

24 Jul


Aww this is nice to read - although I'd rather that the communication was more free flowing.

iYurix is not my alt btw.

11 Jul


Originally posted by invkts

Just wanted to let you know I appreciate everything you've done for the game :).

You are a swell guy.

thanks buddy

10 Jul


Originally posted by Xaosia

^ This. They're owned by The Carlyle Group.

They're registered and operate within the UK


Originally posted by MopManMoss

Would Jagex really need to comply with the Data Protection Act 2018 in relation to an American citizen?

Yeah, I'm not sure either. But I would imagine the DPA applies to all data held, not just data held of British national.


Originally posted by FifaKillsMySoul

I've done some projects on GDPR and I'm pretty sure it doesn't cover much more than the data where you - the actual you - or your personal information are referenced. The most common use of SAR is say against a bank where you've had a complaint with someone in a call centre; you'd get quite a lot back because the 'personally identifiable information' includes stuff like calls where you've had to verify your identity (plus it has your voice - of you the individual speaking), all your banking documents, statements, etc.

A game might not be covered, and especially in this context because it's a reference to your avatar. I'm pretty sure businesses also have some rights (in the UK) that protect trade secrets, so not a chance you could ask for detailed descriptions or evidence about how you were detected for breaking rules because that could be distributed and help people break further rules, create smarter bots, etc.

I wouldn't expect him to get any game data, but there could be information in any emails discussing the topic.


Originally posted by And_Justice

This is an interesting insight. I didn't realise it chained like that but I suppose it makes sense when you think about it.

Does Jagex have provision to supply such internal information, though? I work in software support (for a rental software provider in the east mids) and we never went to the lengths of redesigning systems to be able to retrieve internal comms about an individual if they requested information under GDPR, just "official" records

Like every other company, it will probably be a pain in the arse for them to do it.


Originally posted by TwoMarc

I am a barrister and at no point in my life have the Met Police ever replied to an SAR in 30 days. The law is very idealistic.

I am also unsure what they would have to provide aside from his card payment details. I’d be very interested to hear from someone who knows for sure what the overlap is with personal data/virtual data.

The interesting bit is that if an account can be associated with someone's personal details, any email (or chain) or slack message which mentions that account name should be supplied under the act. They have to show all information (not just personal information), although certain types of information can be redacted.

09 Jul


Years ago I did an industry event panel and was asked the question, "What do you do if one of your influencers is doing something you don't like?". To which I answered, "Talk to them about it, don't send a message, phone them up, take them out for dinner, etc".

It seems had this have happened the outcome would have been better for everyone.

29 May

26 May


If anyone is interested, I am streaming tomorrow night and happy to talk about it in person if you want to pop along.


Oh sh*t, this got popular.

25 May


Originally posted by kafkajeffjeff

Im pretty sure a few q&a's ago they mentioned the anticheating team is up to 8 but im not 100%

Now that would be good news


Originally posted by EphemeralFate

What were your findings/projected impact?

I'm in favor of starting to take action against buyers. Wouldn't really be in favor of retroactive bans for buyers because it's basically been policy to not ban buyers up until now, but with enough publicity and messaging (signaling that it will no longer be tolerated) then I believe warning/perm bans for offences going forward is justifiable.

I left before the study was complete sadly


One thing I worked with Weath on before he left was the impact of taking action against gold buyers rather than just sellers. I'd be interested to know what you guys think.


Originally posted by Sir_Suh_Dude

What were the proposal solutions while you were at Jagex, just more bodies to manually check? Did the higher-ups not want to try and invest in machine learning?

That was what was needed. More bodies to target more areas, more investment in technology to help.


Originally posted by Veet_Tuna

I feel like after mod weath left it just went down hill.

Even more than before also does not help they are always doing free membership with Amazon pri.e

Yes, that's not good for bots.


... the bots are out of control. I'd have hoped that more resources would have been put into dealing with them. It was always a struggle to get that resourse when I was there, seems to have not improved.

External link →

21 Apr


WTF! Where is my upvote karma?

11 Feb

24 Nov


Originally posted by IAmAGermanShepherd

None of those deserve a mute imo.

Saying f**k, cunt or bitch is not nearly enough reason for being given a mute major, nor mute minor.

Or is it now?

We really going to be muting people for saying "f**k you" and regular cussing?

EDIT: So why not add all the "bad" words to the filter then, wasn't that the whole point of that shit? How are you still allowed to say some words, but they'll get you muted anyway?

When I was there you wouldn't have been muted for that.

Looks like someone has gone through closed snapshots and manually applied offences for them.