logs from a game where it happens to you?
You can find them at C:\Users\%USERNAME%\AppData\Local\VALORANT\Saved\Logs

You can dm me a link to the logs, and upload them somewhere like pastebin/googledrive.

We added some new logging this patch that will help us track down the issue, so if it happens to you, grab that log and send it my way!

23 Jun


Originally posted by SimplyFrankie

Please tell me this is fixed in tomorrows patch. I keep having this happen still, and the worst part is, whenever I restart my game now during a match, I get a Valorant connection error. Nothing fixes that until I restart my pc.

It's still not fixed :(

We've been having a rough time figuring this one out...

17 Jun


Originally posted by Rock-C

Status on if this is possible now?

I haven't gotten approval (nor asked for approval) yet.

Good to know you're still interested :-)

12 Jun


Originally posted by EarthVSFlyingSaucers

Any word on the run/walk toggle being messed up for some people?

I don't work on that team, but I believe they are aware of it and investigating.


Originally posted by zwck

There should be a small benchmark test included in the game, which is accessible via a button. It should run a demanding 2-3 minute demo it should have some statistics at the end and a button to submit the data to you guys.

This will lead to solid statistics for us and for you, I personally hate these anecdotal stories, like "when I look at teleporter on bind and fart my frames drop to 27"

Great suggestion! This is something we're considering, but it would take a while to build it (and it would have to be built by the same people that do the perf optimizations)


Originally posted by Rawbeatzmusic

3000 Mhz


11 Jun


Originally posted by Rawbeatzmusic

It's an average fps loss, I had 240 fps before with Cpu: amd ryzen 5 2600 and Gpu: Rx 5700 XT, so in the high end pc area. However after the patch I only got 160 to 140, sometimes dipping down to 110 fps in rare cases. Also mentioning that often times it happens when enemies are near me, so I also could see people abousing this to their adventage

What is your memory clock speed?


Heyo! We're actively investigating the issues with freezing this patch.

We've been closely monitoring the data and have not seen an indication in the data that average FPS has gotten worse this patch, so I'm guessing that for those of you experiencing the freezing, it may also result in FPS loss leading up to the freeze.

For those having FPS issues - Is it an average FPS loss, or are you experiencing hitches/freezes?


Originally posted by TheChubsta7

Nah, I don't have motion blur on, that stuff is ugly

We don't have motion blur in Valorant at all!

09 Jun


Hey - just noting that /u/AchievingAtaraxia and I worked on this for a while. Turns out doing a clean graphics driver install fixed it. If that doesn't do it, reinstalling windows might also be necessary.


Originally posted by AchievingAtaraxia

This fixed it.

I reinstalled windows, and reinstalled all my drivers, and this seems to have fixed the problem.

Thanks for all your help, I really do appreciate the time you've taken to help me fix the problem!


I'm so glad we figured it out, man, what a bug. I guess what was happening is that the monitor or your graphics drivers were reporting the wrong monitor information to the game, so we ended up with that junk data. Please pass along the fix if you see anyone else encounter this bug!