

25 Apr


Originally posted by JMTolan

I wonder if the second secondary will be a Deep Dive style Secondary or just a second gather X secondary.

It's a gather X secondary but that Deep Diver secondary is a good idea...


Originally posted by ObsidianNightFury

This looks awesome. Haz 5 is still a challenge now and then, but Haz 5+ just brings a bigger challenge more consistently (5+ is the EDD difficulty right?) so that will be fun. I am interested to see how the new missions are, they look interesting, and the new enemies seem like a pain in the behind (stalker) so that is cool. I love what they did to the Ommoran, it actually looks fun with the random phases instead of the same monotonous process every time. The new warnings have the potential to be very annoying, especially mactera plague 2.0, but the secret secondary objective is a something I have always liked from deep dives and wanted for standard missions. Blood sugar looks like an awesome anomaly that could work with Iron Will, unless I am mistaken with what the anomaly does. I am more game play oriented than cosmetics and season passes, but the new QoL updates seem cool as well.

I am a fairly new player since I have only been playing for a few months ( Started towards ...

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Haz 5+ configured with all modifiers set to the first step will be harder than Haz 5.5


Originally posted by UndeadMongoose


Edit: I wonder if there'll be changes to the T5 mods if fire rate mod doesn't do much and I don't want to use turret whip.

No changes. The T5 full auto + rof mod just applies the rof bonus with the new pump action OC


Originally posted by ravenQ


03 Apr


Wow, that looks great! Rock and Stone!

02 Apr


Originally posted by Gold_Clock_2050

iii initiative (iii-initiative.com)

The announcement was that there will be another announcement later 🙈

Ah, no. No official DRG Lego sadly.

28 Mar


Originally posted by Gold_Clock_2050

Is that what the announcement is about? ;)

What announcement?


Originally posted by ArkThan123

All these drg Legos need to be made asap



Originally posted by Gold_Clock_2050

Rock and Stone forever!

Rock and Stone miner! Well done.

27 Mar


Deep Rock Galactic thanks you for your service. Rock and Stone miner!


Rock and Stone!

19 Mar


Originally posted by GSG_Jacob

It is exactly that - concept art and a prototype. If it makes it into the game, the art team will make sure that it fits into the setting. Some of the current placeholders are just colored blocks until they get the full treatment.

You keep the Tall Boys out of this! They are beautiful just as they are.

16 Mar


Welcome aboard. Glad to hear you like the game. Rock and Stone!

15 Mar


Well done miner! Rock and Stone!

08 Mar


Originally posted by SomeEquation143

Every game, weird part is other players seem to able to access me and revive me no issue even though I’m showing I’m completely under the map Edit - I didn’t see your username! I’ve got some clips if that would help!

The best would be if you could add it as a bug to our PleaseFix https://drg.pleasefix.gg/projects/DEEP-ROCK-GALACTIC


Originally posted by LennieB

Thanks Mike, we love you

Rock and Stone in the heart!


Originally posted by Squirrel_Inner

Same. That’s the best part of the trophy. ✊⛏️

Glad you like it.