

01 Mar


This is gold (literally and figuratively). Nice work!


Very cool. Thanks for sharing! ๐Ÿ™‚

29 Feb


Originally posted by millk_man

Thanks :)

Yep! ๐Ÿ‘


Hi, u/tian447.

We're aware that players using certain controller configurations may be unable to close the map with the map button and are investigating.

To work around this, you can press the Toggle Build Mode/Edit button or bring up the Emote/Quick Chat Wheel.

And to track the status of this issue, you can keep tabs on ...

Read more

You've been doing a great job with this series. Can't wait for Skye!


Love seeing stuff like this haha

28 Feb


Hey, u/Creeperbrine102!

Thanks for the video. This is related to an issue involving the Locker filter not working properly with Chapter 2 - Season 2 items, which will be resolved in our next game update!


Must be one of the ways he stays in such good shape.


Hi, u/_halepaku!

Thank you for the image. We're aware that Chapter 2 - Season 2 items may not filter properly in the Locker. This will be resolved in our next game update!

26 Feb


Hey, u/Redijen!

Thank you for the report. This is an issue we're aware of, and your video is helpful for our investigation!

25 Feb

24 Feb


Originally posted by M_House_Epic

Hi, u/silveriodine.

Thank you for your report.

We're aware of this issue and are looking into it.

Also, as another workaround, you can bring up the Emote/Quick Chat Wheel to close the map.


Hi, u/silveriodine.

Thank you for your report.

We're aware of this issue and are looking into it.

21 Feb


Hey, u/Bagges17.

This is an issue we're investigating. Could you direct message me your Account ID to help in our investigation?


Hi, u/QuinPlayzGamez.

This is an issue that we're investigating. Could you direct message me your Account ID to help us in our investigation?


Hi, u/Zypherusus.

This is an issue we're investigating. Could you direct message me your Account ID to help in our investigation?

15 Feb


Hi, u/Nycle_.

This is a known issue that will be resolved in our next release!

07 Feb


Hi, u/dj_octo.

Could you direct message me your Account ID so that we can investigate this?