

24 Oct


Originally posted by shrubs311

lmao. who do you play?

The only character worth playing: Falco.


Originally posted by Roseking

Thanks for the info. He does great work.

I love his video editing with the same passion I hate his Marth.

16 Oct


Originally posted by PolandsStronkest

I saw that all over your twitter as well, were you involved?

Or just get early access because you know someone at riot?

I'm a very enthusiastic player who's been contributing my talents as best I can to the LoR team.

Excited to continue working with them on whatever comes next!


Originally posted by sarahbotts

What new thing are you most hyped about?



Originally posted by C0n3r

It already looks like it has an infinitely more friendly economy (read: has a f2p path) than Artifact, and knowing Riot it will probably be much less complex. That gives a much better chance than Artifact had.

If the team hits the goals it set out (and I believe it absolutely has) personally I think there's no chance that happens.

15 Oct


This thread is so wholesome!

Enjoy the celebration today everyone.


14 Oct


Originally posted by SquirtingTortoise

people will hate but i guarantee tsm will not win anything for the next 2 years. i will cook up a stir fry of my own hat if they do

Wait but will you also eat at least part of said stir-fry?

09 Oct


Originally posted by Asosas

Phreak is a bad example, he knows a shitton about the game but he doesnt have other caster qualities and thats why people are sometimes annoyed. But he has improved a lot in the past year.

And yes Atlus has deep game knowledge, at least in these play-ins hes nailing it in this aspect. I was pleasantly surprised tbh.

He actually has done quite a lot of colour! He used to flex a lot more before the ecosystem was looser and shifted to demanding more specialization and he probably could've done either but IIRC preferred play by play.

Here's a very (OLD) example:

27 Aug


Originally posted by JustBronzeThingsLoL

check your twitter for the update

Can't seem to see anything there ='(

23 Aug


Originally posted by JustBronzeThingsLoL

This is amazing.

If TL win make sure to update with the 6th trophy and a sad Bjergsen.

19 Aug


Originally posted by KaramazovAlex

Thanks for sharing Pastry! Shame we never got to hear that call.

From memory I think he said:

"Whatever you're gonna say it better be f*cking good mate because it's going to be remembered forever."

That did not necessarily ease the nerves in such a big moment, but he was right of course.

I think I'll have to find a way to talk about that series, it was great. Least the WE call ended up fine too haha.


Originally posted by KaramazovAlex

Impact and Sneaky mirror each other in a few ways, both are pretty much ideal weak side players with occasional periods of more traditional carrying, and they've been playing for so long now. Crazy that C9 had both of them for a few years. That WE series is still such a killer: really wish C9 had gotten to semis a year earlier than they did.

That series honestly is such a wild story both on and off camera.

I'll always remember Papa mentally prepping me to have something REALLY good ready for the final call in game five and then I never needed the Cloud 9 call because they didn't win =(


Originally posted by Danthon

What an epic display of skill!

FTFY "Supreme Display of Talent"


Originally posted by Deutschkebap

if you are leaving sona open and anticipating that pick, why ban an adc?

Presumably they believe that Xayah is too powerful to give away (ban trends throughout the series seem to indicate both teams like the champion) and that giving the otherwise mega lane-dominant duo of TL a more passive set of champions would be good for them.

Tristana is actually great in this draft IMO, but hinges on whether or not you believe Karma is worth the priority you're giving her. To me, I don't have issues with what Clutch drafted, I think they navigated the situation very well. It's more whether or not you should even be in this situation or not that's the question.

I feel like if you're going to test your mettle against Sona, you're better off saccing game one rather than game five to test your hypothesis, but if you follow their thinking it's not bad drafting IMO.

It's easy to say now that it's "bad" if you're being results-oriented, but again if you follow the thinking it at least makes sense, even if ultimately it was not the correct ...

Read more

09 Aug


Originally posted by gogogreeen

they could've played Brokenblade too right?

No actually!

Like LCS, Academy is locked to seven players in the post-season and Brokenblade was not one of the declared players on TSMA's roster.


Originally posted by ClawViper7

They booted Brandini prematurely - otherwise they could have fielded their Spring roster. While Grig does not have a high skill ceiling, he does have a much higher skill floor than Akaadian and did smurf on Academy in Spring.

To be clear, Brandini was an eligible player for TSMA in playoffs, so they absolutely COULD have played him if they wanted.

Obviously I have no idea what the situation is, but they did choose to play Grig with Brandini 100% being a player they could've legally fielded in playoffs.

08 Aug


Originally posted by Meanest_shitposter

Highjacking this thread to say I love your casting Pastry.

Interesting to receive a compliment from such a user name but I'm very glad my over game vocalizations please you and I hope that continues.


Originally posted by Calyptics

Oh yeah for sure, I was just jesting in all honesty. It's just funny to me there are so many star players in a thing called academy. I mean imagine saying 2 years ago that Ssumday would be on a B-squad of a team.

But ofcourse you are right, it's full of new talent as well.

We agree on the internet.

Let's GO Calyptics

High five


Originally posted by Calyptics

With all due respect but

Ssumday, Grig, Aakadian, Anda, Lourlo, Matt, Wadid, Keith, Huhi/Olleh,Darshan and freaking Dardoch

Seems like a retirement home to me or atleast, to quote mary poppins, a place where the lost things go.

It can be both was mostly all I was pointing out.

07 Aug


Originally posted by TomShoe02

Thanks for sticking up for NA talent bro. Who's going to teach the new breed how to play? The coach can't do it all, which is why vets like Darshan and Xpecial are big for talent growth. I just want teams to avoid being too dependent on vets to carry them in game. 100TA got super reliant on the Ssumday show, and they looked aimless when Ssumday fell behind in the game vs GGSA.

Agreed, I think finding the balance of new talent and experienced leadership is really important but something that's difficult to determine especially given that the system hasn't been around for very long.

I'm confident the team's will figure it out sooner rather than later, but it's fun watching the development of the league all the same.