

20 May


Originally posted by EL-_PsYchO_-

I'm looking for a list in-game where I can see the rewards I already earned and the rewards I can get in higher Overseers-ranks. Is there something similar? Maybe on a terminal in Vault 51?

In game, press start, challenges, character and then you can scroll done to see what you've unlocked :)


Which rewards specifically? If they're skins, you need to head to the relevant workbench/station to apply them to your existing items (ie weapon skin, power armour skin, etc).


Have shared with the team :) Love the suggestion


Originally posted by Nakanokalronin

Too bad there's still no mention of a bow accuracy fix. Guess they stay in the stash for now.

Hey mate, could you provide a bit of a description about this issue so I can report to the team?

19 May


Originally posted by JRockPSU

Finally, Beckett can be a murder clown, as he was always destined to be.

Send pictures pls

16 May


Well I like to rely on Gatling lasers as my primary weapon, since it's so easy to get fusion cores. Then I pull out others for harder enemies, like my flamer for instance :)


Nice! Finished mine today too :)


Originally posted by Jager_is_OP

Appreciate the tip :)



I like fireproof 3 because I use explosive automatic weapons but rank 2 will be good in a pinch


Originally posted by Jager_is_OP

I prefer acid for all the ore i smelt

Acid is the one resource I'm frequently running out of. Tanagra town and hemlock holes are the best locations to farm, plus events like project paradise with all the Yao Guais and crickets :)


Originally posted by xXLoneLoboXx

Ahh I see... so you wouldn't mind a tag every once in awhile for stuff like questions or bug stuff then? (Or maybe once in a great while suggestions?)

Go for it :)


Originally posted by xXLoneLoboXx

So I've seen a few of your comments recently, are you a Bethesda dev too? Like Ladydevann?

(People usually tag Ladydevann for stuff like game breaking bugs to let Bethesda be aware of them, do people tag you for like informational and technical questions like this?)

I'm a community manager, like Devann. And yeah I can help pass on information like that :)


Originally posted by LightSwitchTurnedOn

Does the blue camo paint from nuclear winter work on t-65? It says all Power Armor.

It does not


The War Rider and Liberty prime skins do work on the t65 - they essentially just apply over the power armor. Others like Red Shift, Scabber, Responder etc all work too. However, the ones specifically mentioned to work with only certain power armor (ie Nukashine) will NOT work, so just be careful when purchasing :)

Edit: So I've noticed that War Rider says it specifically works with certain PA and doesn't mention t65, even though it does work over it. I'll report this to the team :)


Originally posted by Black_Cringe

They already do but there are some visual bugs if your planning to use the T-65 Helm. These are that all of the skins that have light effects, like liberty primes eye visor, and the war riders eyes, they dont light up. Also in 3rd person the light aims off to the right instead of forward.

Interesting, I just crafted war rider on my t65 and the eyes do light up. Have you tried recently again?


Science expert 2 makes crafting energy guns cost fewer materials but there isn't a perk card for others.


Ooft that's a tough choice. If you don't use VATS crits a lot (and don't have or don't want to get the perk cards to support them), then I'd say go for the mutants one as the fast fire rate with the increased damage from being mutated would do a nice consistent damage output for you, especially with the fast reload to get you back in the hame. Furious is also great though and would get you more damage overtime, though it's more ideal for higher rate of fire weapons :)

They're both awesome guns though!