

06 Sep


Perhaps I spoke incorrectly? If I offended anyone it was not my intention, I am actually trying to gather more information. Please note that my main language is Portuguese, and I am in the NA forum to try to help talk to the community to gather feedback to pass up to the team.


Alright, thanks for the clarification. Going to take this up to the team tomorrow.


You should be cached just looks like you were not logged in. You can always try on a different browser or clearing cookies and cache if you did not receive the reward. Keep in mind the Brazil mission is not live yet.


Most modes are based on ship type. MM tries to make both sides have the same amount of each type of ship. Random Battles in particular other than that works like this:

I have to admit, I also downloaded that to test it for a while and I found that it got in my way more than it helped. I kept being afraid of high rating people and ended up not paying much attention to what my ship is best at. I find that just doing your part correctly was getting me a lot more results. When my team was much better according to that I would go in with too much confidence and would lose a lot of matches. But yeah I also noticed very random outcomes using that.


Just to make sure I understood the feedback. If it said do 10,000 damage in one battle and it said 0/10,000 below it you would think we want you to do 10,000 matches with 10,000 damage?


It is more an interpretation issue. I believe if you have seen other in one battle mission you are used to already seeing the number below.

You only need to go to Tier 4 your can free exp up to Tier 4 very easy and cheap.

Play to win eventually you can probably get the 3 kills.

You can do it on random. I also recommend inviting 2 friends to help. Think about it, the flank you are in will be mostly your friends. You can TEAMWORK to lower the HP and you can take the last shot.


Hope you enjoy it was fun to get it included.

To offset the next two missions are super easy. I wanted to add 199 as a reference somewhere because Brazil is celebrating 199 years of independence.

05 Sep


If you are referring to these:

They are coming in the 10.8 patch (


To clarify, the ship name that shows up on the commander is the ship that the commander will be attached to once you receive him. If you complete the mission and did not have that ship you might need to reach out to our support team. @Saver2014 I do see your Klass is assigned to 7 prov. If you do not see it when you go to the assign commander menu you will need to open a ticket or unlock the 7 prov.


Some clans I played with watch replay on days that there is no CB to determine how someone preformed and if they need to be replaced or swap class. Just means you will not unnecessarily expose your ship to take your 5th kill and possibly cost the match.

04 Sep


We are still working on figuring out the balance in terms of number of subs on each mode.


One of my plans for stream is to implement a once a month "teaching stream". I been testing it on the Portuguese one if anyone wants to check it out to give me feedback ( The idea is to reach out to CCs like during the VWS and make a list of what ships they feel confortable teaching about. Then the community will vote all month for what nation and type of ship they want to learn about. The VODs stay saved on our channel so clans will be able to share the link like I did above in case people were not able to be there in person. If anyone want to hear more about this come join us next Wed. at 5pm central in the official Twitch stream. I want to talk to the community about it and see what you guys think.

03 Sep


No, let me break it down to better explain.

If you play 1 tier you have a 40/60 on that tier

If you play 2 tiers you have a 40/60 on each one of those tiers

If you play 3 tiers you have 40/60 on each one.

All that means is that for example if you play 10 games in a single tier in theory you should have 4 that it will be on your tier and 6 that can be up-tiered. If you play 10 in 2 tiers it is possible that all 10 will be up-tier because you would need to play 20 (10 on each) to have in theory 12 up-tier and 8 same tier. Obviously these numbers are affected by the time of day you play and what you are playing. So mathematically speaking if you only play 10 matches your chances to get up-tiered is greater for every different tier you play. Keep in mind that this does extend to other days so that`s why sometimes you might get a feeling that the MM is being nicer to you, just means you could have hit that 40% in every tier ...

Read more

Are you changing Tiers? If you have an issue with down tier try to stick to the same tier. Keep in mind the 40/60 break is in each tier. Which means if you are playing multiple tier you might be hitting that 60 more often.

02 Sep


If your luck is bringing you steel I would swap with you, if it were possible (it isn't). I have gotten like 2 ships this year but not 1 stack of steel :(

Abreu hype <3


Good point. I hadn't consider the that part of getting additional information based on the smoke.


Ok perfect, thank you for the update.


Haha, my bad, I saw this topic and it is something that I was interested on hearing from the community.


When you say new flags, which ones are you referring to? Any chance you can screenshot it? Does the old ones work?


That sounds like it might be a mod conflict. Do you use any mods? Have you tried running the game in safe mode? (this is the arrow next to the play button on your launcher)