

14 Nov


Originally posted by kc9kvu

You say they "are being handled". Does this mean partnered tier 1/2 tournaments have been selected but not announced? When can we expect an announcement?

No idea.

A) I don't handle that part of the product at all.

B) I would assume since they listed application links within the announcement that stuff is still being built out.

C) So when announced? No idea sorry!

13 Nov


Originally posted by Icandothemove

You're god damn right.

Any chance you know whether any of these tournaments will be cast?

I imagine they all will!

A lot of them are presumably being handled by orgs that have already been doing a great job covering Amateur and my read of that announcement is that Proving Grounds will be covered by Riot and presumably some if not all of the Academy coverage will be as well.

So I don't have 100% confirmation, but I would say it's safe to say if you're looking for more NA League you'll have it.



Originally posted by sid1602

This is a good idea, it seems like they're trying to make LCS Proving Grounds more of an EU Masters type tournament which should be more hype. I assume teams like 100X and TSM's youth team will count for amateur teams as well, hopefully other orgs make their own youth teams as well

Yeah, we should've stuck with NA Grandmasters for the name though

24 Oct


Originally posted by PKAYBeam

Before I would say Evolved needs another split in Academy.

But now I realize that the only way for him to get better is to play in LCS. Hoping he finally gets that chance.

They're gonna promote Evolved into TSM and put Sword in Academy.

I thought me saying this would be a spicy take, but turns out I and the rest of Reddit are just geniuses.

Evolved certainly is not ready yet, but he's so close that I don't think it would hurt his trajectory that much.

23 Oct


Originally posted by Serinus

TSM probably saw the damage to their brand that not making worlds can bring. And there's a really short list of teams that Licorice would want to go to.

Ironically I think NA has been too liberal with roster moves. It's not on the top 3 teams to make big changes every year. Iterate instead of blowing everything up every year.

It's the rest of the league that needs to stop recycling third tier talent and take some risks.

TSM have certainly made a slew of changes in the last few years, but that feels more like were trying to build the right set of pieces rather than just rashly moving people around post-Zven + Mithy era.

TL changed very little apart from continuing to upgrade and won four splits until Broxah entered and Doublelift left.

And C9 have been constantly praised as continuing to cultivate and build talent and make changes pretty slowly while continuing to put up consistent results.

So idk if I agree that Top 3 NA is too liberal with roster moves, but you do make a good point I think: that there has been a LOT of change in the past year and there's already a lot more with Reapared and Licorice leaving C9 already. Although they kept their core together for so long I'm not sure it's fair to say that C9 haven't tried enough with the pieces they had.

TL;DR Not as much change in the Top 3 as you think, but recently (aka this year) a surprising amount.

... Read more

03 Oct


Originally posted by NerrionEU

Doinb looks like a huge streamer that decided to go pro randomly, there are so many hilarious clips of him.

Uh, isn't that basically his actual origin story?

28 Sep


Originally posted by YesIUseJarvan

+1 for Niles. I think that kid has real potential and it's a shame him and other native top laners are left to rot in Academy and lower leagues.

+1000000 for Niles

26 Sep


Originally posted by DisastrousZone

Just want to pop in and say that you're my favourite personality on the broadcast! Keep up the good work bud.



Originally posted by eeept

ah the international language of inting games

It's relatable at all levels of play.


Originally posted by FieryRedButthole

Loved your casts today! You’ve always been one of my favorite casters and I was thrilled when you first came to NA. Keep being awesome!

Thank you _^


Originally posted by LeotheYordle

The internet is absolutely something we take for granted. The power of instantaneous communication with anyone, anywhere in the world, even being able to speak (virtually) face-to-face would have seemed like magic even just a half century ago.

Hell, just think about League! The ability to play a game this complex with people all over the world seamlessly is incredible all on its own. The closest you could get decades ago was playing board games turn by turn through the mail.

I mean, just think about this broadcast.

Game's played in China, produced in Berlin, routed to LA with no delay noticable enough that we can cast them LIVE and have that go out to hundreds of thousands of fans on multiple streaming platforms.

When a producer in Berlin cues you for a show in LA and it feels almost instant, that's when I realized technology is NUTTY.

So yeah, we certainly take it for granted but I'm glad it's brought us here to my favorite place in League: quality Chinese memes at Worlds.

25 Sep


Originally posted by Fuzzikopf

I really like Spawn.
Kinda wish he was casting a major region so I could hear him more often (nothing against the OPL).

I agree, but I respect his love for the region and ofc his whole life thing that's happening there too.

But I always want more Spawn in my esports and usually I only get two a year =(

19 Sep


Originally posted by Doubleliftt

Love the appreciation of Deft in this comment section. I feel like Deft kinda fell off the western audience's radar during the time he was in LPL (relative to when he's playing in LCK), which is a shame cause he was a beast and imo that was an important period in his career. Here are some of his accolades during his 2 years there that I saw posted on hupu:

2 consecutive seasons of first in MVP points, first in kills, first in percentage of team damage, first in gold conversion to damage

first 1000 kill import

5 titles won in 2 years

Consistently dominating korean solo queue, still holds the record of possessing rank 1 and rank 2 simultaneously, record high LP of 1580

Domestically, his record against UZI is 7W-1L in BO5, 14W-5L in BO1. Within all those games he had a total KDA of 139-42-150, while UZI was 67-70-104. Also worth noting that UZI didn't win LPL until Deft left China

Not mine 🙂

18 Sep


Originally posted by LilDran

Interesting to see an OPL player at 6th

Doesn't surprise me at all.

FBI was known for grinding myn Korea when he was there and getting pretty high up on the ladder playing an unbelievable amount of games.

There's talented, giga grinders in every region so a single OPL/Legacy player, even though the region is very small isn't super surprising to me personally.

17 Sep


Originally posted by AssPork

becausr he lost on it lma0.

That's partly why it's so interesting!


Originally posted by Tavish_Degroot

Never forget CLG absolutely smashing ROX at their peak on the back of Huhi’s Aurelion Sol.

Everyone always points to my boi Jae for the big dragon but nobody ever wants to talk to me about Jensen's only professional A Sol game =(

04 Sep


Originally posted by stupidasseasteregg

He's not wrong actually. I would suspect that's a talking point for the finals should tsm make it this week. That's a member of the broadcast team your replying to.

My favourite talking point used to be that Doublelift would've been the only player EVER to make every LCS playoffs if he didn't take that Spring off, but finishing 9th this past Spring would've ruined that anyway =(


Originally posted by prowness

Nah he’s technically right since DL boosted TL. PastryTime likes this kind of obscure knowledge so I wouldn’t challenge him on it.

Prowness wins the award for remembering DLs streaming break was broken up by saving Team Liquid from being relegated!

It wasn't a full split, but yes technically LiftLift did play in Spring '17.


Originally posted by Uthor

Didn't DL take a split off in spring 2017?

He technically played on Team Liquid for a couple games at the end there.

03 Sep


These are also the only two players to have played in every single split of the LCS as well, pretty wild they're still successful after competing for SO long.