

31 Jul


Originally posted by RisKQuay

As for AFK.. we're going to be taking another pass at the system to further investigate. Definitely continue to report these types of players while we dig in and evaluate it's performance.

The last attempt was almost 8 months ago, but you guys are only just starting another pass?

We had to make some adjustments based on the number of false positives the system was detecting. This resulting in lots of players being wrongfully kicked from the missions. We've been evaluating the system as a whole and are taking another pass to ensure the system is working as intended.


Hey there! We're going to be making some adjustments to the rewards in high level Twine during the new Season (Aiming for 10.10). We're definitely not happy with the rewards in that tier and agree they need to be better than they are now.

As for AFK.. we're going to be taking another pass at the system to further investigate. Definitely continue to report these types of players while we dig in and evaluate it's performance.

30 Jul


Originally posted by corezon

I get what you guys are saying, but removing the tickets constitutes enough of a nerf. Reducing the number of evolution materials on top of that is just straight up punishment for your player base.

You guys drip feed us drops of rain and bottled lightning. Not to mention Epic and Legendary perk up. This gave us a way to progress again at the same rate that we did when we were still playing story missions through Canny Valley.

Twine isn't finished yet, but the end game is really a huge mess and leveling survivors and schematics takes forever. Now you want us to go back and deal with xX_ARCJESS_Xx begging for trades while ignoring the mission objective.

This is the first time I've actively disagreed with a change you're making to the game.

Tickets were going to be rotated off Wargames regardless if players were AFKing on them or not. We've always rotated tickets in for the main feature of the Season and then out after the event is over. This is most noticeable when tickets were on Storm Alerts. In this case, Storm Alerts do not have tickets as they are tied to normal missions and Wargames.

Since Wargames will not be the main focus of the new season, tickets will not be associated with them, but instead, tied to the new event.


Originally posted by Rod935

right? not even punishment for afkers in normal mission, but no, “we have to nerf afk wargames”. The best way to farm tickets and it didn’t hurt nobody.

now i will have to do normal missions, deal with leechers and afkers again, risking losing my mats for no reason? and they get away with no punishment? at least deal with toxic people BEFORE nerf wargames. it was necessary, but not now tho

The best way to farm tickets

It was literally "THE BEST" way to farm tickets. So good that you didn't even have to touch the keyboard. The rewards are being reduced.. not removed completely (with the exception of tickets). You'll still be able to play the same way (if that's your desire) but just not with as much reward. The daily missions will be really valuable to complete as their rewards are heavily buffed. Make sure you complete them!


Hey there! Teasers come in all shapes and sizes. We released the list of the Birthday Llama well ahead of the time so everyone could prepare. Additionally, in that same post, we dropped the news about the locker coming for S10. We'll have some more news coming for you, specifically regarding the plans for the entire season 10 locker, later this week.

22 Jul


Originally posted by EpicIceKing

hopefully the shotgun won't be a letdown

I think it's a blast. Hopefully you guys will enjoy it :3


Hey Everyone,

Get ready to Zap the Husks in the v9.41 Content Update! Available tomorrow, July 23 at 8 AM ET (12 PM UTC).

There will be no downtime.


External link →

Originally posted by NewFoundRemedy

These are 100% placebo. I've reported dozens of blatant afk 0/0/0 score and have only gotten this screen one time.

Quite the opposite. If you've received one of these screens then one of the people you've reported were actioned on their account.


Woah! Uncanny!


All I can think of is that "Let me in" Gif / Meme.. Need to make one with a Medkit / Ned. :3


Hey there! The reason for this is on the technical side. Basically, the server isn't quite ready for you to join the match yet. As soon as the server is ready.. the Launch button is able to be pressed.

This helps with performance / load times / any other issues that may pop up when loading into an area before it's "ready"

19 Jul


Originally posted by burnsdg

This is all quite confusing u/magyst because I think people are reading more into it (i.e. this means Free to Play is coming soon) than Epic intended?

I think it would clear up much of the confusion if you would update the blog post to list out exactly every way that people can play Save the World but are not considered a "Founder".

Hey u/burnsdg,

All the information is highlighted in our Currency Blog. This specifically highlights what a founder is and anyone who doesn't meet that listed criteria would be considered a non-founder.

Save the World is also currently on sale! So any non-founders have the ability to convert and continue earning V-Bucks.


Hey there, can you check your DMs for me please!


Hey everyone,

The upgraded editions are not showing up because they are currently not available. These may return at a later date, but we don't have any details to share at the moment.

18 Jul


Hey everyone,

Just wanted to add some more information here. Owners of the Xbox Eon Bundle will continue earning V-Bucks with the release of Season 10. Eon Bundle owners will be granted a Troll Truck Llama since the Vbuck earn was removed. Any remaining X-Ray tickets will be converted into V-Bucks when Season 10 launches.

The currency blog will be updated to reflect this in the near future.

Tagging u/cznuk and u/ActuallyFuryYT from this thread also.


I'm here! This is definitely an incredible read and I've forwarded it around for others to view. Please keep in mind.. anything I send over doesn't guarantee that things will get implemented or added but it's definitely worth sending over.

This is a very good write up with very constructive feedback (which goes a lot further than "EPIC SUX FIX UR STUFF"). Very well done u/IShadowsunI. Thank you <3

17 Jul


Originally posted by TexasToast9

I got the game from getting the eon skin. That doesn’t count? Also can you still buy the founders or what ever it take to get v bucks?

u/TexasToast9 Check your DM's please!


Originally posted by timothx

This doesn’t make any sense. Who are non founders then?

Non Founders are players who have not purchased the game. Players playing using any sort of game sharing system or who were let in from any campaigns are considered "non founders"


Originally posted by Birb_from_BOTD

Free codes given out by founders and game share

Players you have gifted a friend code to is considered a Founder as well.