

08 Dec

    Luxendra on Forums - Thread - Direct


¿Por qué fusionamos mundos?

Ya sea que luches contra oponentes en guerras o invasiones, o pases el rato en tu taberna favorita, aprendimos que un reino equilibrado proporciona más oportunidades para que los jugadores disfruten su estancia en Aeternum.

Por lo general, cuando nuestros datos muestran que la experiencia en un mundo no es óptima, nuestro equipo investigará las razones de que esto suceda y si es necesaria una fusión. Parte de nuestra investigación gira en torno a buscar la contraparte más adecuada para los mundos que serán fusionados, lo cual garantiza que tu estancia en Aeternum sea divertida y disfrutes socializar con el resto de jugadores.

¿Cómo determinamos si un mundo debe ser fusionado?

Para determinar si un mundo se está desarrollando de forma saludable, observamos algunos aspectos, como el tamaño de la población y la participación general. Cuando identificamos que un mundo nece...

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    Luxendra on Forums - Thread - Direct


¿Por qué vamos a combinar mundos?

Un reino poblado da más oportunidades a los jugadores de disfrutar de Aetérnum, ya sea enfrentándose a otros en guerras e invasiones o pasando el rato en la taberna local.

En general, cuando los datos muestren que la experiencia de un mundo ha dejado de ser óptima, el equipo investigará por qué las condiciones han cambiado y si es el momento de una unión. La investigación incluye decidir con qué mundo es adecuado combinar aquellos que lo necesiten para que el tiempo que paséis en Aetérnum sea divertido y socialmente emocionante.

¿Cómo determinamos si un mundo requiere una unión?

Tenemos varios factores en cuenta para determinar la salud de un mundo. Entre ellos se incluyen la población y la participación, entre otros. Cuando identificamos que hay que combinar un mundo, lo comparamos con otros del conjunto para comprobar cuál es el más adecuado con información como la...

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    Luxendra on Forums - Thread - Direct

Greetings Adventurers,

We will be merging all of the worlds in the world set, Vanaheim Terra - Central EU and the worlds in the world set, Nibiru Mu - South America.

The following times are in your local timezone.

For Central Europe: Ishtakar, Metsola, Glitnir, Kalevala, Zu-Vendis, and Phaeacia will be merging into Caer Sidi on 2021-12-10T22:00:00Z.

For South America: Tuma, Svarga, Rukh and Patala will be merging into Irkalla on 2021-12-10T22:00:00Z.

Once in game messaging is posted, which is estimated to be sent within the next 24 hours, players in these worlds will not be able to transfer servers. They will see a banner at the bottom of their screen reminding them of this merge when they enter the game.


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    Luxendra on Forums - Thread - Direct

Yes, just in case anyone needs a notice, servers are back online! [Notice] Server Issues - #5 by Luxendra

    Luxendra on Forums - Thread - Direct

And we are officially back up! Thank you again for all of your patience and understanding.

As a note, we have seen that some players may encounter log-in issues in the main menu. Trying again should resolve this.

We’ll see you in Aeternum!

    Luxendra on Forums - Thread - Direct

We unfortunately will be postponing the server merge for Mardi into Brittia on 2021-12-09T17:00:00Z due to the outage’s impact across all regions.

We apologize for the inconvenience and appreciate your patience. For any further updates on Mardi and Brittia’s merge, please follow the thread here: [Notice] Server Merge Mardi and Brittia - Central EU

    Luxendra on Forums - Thread - Direct

Hi all,

We unfortunately will be postponing the server merge for Mardi into Brittia on 2021-12-09T17:00:00Z due to the outage’s impact across all regions.

We apologize for the inconvenience and appreciate your patience.

    Luxendra on Forums - Thread - Direct

Hi everyone!

US East servers are still in maintenance due to a services issue. The team is monitoring the situation to ensure that the region can be brought up when it’s safe to do so.

Due to the outage’s impact across all regions, we may need to delay the scheduled world merge for Mardi and Brittia. We will update this channel as soon as we have more information.

Thank you for your patience and we apologize for the inconvenience.

    Luxendra on Forums - Thread - Direct

We’re aware! The corresponding announcement is here: [Notice] Server Issues - #2 by Luxendra

    Luxendra on Forums - Thread - Direct

Known issue! Relevant announcement is here: [Notice] Server Issues - #2 by Luxendra

07 Dec

    Luxendra on Forums - Thread - Direct

Unfortunately it looks like the issue is still ongoing so we will need to cancel the event scheduled for 2021-12-08T00:00:00Z (in your local timezone).

We apologise for the inconvenience and hope you enjoyed playing with some of our devs in the PTR!

    Luxendra on Forums - Thread - Direct

Hi all,

Due to the ongoing issue we’re experiencing at this time, we may need to postpone this event. We’ll have an update latest at 2021-12-07T23:00:00Z (in your local timezone).

Thank you!

    Luxendra on Forums - Thread - Direct
    Luxendra on Forums - Thread - Direct

Hi all,

As an update, this issue is impacting the entire service so players may notice irregularities in login, store items, skins, etc.

This will resolve automatically when the bigger issue is resolved.

Thank you for your patience and understanding!

    Luxendra on Forums - Thread - Direct


Hi all,

Due to the current outages we are experiencing (as noted here), we will be moving the Server Merge from 2021-12-08T15:00:00Z to 2021-12-08T17:00:00Z to ensure that these issues do not impact the merge between Mardi and Brittia.

Thank you for your understanding!

    Luxendra on Forums - Thread - Direct

Greetings Adventurers,

We are experiencing an issue with a service in US East which is causing some trouble this morning, impacting New World and the Amazon website for some players.

No other regions are impacted at this time. The team is working on it, and expect to have it fixed soon.

We will provide an update once we have more information.

Thank you for your patience and understanding.

    Luxendra on Forums - Thread - Direct

Hi everyone!

The developers would like to invite you to the last “Play with the Dev Team” session where they’ll be specifically testing the Winter Convergence quests and Ice Cave content 2021-12-08T00:00:00Z (in your local timezone)!

Please find the instructions below:

  1. Select US-East and go into the US East PTR 1 world

  2. Select either the level 16 or level 60 backstory (or an existing character) to participate!

Looking for things to explore?

  • Check out the Winter Villages!
  • In every settlement there is a Tree of Light and Town Project missions!
  • Find Lost Presents out in the world!
  • At night, look up at the sky and keep an eye out for gleamites!
  • There are 4 Ice Yeti caves for lower levels and 4 Ice Yeti caves for higher levels.

See you in Aeternum!

06 Dec

    Luxendra on Forums - Thread - Direct

Saudações Aventureiros,

Obrigado por seus comentários e perguntas desde a nossa segunda edição do Blog do Dev sobre Atualizações e Problemas correntes. Continuamos recolhendo seus comentários e questões para encontrar padrões de problemas correntes que vocês, nossa comunidade, estejam interessados em saber mais. Agradecemos o interesse de todos sobre o que temos a dizer e para onde estamos levando o New World. Queremos continuar sendo transparentes sobre como planejamos alcançar nossos objetivos e resolver os problemas pendentes.

Estabilidade e Desempenho do jogo

Lançamos uma atualização hoje que acreditamos ter melhorado a estabilidade e estamos trabalhando muito em uma correção para o desempenho. A Manopla Imaterial criou um problema com os efeitos de status, o que faz com que eles usem aproximadamente 10 vezes a largura de banda que deveriam, resultando em problemas de desempenho quando vários efeitos de status (não apenas da Manopla Imateria...

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    Luxendra on Forums - Thread - Direct

Bienvenue, aventuriers !

Merci pour vos retours et questions, depuis le second numéro des Informations sur les problèmes en cours. Nous continuons à recueillir vos retours et vos questions, afin de dégager des tendances quant aux problèmes qui vous intéressent le plus. Nous vous remercions de votre intérêt pour ces articles et pour la direction que nous prenons dans New World. Nous voulons continuer de faire preuve de transparence et de communiquer sur la façon dont nous prévoyons d’atteindre nos objectifs, et de corriger les problèmes restants.

Stabilité et performances dans le jeu

Aujourd’hui, nous avons publié une mise à jour, qui devrait améliorer la stabilité du jeu, et nous travaillons d’arrache pied pour corriger les problèmes de performance. Les gantelets du néant ont engendré un problème, faisant que les effets de statut utilisent environ 10 fois plus de bande passante qu’ils ne le devraient, avec pour conséquence des problèmes de perfo...

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