

12 Sep


Originally posted by CatstructorPenny

I have been summoned!

This clip in particular was myself using the stick on my controller, platform is Xbox one!

Similar to /u/Switcherzz - are you also finding this to be better in 10.30?

11 Sep


Originally posted by danman7575

Please leave acceleration alone as it is on the d-pad. Acceleration should NOT kick in on the d-pad. If I am trying to craft 5 traps, it starts at 1, so if I click the d-pad 4 times, I should be at 5 traps, not 15, which was the old way it worked.

That is precisely what we are trying to improve and more. The DPad we want to be precise updates to the slider. The sticks we want to be able to do precision or do speed.

The problem with the old sliders was that they accelerated at an unbounded rate, and didn't pay attention to the actual range of values you were moving between. It treated 0 to 10 the same as 0 to 10000000, and so you would very quickly traverse the 0-10 gap and it became impossible to be precise at all with the sticks, it would also move in fractions of permitted steps, and so sometimes the slider would "update", but you'd see no difference in value.

The new sliders work like this, on DPad, we increment at a constant rate, to ensure predictability - in the same way when you hold down a key on a keyboard you expect the key repeat to remain constant. For the sticks, they don't accelerate. They are based on covering the slider range in constant time at the sticks full tilt, rather than accelerat...

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05 Mar


Fix coming in 8.10, you'll be able to Mark While Bush.

02 Mar


You can - it doesn't tell you in the UI yet, but placing your reticle over a marker you've put down and pressing MMB again will cancel it.

30 Jan

08 Oct


Originally posted by GameSpirit94

Thanks !

I believe we've fixed it in the 6.10 build, let me know if it's still a problem in that version.


Originally posted by GameSpirit94

Any news :( ?

Yes, I believe we found and fixed the cause. Going to try to get it into the next client patch.

04 Oct


Originally posted by Rondeau04

The colorblind options are there. But they used to have the rarity right there when picking up the weapons. That helped very much on top of the settings

We removed the text when you're looking at it on the ground, but the items still have the stars at the bottom, 1 Star = Common (Gray) 5 Stars = Legendary (Orange)

18 Sep


Originally posted by GameSpirit94

Please u/NickDarnell can you help me ?

Will add a bug to investigate, thanks for the video.

09 Aug


Originally posted by Cseaisme

i know right! i wanted that score man XD

Ack! So the way it works is if you land the trick, but without a wheel hitting the ground first, it counts as a wipeout. It looks like from the video, your front bumper hits the ground first. I'll see if I can tweak it some more to be a bit more forgiving. Epic buzz kills are an unintended side effect of the new trick system.

26 Jun


Yeah - I've also felt this way when I play at home. I'll speed it up, thanks!

09 Jun

06 Jun


Originally posted by damontoo

He said in another comment he didn't make this. Just found it somewhere and posted it here.

Ah - missed that. Fixed!


I'm blown away by ClayClaim's Clay, more!

30 May


Originally posted by Jnolen_

"Player461 shopped till they dropped"

Love them both, great ideas.

14 May


Originally posted by GameSpirit94

u/Gemini_99 11 days and no news, man i have no hope left, adios Fortnite :(

There should be a fix in 4.2, I’m hoping it makes it into the final build.

01 May


Originally posted by Gemini_99

the thing is i need the controller imput to work with the mouse imput,right now one cancels the other one so this option is not helpful for the kind of problem i have

Hey u/Gemini_99, the option they're referencing is meant to be used together with joy2key, xpadder or something similar that monitors for controller input and generates keyboard input on its behalf. Definitely give it a try as a workaround for now.

I'll look into why what we had regressed. Let me know how the above works out.

17 Apr


Originally posted by DarkenMoon97

It would be nice if we could change HUD settings on the main menu.. and the settings would stay. Net debug stats will still not stay on if you mess with any option in the menu too. It commonly resets for no reason.



Looking at your desired HUD, the HUD options in the settings allows you to turn off the map/backpack keyboard hint element. Small part, but worth mentioning. These options are currently only visible once you load into a match.

I'm interested in showing trap data, though if the designers decide to add 3 more traps, the display would need to support that case without unbounded growth.

23 Mar