

15 Oct


I sent your name to be checked.

Update- I got confirmation that your case was resolved from the ticket

If more people complain about it I will pin it, if only one person is having the issue I am going to let CS handle the cases as they come in.

14 Oct


This is the main thing here. Before you guys recommend it, we will not give it to everyone in the world the camo to make it right. The people that qualified for it should have it now, and the people that were teased got a bit of compensation and our sincere apology for the mix-up.


Correct, everyone affected both people that received the camo and ogt it removed and the people we did not give the camo and should have received it should have received the compensation. Enjoy. Please let me know from now on if you still have not received the camo and you are sure you qualified.


If by tomorrow you do not receive it let me know, what we did is we are removing the previews one and giving to the right people. So it might still be ongoing. They told me today as a ETA so lets let them work on it until tomorrow.


Update - Parece que o problema foi resolvido, se continuar com problemas de entrar na rankeada com o Supership por favor me avise.


Update - It looks like the problem has been fixed, if you are still having problems getting into Ranked with Supership please let me know.



Devido a problemas técnicos, é impossível entrar em batalhas de Ranking em superships no servidor de Teste Público 0.10.10. Estamos investigando o problema e o atualizaremos vocês a sua resolução.

Pedimos desculpas pela inconveniência.



Due to technical issues it’s impossible to enter Ranked battles on superships on 0.10.10 Public Test server. We are currently investigating the problem and will update you upon it’s resolution.

We apologize for possible inconveniences


Just an update on this issue. We figured out the issue and everyone should be corrected by the end of the day today. Let me know tomorrow if you still have not received the camo and you should have received.

Thank you for your patience everyone.

13 Oct


Hello, everyone, Boggzy is not here for the rest of the week. Yes, it should be normal to be auto-equip when we do drops like this. In terms of the people that should have received and did not, and the ones that should not received it and see it in their account we will be investigating this situation. Thank you for letting us know of the issue.



Join @ParceNautico and I for some Brawl battle and lets talk about things and stuff! Starts at 5pm Central.

See you there!

11 Oct



Houve um bug com o armamento Airstrike dos cruzadores holandeses que ocorreu após o lançamento do Update 0.10.9.
O bug causou um atraso maior do que o previsto entre a ordenação de um ataque e a chegada dos bombardeiros Airstrike ao seu ponto de ataque.
Gostaríamos de confirmar que o bug foi corrigido, e o atraso do Airstrike será reduzido de volta ao seu valor normal.

Esta mudança será aplicada no dia 12 de outubro durante o dia.

Pedimos desculpas pela inconveniência e desejamos boa sorte na batalha.

06 Oct



Patch 0.10.9 is now live! Join @Boggzy an I today starting 5pm Central as we discuss all the new content and sink some ships. We might also have some special guests to talk about KOTS :)

See you there!

04 Oct


Eu ainda não recebi 1 relato seu. Se você rerportar esses problemas temos como te ajudar, menos com a parte de tirar punição por você ficar AFK. Essa parte você tem que corrigir a sua maquina antes de jogar para que isso não aconteça.

01 Oct


Whitelisting a port is opening the port to receive data as "trusted" you can read more about it in pages like this:,36451.html

Oh yes, because of the communication overseas for the PTS authentication service I can see that definitely being flagged. Do you use the same protections as the OP?


Thank you for providing the detailed information. This is very helpful to our investigation. We will investigate it on our side and possibly reach out to them to whitelist that port for us. Sometimes false positives like this can be triggered by bigger patches and things like that. In any case, we will investigate it on our side, for now if it blocks your connection you might need to whitelist on your side. Is anyone else using this same protection and having the same error?



Hoje acordei inspirado pois ouvi uma musica que me empolgou para a live de hoje. Quem vem?, dia 1º de Outubro de 2021, oito horas da noite

Aqui estou, mais um dia

Sob o olhar intenso dos viewers

Você não sabe como é caminhar com a cabeça na mira de um GK

Metralhadora secundária de alemã

Estraçalha meu navio que nem papel

Batido na ilha, de frente, mais um cidadão ded

Servindo de spot, um DD bom

Passa raiva, tomando hydro de Charles Martel

Ele sabe o que eu desejo

Sabe o que eu penso

O dia tá chuvoso, o ciclone tá tenso

Vários tentaram kita’r, eu também quero

Mas com motor quebrado, a minha chance é zero

Será que Netuno ouviu minha oração?...

Read more

29 Sep


Welcome back! My recommendation is to watch the Waterline videos to have some idea of recent and upcoming changes.

Also a good idea to read about the recent changes to submarines as they have had some changes from the few first tests that you might have seen before you left. Yes, I agree with @Nevermore135 that the re-work is something you want to check out.

28 Sep


As long as the secondary are pirates flying over to the enemy ship and melee fighting using ropes and such. Kind of like a DOT but the animation for the duration of the dot you see people sword fighting on deck. Would play!

23 Sep


For this kind of issue, the best option is DM one of us. This is specially effective if you have Discord. Feel free to hit me up Maredraco#6803