

09 Dec

    Luxendra on Forums - Thread - Direct

Drawing a line here! The feedback above has been collected. Any feedback below here will be taken with the PTR Downtime changes in mind. See here for changes that were made during the downtime. Read more
    Luxendra on Forums - Thread - Direct

Drawing a line here! The bugs reported above has been collected. Any others below this post will be taken with the PTR Downtime changes in mind. See here for changes that were made during the downtime. Read more
    Luxendra on Forums - Thread - Direct

Drawing a line here! The feedback above has been collected. Any feedback below here will be taken with the PTR Downtime changes in mind. See here for changes that were made during the downtime. Read more
    Luxendra on Forums - Thread - Direct

Drawing a line here! The feedback above has been collected. Any feedback below here will be taken with the PTR Downtime changes in mind. See here for changes that were made during the downtime. Read more
    Luxendra on Forums - Thread - Direct

Drawing a line here! The feedback above has been collected. Any feedback below here will be taken with the PTR Downtime changes in mind. See here for changes that were made during the downtime. Read more
    Luxendra on Forums - Thread - Direct

Drawing a line here! The feedback above has been collected. Any feedback below here will be taken with the PTR Downtime changes in mind. See here for changes that were made during the downtime. Read more
    Luxendra on Forums - Thread - Direct

Drawing a line here! The feedback above has been collected. Any feedback below here will be taken with the PTR Downtime changes in mind. See here for changes that were made during the downtime. Read more
    Luxendra on Forums - Thread - Direct

Drawing a line here! The feedback above has been collected. Any feedback below here will be taken with the PTR Downtime changes in mind. See here for changes that were made during the downtime. Read more
    Luxendra on Forums - Thread - Direct

Here are the changes we made for the PTR from the December 8th downtime:

PTR Testing

  • The Level 60 backstory now provides tradeskills at level 200, from 180! A new character is required for this change to take effect.
  • The Level 60 backstory now has all teleportation shrines unlocked! A new character is required for this change to take effect.

End-Game Changes

As a result of PTR feedback, we made the following changes

  • Introduced a new type of Gypsum: Diamond Gypsum
    • Can only be found during certain events in Aeternum.
    • During the Winter Convergence Festival, level 60 players will earn this Gypsum when interacting with their first 3 Trees of Light a day.
    • Our goal is to give players even more options to progress their Expertise, as well as improve the rewards of the Winter and future events
  • Each day, the first three interactions with the Tree of Light in settlements will gran...
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08 Dec

    Luxendra on Forums - Thread - Direct

PTR is back up! Thanks for your patience.

Please see this link below for changes that were implemented during the downtime:

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    Luxendra on Forums - Thread - Direct

PTR is back online, thank you for your patience!

    Luxendra on Forums - Thread - Direct

Greetings Adventurers,

We will be holding a 1 hour (~60 minute) downtime to make some changes to the PTR. Downtime will be starting at 2021-12-08T22:30:00Z.

Thanks for your patience and understanding!

    Luxendra on Forums - Thread - Direct

Update: this downtime has been completed. Thank you for your patience!

Hi all!

In preparation for the server merges, we will be holding downtime starting 2021-12-08T22:00:00Z for approximately 1.5 hours (~90 minutes) to apply the pre-merge messaging and war scheduling blocks for all of the worlds listed above. Character transfers and new character creation will also be temporarily disabled until the merge.

Thank you for your understanding!

    Luxendra on Forums - Thread - Direct

So I confirmed that the only restriction we have at this time for global chat is that their account needs to be 3 days or older. Definitely report this player in-game. I’ve reached out on my end as well about this player.

Closing thread.

    Luxendra on Forums - Thread - Direct

None of the merges were cancelled.

Mardi and Brittia is schedule for 2021-12-09T17:00:00Z.

    Luxendra on Forums - Thread - Direct

Thanks, I’ll send it over to double-check.

    Luxendra on Forums - Thread - Direct


Dlaczego łączymy światy?

Od walki z przeciwnikami na wojnach i w inwazjach po spotkania w lokalnej tawernie – odkryliśmy, że zdrowe królestwo zapewnia graczom więcej możliwości, aby mogli się cieszyć światem Aeternum.

Mówiąc ogólnie, gdy nasze dane pokażą, że doświadczenie w świecie stało się nieoptymalne, zespół prześledzi, dlaczego te warunki uległy zmianie oraz czy potrzebne jest połączenie. Część naszego dochodzenia obejmuje znalezienie najlepszych odpowiedników dla światów wyznaczonych do połączenia, co pomaga zagwarantować, że Twój czas spędzony w Aeternum będzie pełen wrażeń i społecznych interakcji.

Jak określamy to, czy świat wymaga połączenia?

Jest kilka czynników, którym przyglądamy się, aby określić czy dany świat nie jest w najlepszym stanie, ale nie ograniczamy się do populacji i ogólnego zaangażowania. Jeśli zdecydujemy, że świat należy połączyć, porównamy go z istniejącymi świ...

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    Luxendra on Forums - Thread - Direct

Greetings Adventurers,

Thank you for your patience while we corrected our server clock issues! As mentioned previously, we are reimbursing players for housing rent they may have been over charged for between November 18th and November 23rd. The reimbursement will roll out to players who were impacted over the next few days.

You will not be notified in game but you will see an increase in gold in your bank.

... Read more
    Luxendra on Forums - Thread - Direct


Por que fundimos mundos?

Desde combater adversários em guerra e na invasão a se divertir na taverna local, achamos que um reino saudável é aquele que oferece mais oportunidades ao jogadores para curtir o mundo de Aeternum.

Em geral, quando nossos dados mostram que a experiência no mundo está abaixo do ideal, a equipe vai investigar as condições que mudaram e se é necessária a fusão. Parte da nossa investigação inclui o trabalho de encontrar a contraparte mais adequada para mundos destinados à fusão, ajudando a garantir que seu tempo em Aeternum seja divertido e socialmente empolgante.

Como determinamos se um mundo precisa de fusão?

Há algumas coisas que examinamos a fim de determinar se o mundo não está saudável, inclusive, entre outros, o tamanho da população e engajamento geral. Assim que identificamos que o mundo precisa ser fundido, o comparamos com mundos existentes no conjunto de mundos para descobrir o parceiro id...

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    Luxendra on Forums - Thread - Direct


Perché abbiamo deciso di fondere i mondi?

Abbiamo compreso che un regno prospero offre più opportunità ai giocatori di godersi il mondo di Aeternum, sia che si decida di combattere contro i propri avversari nelle guerre o invasioni o di passare del tempo in una taverna.

In generale, quando i nostri dati indicano che l’esperienza nel mondo non è più ottimale, il team ne indaga le cause e stabilisce se è necessario procedere con la fusione dei mondi. Parte del nostro lavoro di indagine consiste nel trovare la controparte più adatta per i mondi destinati ad essere fusi insieme allo scopo di garantire ai giocatori un’esperienza di gioco socialmente divertente ed emozionante.

Come viene stabilita la fusione dei mondi?

Ci sono diversi aspetti da tenere in considerazione per stabilire se un mondo non è più prospero, come ad esempio, il numero della popolazione e il livello di engagement generale. Una volta c...

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