

31 Dec


Originally posted by NaClYarkoz

Trundle with triforce demolish at around level 10-12 can take tier 2 in like 10 seconds or something.

Tangential, but while I was on the Release team a few years ago we had to switch one of our tests while deploying each new patch to PBE to manually completing a full game loop (going from champ select all the way to the end of game screen). Since this was on a public server, no cheats were available like on our dev environments.

Ended up landing on demolish Trundle with AS items and good wave management in a Howling Abyss custom lobby as the fastest way to do a full game loop. iirc fastest in game time I saw was 3:40 or so from spawn-in to the Nexus exploding. Briefly thought about posting a challenge on the old forums at the time to see if anyone could come up with a more optimal way of finishing, but decided against it.

01 Apr


Originally posted by Riot_Gunlap

Errr, threading my previous comment here because KDan is too fast.
Review - 3/31/22

Crunches: Liking the callouts. I feel like lore-wise though, Sett would be saying something along the lines of "68, 69, 70". Also, we may want to do a localization pass to hear these in other languages and see how it sounds.

In addition to that, the voice sounds like it's currently outside the space of Summoner's Rift. I think you can do a nice verb pass to help it mesh with the ambient sounds more.

Autos: These are feeling pretty awesome. Same note here about fitting in the space. Adding a little bit more of the boxing punch splash to give it that mid-range body will help it stick out. I think the whooshies (true actual technical term, can confirm) on the cast of the auto feel a little light. You might be able to take some of the bat swing layers to give it a little weight.

Q: There's a lot of good coverage in the audio spectrum here. Satisfied with that part. I...

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Why is there more effort in providing feedback on this than our actual reviews guys?!

14 Sep


Hey all! Just letting you all know that bans are back to being disabled in Draft Pick.

Summary of why it took so long to re-disable bans: In PBE patch 11.17 we enabled bans for the purposes of testing. Things got tested, and when 11.18 rolled around we performed the usual process for disabling bans. Unfortunately there were also some major changes to systems related to champ select around this time. We thought we disabled bans, but they actually remained enabled on PBE for the rest of 11.18.

When 11.19 hit PBE however there were plenty of reports about bans still being enabled. When looking into why our toggle to disable bans wasn't successful, we found that the changes to the systems around champ select also altered the process we use for making changes like ban enabling/disabling. For the majority of 11.19, there was a mix of us learning exactly how the new process should work, and being stalled by some internal tech failures.

As of this mornin...

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13 Sep


Still working on trying to get it enabled. After it's back to disabled, I'll be doing a brief write up of why it's been stuck on enabled for so long and posting it in this subreddit.

27 Jul


Hey folks a bit late in responding to this but thanks for the reports about issues with mission rewards. It's something we've been looking into the last couple days. No fix yet, but we're comparing issues on PBE and some tests internally, since this is something we want to make sure is fixed before we take 11.16 to Live servers.

From our findings so far we aren't finding any evidence that rewards aren't being issued at all, just that in many cases they're very slow. 10+ minutes seems common, and an hour+ is less frequent but definitely there.

29 Apr


Heyo! Go ahead and reproduce the issue once more, and then close your game, ZIP your Logs folder, and then share a link to it here please. Those will help give the info needed to figure out what's going wrong.

23 Nov


Originally posted by ImNephii

Elderwood Ornn is a charity skin, Riot has already stated that his release date is the 16th of December at the bottom of the Esports All Stars post they released a week or so ago.

I believe we've updated the article to say 10th. We've been moving release dates around recently to mitigate risk around the days leading up to us going on Winter Break.

03 Oct


Originally posted by Bro_miscuous

Why can't we have a practice tool "queue" in PBE? So basically your game can only start when there's an empty slot (and say you have 100 slots). I wouldn't mind waiting 15 minutes for a slot if I could test the few interactions or bugs I want to.

That would be unique tech for pbe. There are no dedicated engineers for PBE, so we'd need to write some kind of proposal that asks for a budget to make that. We don't currently have a use for that kind of queue on Live though, so it's a very hard sell. With PBE being just a testing environment for Live, generally we try to keep parity between PBE and alive, and trying to make something custom just for PBE doesn't have a strong return on investment when we're talking about new unique features. The PBE Draft mode without bans is about as fancy as we've gotten as far as unique modes goes.


Originally posted by Porosite

I can share some knowledge around this. For context I'm a release manager. We're the ones that manage the patches, including doing PBE maintenance on the weekdays to get the new builds out, and have a hand in handling the queues. I'm not the one running 10.21 on PBE right now, I'm currently managing 10.20 on Live.

I guess first, I'll be clear on where we get the most value from PBE. Our highest priority queue is SR Draft because it gives multitudes more data than any other queue. We have robust internal and external partner testing that works great for testing individual new items, champs, mechanic changes, etc. but given the complexity of the game, there is a ton of value from just having 10 random champs play in a random way. Stability of the game is of critical priority, and having thousands of players play with different combinations of content is way more efficient at finding those 1% game crashes than we our with dedicated testers. 1% will rarely happen with ...

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You know I always think I'm just gonna write a few sentences to respond.


I can share some knowledge around this. For context I'm a release manager. We're the ones that manage the patches, including doing PBE maintenance on the weekdays to get the new builds out, and have a hand in handling the queues. I'm not the one running 10.21 on PBE right now, I'm currently managing 10.20 on Live.

I guess first, I'll be clear on where we get the most value from PBE. Our highest priority queue is SR Draft because it gives multitudes more data than any other queue. We have robust internal and external partner testing that works great for testing individual new items, champs, mechanic changes, etc. but given the complexity of the game, there is a ton of value from just having 10 random champs play in a random way. Stability of the game is of critical priority, and having thousands of players play with different combinations of content is way more efficient at finding those 1% game crashes than we our with dedicated testers. 1% will rarely happen with ...

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01 Oct


Originally posted by Gfdbobthe3

That sounds like good feedback to give on the PBE reddit.

16 Sep


Originally posted by Hour_Signature1547

yes it is ,I take the photos with my phone because I can't print the inside game screen ,and I let all the video configs low as possible in pbe and also live server and shadows off ,anti-aliasing of too!

Go ahead and bump up shadows to anything other than Off for now if you want to keep playing on PBE without that graphics issue. We're currently suspecting that's the setting causing the issue and can reproduce it internally.


Originally posted by Hour_Signature1547

https://imgur.com/a/CvV4Anchere is the images ,hope it helps!

Are your shadows set to Off?

Video > Shadow > Off


Heyo, just dropping a comment saying I see this! I'll bring this up with the right team tomorrow, and I'll follow up here if they need anything like screenshots or logs to help them investigate. Thanks for the report!

15 Sep



We're aware of an issue where after logging in, the navigation tabs (Home, Collection, etc.) may be missing. This also impacts accepting game invites. Until we have a fix onto PBE, you can resolve this issue by entering a lobby like Draft Pick. Functionality should then return. The tabs should appear afterward, and should persist until you close the client (and even afterwards sometimes).

If after entering a lobby (e.g. going into game mode selection, choosing Draft Pick, and clicking CONFIRM) your navigation tabs are still missing, please screenshot your client on the lobby screen and showing where the tabs should be and share that here along with your LeagueClient logs. You'll need to upload your logs to a filesharing service and share that link here.

External link →

27 Jul


Originally posted by Soxviper

Can you unlock the practice tool on PBE then?


It's my weekend and I'm not running PBE so I can't say exactly when Practice Tool we be reenabled on PBE. In general practice, our NOC monitors the CPU load and will reenable PT when it drops below an acceptable threshold.

Plenty more in that thread for related questions.


Originally posted by Ozaiko

Gamemodes should be a clear goal in the game, spaghetti code make it so we can't have rotating gamemodes anymore and we're stuck with SR and ARAM. I love LoL but I'm tired of these.

It's a shame such a big game doesn't offer more experience to it's playerbase.

Nexus Blitz is a blast (kind of snowbally, but fun anyway) and we need more fun and entertaining gamemodes. Dominion, Ascension, 3v3, 2v2, 1v1.. we need all these things.

Games with fewer playerbase like Smite, HOtS, OW and Rocket League have way more gamemodes and way to enjoy the game compared to league.

The fact you can't enable gamemodes whenever you want show how bad the framework/spaghetti code is... It should be a huge part of the Client team cleanup/progress.

Everyone at Riot say they "lack resources", the people who make VFX on their spare time, Mortdog and TFT team who can't change Riven, skin team not able to pull a mask toggle for Kindred... There is clear feedback but "no r...

Apologies in advance for the wall of text.

I think there's a misunderstanding on what we mean when we say lacking resources. Maybe saying the team's resources are currently dedicated to higher priorities is more correct. Every team should be utilizing as close to 100% of their resources as possible (to simplify, resources being budget and man hours of the different disciplines on the team). If the team wants to do something else, it's usually in trade for not doing another thing, or scaling it down. No team has additional resources just lying around for moments like this. The is the same whether you're at Riot or any other company. Resources that are sitting around not doing anything mean that someone is getting paid to not do anything, or money is sitting not being used to pay someone to do more things.

I wasn't at Riot until a year and a half ago, but considering for the longest time League was the only game you can pretty easily guess that League was the source o...

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26 Jul


Originally posted by Le_San0

Can you tell us why don't you enable one for all for Yone?, like, i imagine there must be a reason, it looks like a good idea to me

Just dropped another comment in the main thread. Wanted to keep that one as a response to the initial post :)


Rotating Game Modes are rotating so that we don't have to maintain every single one every patch. When an RGM isn't on Live, it's likely littered with bugs introduced from all the patches since that game mode was last Live.

For that reason, OFA isn't something we can just enable. We'd have to dedicate resources to making the game mode stable again, not to mention having to do extensive testing to make sure Yone works in the game mode....before we've even put Yone on PBE for the first time.

For this event, we've also got Nexus Blitz already on PBE and we're still testing it for 10.16. The same team that made Nexus Blitz also owns the other RGMs, so they don't really have free resources to also debug OFA in addition to continuing to improve NB.

Not saying this couldn't be a long term thing we can't shoot for where OFA is enabled on PBE with each new champ release, but something would have to change. The team in charge of these game modes would need m...

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Originally posted by EsShayuki

Yeah I agree. It's ridiculous they disabled both custom games and practice mode which is the only place where one could reliably even try him. I'm sure most people would just try him once, check what he does, and move on.

What are they trying to accomplish by making PBE a place where you can't actually test things? Just have a queue system if necessary, don't completely disable everything. It's so incompetent.

My explanation for the PT and CG disable.

If we disabled SR games, nothing with the state of PBE would have changed. The issues with game starts, store purchases, loot, and logins would have persisted, which was impacting upwards of 90% of the PBE population during the first hour or two that PBE was open today, up until we mitigated. Maybe in the future I'll do a write up with graphs and stuff on how impactful mitigations like this stabilize the game.

Practice Tool and Custom games with fewer players are exactly...

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