

31 May

    Luxendra on Forums - Thread - Direct

Unfortunately those are the times we’re all available to join but if this gets popular and there are requests to do more, I’m open to discussing other times with the team!

    Luxendra on Forums - Thread - Direct

Yes crafting :slight_smile: just confirming it here as well.

    Luxendra on Forums - Thread - Direct

Greetings Adventurers,

Ever wanted to battle the Community Team? Bring yourself and 2 of your best warriors (or join solo) to compete against us in the new PvP Arenas! We’ll be hitting all US-West and US-East worlds for an hour each. Learn more below!

Main Contenders

  • Luxendra
  • TrevzorFTW
  • Aenwynn
  • and some of guest stars



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    Luxendra on Forums - Thread - Direct

Moving this over to bug reports! Thanks for letting us know.

27 May

    Luxendra on Forums - Thread - Direct

Hi everyone,

We are aware of companies and players utilizing Faction Control Points to earn PvP rewards faster than intended. We are temporarily increasing the time it takes for a Faction to capture of a Control Point to a minimum of 10 minutes and a maximum of 15 minutes.

We will be holding downtime for this at 2022-05-27T06:00:00Z for 30 minutes.

In a future release, we will be introducing a PvP XP and Azoth Salt daily limit on players capturing Faction Control Points. When that is released, we will revert the time it takes to capture a Faction Control Point to it’s normal speed.

Thank you for your patience and understanding.

    Luxendra on Forums - Thread - Direct


Estamos al tanto de que hay compañías y jugadores que utilizan los puntos de control de facción para conseguir recompensas JcJ más rápido de lo planeado. Por este motivo, temporalmente vamos a aumentar el tiempo necesario para capturar un punto de control por parte de una facción a un mínimo de 10 minutos y un máximo de 15 minutos.

Vamos a reiniciar todos los mundos para aplicar este cambio a las 2022-05-27T06:00:00Z. Esperamos un tiempo de desconexión de aproximadamente 30 minutos.

En una versión posterior, introduciremos un límite diario de EXP JcJ y sal de Azoth para jugadores que capturen puntos de control de facción. Cuando lancemos esa versión, revertiremos el tiempo necesario para capturar puntos de control de facción a su velocidad original.

26 May

    Luxendra on Forums - Thread - Direct

We’re looking into it! I’ll post a message when I have information to share.

    Luxendra on Forums - Thread - Direct

The fix isn’t out yet. The notice has the information for players who didn’t receive two chests when they should have.

    Luxendra on Forums - Thread - Direct

Sorry, I must have misinterpreted it as I saw that you were able to see one chest, not two. Can you try making sure your accounts are linked? Otherwise my other advice would be to either wait until the process we mentioned in the notice is established or to reach out to Twitch’s Support team, at least for the first drop.

    Luxendra on Forums - Thread - Direct

Okay great, thanks for confirming! I’ll make sure the team takes a look at your suggestions.

    Luxendra on Forums - Thread - Direct

I appreciate the time and effort that you spent to come up with this suggestion! I just want to double check, have you checked the most recent notice we put up to address the Azoth cap?

Just in case, I’ll link it here: [Notice] Twitch Drops not Appearing and Daily Limit on Arenas

    Luxendra on Forums - Thread - Direct

If you go into the left side, you should be able to toggle territory colours on and off. Hah Fairuza beat me to it.

    Luxendra on Forums - Thread - Direct

Hey everyone,

Thank you for your reports and feedback! We will be addressing the missing Twitch Drops and Daily Limit on Arenas below:

Missing Twitch Drops:

Thank you for the reports about the missing Twitch drops. To correct this, we’ve changed the currently active drop to give you 2 chests, as if you had redeemed two drops.

If you are unable to watch this event, we are working on a solution to provide the second drop at a later date. We’ll update you once that process is established.


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    Luxendra on Forums - Thread - Direct


Muchas gracias por vuestros avisos y comentarios. Abajo abordamos el tema de los Drops de Twitch que no aparecen y el límite diario en las arenas.

Drops de Twitch que no aparecen:

Gracias por vuestros avisos sobre el problema con los Drops de Twitch. Para corregirlo hemos cambiado el drop actual para daros 2 cofres, como si hubierais reclamado dos drops.

Si no podéis ver este evento, estamos trabajando en una solución para entregar el segundo drop en otra fecha. Os mantendremos al tanto una vez que establezcamos este proceso.


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    Luxendra on Forums - Thread - Direct

South America has been successfully restarted. Thanks!

Same for US-East, US-West, and Australia!

    Luxendra on Forums - Thread - Direct

Hey all,

Sorry for the delay!

South America is currently restarting (2022-05-26T19:30:00Z ) and US East will be restarting at 2022-05-26T19:50:00Z.

US-West, Australia, and Central Europe remain unchanged.

Thank you!

    Luxendra on Forums - Thread - Direct

Hey all, thanks for your feedback! We know you were excited to play the Mutated version of The Depths, which was added to the Mutators rotation in this last update. Rotations of Mutators happen on Tuesday. I have checked with the team and they have informed me that The Depths is currently slated to be the next Mutator in the rotation, so not too much longer before it is available!

    Luxendra on Forums - Thread - Direct

I’m asking but mutations are set on a random schedule. I’m relaying this feedback to the team.