

19 Dec

    Luxendra on Forums - Thread - Direct

Hey! So I checked and Hades should not be getting merged. The notification, as I’m aware, should be removed at this time. Thanks for making us aware of this!

    Luxendra on Forums - Thread - Direct

Bonjour à tous,

Nous avons annoncé des fusions de mondes cette semaine et nous n’avons pas bien expliqué le raisonnement, en particulier pour les fusions qui semblent moins idéales.

En planifiant les fusions de mondes, notre équipe recherche généralement une représentation presque égale des factions et une population maximale supérieure à 1000 habitants, entre autres indicateurs de la santé du monde après la fusion. Ce n’est pas tout à fait le cas pour certaines des fusions à venir en raison d’un problème que je vais expliquer ci-dessous. Je tiens à préciser que pour ces mondes, il s’agit de la première étape d’un processus de fusion multiple. Le plan de travail est de réévaluer et de traiter tous les serveurs en difficulté en début 2022.

Malheureusement, nous ne pouvons pas fusionner tous les mondes comme nous le voudrions dans l’avenir proche en raison d’un problème de persistance de logement qui serait déclenché si nous lancions le plan de fusion unique dès m...

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    Luxendra on Forums - Thread - Direct

From what I understand, Baltica should still be merging in with Betelguese.

    Luxendra on Forums - Thread - Direct

From what I understand, if it’s not on the list, it shouldn’t be merged. I’ll double-check with the team but just to set expectations, I may not hear back about this in time since it’s the weekend.

    Luxendra on Forums - Thread - Direct

Just in case, there is an updated post here with the full details: [Notice] Server Merge: US-East, US-West, Australia, Central Europe

    Luxendra on Forums - Thread - Direct

Hey all! We’ve released an updated statement here: [Notice] Server Merge: US-East, US-West, Australia, Central Europe - #5 by Kay

In the meantime, to help alleviate some of the faction imbalance as well as address players who continue to be in a bad state with their faction reset timer, we intend to do a one-time reset of the faction change cooldown for everyone. We are hopeful the reset will allow sets with lower...

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    Luxendra on Forums - Thread - Direct

Heya! We released a statement in regards to our decision on the server merge. In summary, this is the first step in a multi-step process and we aim to reassess these worlds in early 2022. You can read the statement here: [Notice] Server Merge: US-East, US-West, Australia, Central Europe - #5 by Kay

    Luxendra on Forums - Thread - Direct

Thanks! I’ve noted this down and have reported it to the team.

    Luxendra on Forums - Thread - Direct

I hear you and understand that the merge may not be the ideal partner you were looking for.

We released an updated statement here explaining our decision behind the server merges which you can read here: [Notice] Server Merge: US-East, US-West, Australia, Central Europe - #5 by Kay

In summary, this is first step in a multi-merge process and our working plan is to reassess and address all struggling servers in early 2022....

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18 Dec

    Luxendra on Forums - Thread - Direct

Salutations Aventuriers,

Nous allons procéder à la fusion des mondes au sein des régions US-Est, US-Ouest, Australie et Europe Centrale. Vous pouvez cliquer sur le menu déroulant correspondant à votre région pour obtenir plus d’informations sur ces fusions.

Note : il y aura deux moments distincts pour ces fusions. Un pour la préparation et un pour l’exécution. Veuillez lire les informations données pour votre région pour savoir quand ces mises hors-ligne auront lieu.

Note : si votre monde n’est pas dans la liste, c’est que vous n’êtes pour le moment pas prévu pour une fusion de serveurs à l’heure actuelle.


Les mondes suivants seront fusionnés 2021-12-21T00:00:00Z le “local time” dans votre fuseau horaire.
Il y a eu une heure de mise hors-ligne 2021-12-18T00:00:00Z le “local time” pour préparer cette fusion.

● Duat sera fusionné vers Asgard pour ...

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17 Dec

    Luxendra on Forums - Thread - Direct

Greetings Adventurers,

We will soon be merging worlds within US-East, US-West, Australia, and Central Europe. Please click on the dropdown for your region to find out more information on these merges.

These worlds will be taken down for downtime listed here: [Downtime] Preparation for Server Merges in Central Europe, US-East, US-West, Australia

We will have more comprehensive information about the merges for each region in an upcoming post.

  • Cantahar, Aztlan, Topan, Rosetau and Carabas for Arkadia Zeta.

  • Xibalba, Locuta, Krocylea, Cedar Forest and Blefuscu for Arkadia Eta.

  • Adlivun, Minda, Loloi, Kay Pacha, Euphrates and Brobdingnag...

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    Luxendra on Forums - Thread - Direct

Greetings all,

We have decided to delay the downtimes for each region a few hours to ensure that everything is working properly before proceeding. Please find the new downtimes for each region below:

Times are listed in your local timezone:

Central Europe: 2021-12-18T00:00:00Z
US East: 2021-12-17T21:00:00Z
US West: 2021-12-17T21:00:00Z
Australia: 2021-12-17T21:00:00Z

Thank you for your understanding!

    Luxendra on Forums - Thread - Direct

Hi all!

Bouneima is out of maintenance and the world should be coming back up in a few minutes. We have found an issue with one character during the merge into Trapalanda and the team is currently investigating. Once Trapalanda is back up, we will let you know.

Thank you!

    Luxendra on Forums - Thread - Direct

Hi all,

We are currently still working on the Arkadia Alto and Arkadia Coral server merges for US-East and have elected to push the Central Europe downtime to tomorrow, December 17th. We will update this post once we have more information.

Thank you for your understanding!

16 Dec

    Luxendra on Forums - Thread - Direct

Heya! As others have stated, no player reports are moderated without a person reviewing the details of the report. [Dev Blog] Update on Current Issues #1

If someone feels that they have been banned in error, they need to submit a ban appeal here so a Game Moderator can review the case: Appeal a Ban - Support | Amazon Games

    Luxendra on Forums - Thread - Direct

Greetings Adventurers,

We released a New World Team Update to address some of the most pressing topics within the community. Check out our Team Update video here:

Happy Holidays!

    Luxendra on Forums - Thread - Direct

Greetings Adventurers!

Recently, we released a Team Update Video addressing a lot of major topics like the state of the game, our roadmap, and more.

In this video, we discuss reporting Exploits to the team. If you’d like to report an exploit, please DM @Luxendra and @TrevzorFTW and use the following template.

Character Name:
Server Name:
Summary of the Exploit:
Where you can utilize this exploit:
How did you find this exploit:
Is it reproduceable? If yes, please list the steps:

Thank you for helping us make New World th...

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