

15 May


Originally posted by thebombv5

Happy Cake Day! Also, a bit random, but can we expect Party Assist at the start of next season? New challenges have made me miss it a lot lol. Thanks!

Hi, u/thebombv5!

As we announced on our FortniteStatus Twitter account, we are continuing to work on the updated Party Assist. We'll be sure to let you know on FortniteStatus and ...

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Originally posted by SomolianPirate2

Happy cake day!

Thank you! 🙂


Hi, u/Galaxy-_-19.

Thanks for the video. This is something that may occur for players who have already completed the Challenge. When you encountered this, did you happen to already have the Challenge completed?


Originally posted by DreamsofElihu

PlayStation 4.

Thanks for the response!

Sure thing! You can keep tabs on that Trello card I shared to stay updated on the issue's status.


Hi, u/DreamsofElihu!

What plaform(s) are you playing on? We're aware of an issue involving replays not always saving on PlayStation 4 and Xbox One and are working to resolve this.

09 May


Hey, u/Doszyd.

Thank you for your report. This reset that can occur on Xbox One X during this specific circumstance is being investigated.

08 May


Originally posted by ReadMyyyyyBio

I dont think you get them immediately itl be next patch

As long as you're logged in during the timeframe, the Wings will be waiting for you in your Locker right away!

07 May


This is awesome lol

30 Apr


Hi, u/Bolvern!

We're working to resolve this issue and will update everyone when the Challenge is properly tracking progress.

29 Apr


Originally posted by EnderAgent

u/M_House_Epic There is a new bug from the 12.40 update with the Slurp Skins as seen in this Reddit post. Just wanted to bring this to your attention.

Hi, u/EnderAgent. Thanks for the heads-up! I've shared that thread with the QA team, and the team is looking into the issue.

25 Apr


Hey, all!

The server issues in Save the World mentioned here have been resolved.

We appreciate your reports, and we thank you again for the videos you provided.


External link →

18 Apr


Hey, u/TheShinyMegaGengar!

We're aware that the "Block damage with a Kingsman" Challenge may not track progress for players and are investigating. We'll keep everyone updated on the status of this issue!



This is an issue we're currently investigating and will keep you posted about.

15 Apr


Originally posted by Coberoni

Thanks for the mention, u/Coberoni. This is something that's on the team's radar. I've passed along your report to assist us as we look into this.

14 Apr


Originally posted by Stickysun9

So it was a change on purpose instead of a bug? In the link I have, the graphic icon for shiver shows her being able to use her backbling with her tail still showing, even though now it’s not possible (which can be considered false advertising)

I feel like something like lynx’s edit style where you can disable the tail would make more sense than having the tail be disabled if you are running a backbling (I’m assuming this change was to combat against some backblings clipping with the tails)

Thank you for the reply, u/Stickysun9. I'm going to pass along your feedback to the team now.


Originally posted by Stickysun9

Thanks! Any updates on the bug where skins with tails have the tails go invisible when putting on a backbling, if you don’t mind me asking (link to bug post)

Hi, u/Stickysun9. Some Outfit tails are disabled when a Back Bling is equipped. Thanks for the question, and we appreciate your feedback.


Originally posted by M_House_Epic

Hey, u/RedditBoi-Nite.

Thanks for raising this issue. I've passed it along to the QA team for investigation. 🙂

u/RedditBoi-Nite This issue will be resolved in our next game update. If the issue is still occurring for you after the update releases, please let me know!

02 Apr


This is great! I like how you incorporated the Choppa, Crash Pad, and Kingsman together in one image.

27 Mar


Hey there!

This issue will be fixed in our next game update.