

07 Feb


Originally posted by meghatack

Hello, when you break an object, the weak points of these objects do not work (PS4)

Hi, u/meghatack.

Thank you for your comment. The issue with Weak Points will be resolved in our next release.


Originally posted by Scoutspartan214

Anyone else notice when you harvest materials and try to land the critical point it doesn’t work? Or is it just me

Hey, u/Scoutspartan214.

We're aware that hitting Weak Points isn't registering 100% of the time. This will be resolved in our next release.

06 Feb


Originally posted by darkdawolf05

Hello,thank you so much for responding but unfortunately no,i think this is a different bug.I managed to figure out a thing or two about this bug.As what i said earlier when i launch fortnite i will choose a gamemode but afterward the game is just going to be stuck on the loading screen,but it kind of worsen to the fact that i can't even launch epic games launcher right noe.The hole epic games service is not available for me.So,i tried to launch fortnite by just clicking on the icon without launching epic games launcher.I did get in the game but however,i have to resign-in which i couldn't.Oh i almost forgot to mention that Epic Games Launcher said that i don't have a wifi connection which is odd,seems i am still able to play other games while streaming and its working perfectly fine.I did managed to find a way in though,it was by using a vpn.But the game was still unplayable due to the fact that i am using a free vpn and i get 40%packetloss from that.My friends is also still stuck...

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Hey, u/darkdawolf05.

Thank you for your explanation. Could you direct message me logs so that we can investigate your issue?


Hi, u/darkdawolf05!

Are you experiencing this after accepting an invite before selecting a game mode? If so, this is a known issue that'll be resolved in our next release.

04 Feb


Originally posted by [deleted]

Important question, Garlic Bread or Breadsticks?

Gonna have to go with breadsticks, since there are many varieties.

Am I allowed to make the breadsticks garlicky?


Originally posted by BrunoxbyXD41

Hello, i wanted to make a really important question, how are you? It really is important

I'm doing great! How are you?

03 Feb


Originally posted by Joshx221

I saw the Trello, but it look like it was "closed" so to speak. I'll keep this in mind going forward and try to get some footage and reports in. Thanks

Yes, it is closed, but we can re-open it if we need to!


Originally posted by Joshx221

Speaking of Snipes, are you guys continuing to look at them? I'm still hitting and being hit with no damage happening.

Thanks for the question. Sniper Rifle projectile discrepancies are something that is on our radar.

We were recently investigating an increase in discrepancies involving Sniper Rifle projectiles appearing correctly for the shooter but incorrectly for the target. We're keeping a lookout for more reports to see if this is something we need to investigate again. If you're still encountering this issue, could you direct message me images, videos, and/or logs? Thank you!


Looks like you got them while they were mid-jump. Impressive!

30 Jan


Originally posted by M_House_Epic

Hi, u/Freakygamer01!

Thank you for your report. This is a known issue that will be fixed in a future release!

Update: The QA team found something that has made us bring the issue back to an "Investigating" status. We'll keep you updated on the status of this issue via the Trello card linked above.

29 Jan


Hi, u/Freakygamer01!

Thank you for your report. This is a known issue that will be fixed in a future release!

28 Jan


Nice. This is very relaxing.

Edit: And grand at the same time!

27 Jan

15 Jan

07 Jan

05 Jan


Originally posted by checkmycoolusername

Thanks for the reply. I’m on Xbox one and my friends I play with are on PlayStation

Thank you for the information. I passed along this issue to the QA team yesterday, and I have provided the team your report to help in the investigation.


Hi, u/checkmycoolusername.

Thank you for your report. What platform or platforms are your friends playing on?