

02 Apr

31 Mar


For anyone laughing but worried: If you enable 'paper mode,' your car, etc. still looks normal to other players in a match. :D


Sorry to see you had to deal with this mid-game. We 100% ban people for encouraging self-harm, and that would be the case here as well.

30 Mar


Hiya! Going to have some news to share on trade-ins very soon, tied to our next update. Stay tuned!


Originally posted by moon__lander

Happened to me once or twice.

For some reason the packet that said you used grappler doesn't reach the server, but the client thinks it did. It tries to predict that you're being pulled to the ball, but then comes the packet from the server with your actual position. The client pulls you forward and server pushes you back. At least on your screen.

If you'd watched the replay you'd see that when you're supposed to have used the grappler nothing happened and was standing still.

It's pretty rare and I don't know if it's purely network's fault or if it's an actual game bug but I'll try shouting at u/Psyonix_Devin

No caps = no shout! :P

Thanks for the tag -- if you're playing on PC, would love to see a Replay file for this. DMing you now!


Originally posted by devegz

I can give them a replay if it helps.

I can give them a replay if it helps.

Never hurts! DMing you now.


Originally posted by Stealkar

Would love to have an explanation from u/Psyonix_Devin or someone else at psyonix for that.

Would love to have an explanation from u/Psyonix_Devin or someone else at psyonix for that.

We're treating this as a bug, but definitely one I haven't seen much. Thanks for sharing the video!


Originally posted by evilbarnowl

I don't need it's necessary to forbid people from queueing 3's as a party of two. All you need is to provide the option, for people who are bothered by it, to opt out of being matched with parties of two. That would be fantastic for tournaments too.

Hey u/Psyonix_Devin look, it's that same issue being brough up for the 700th time. Can we please get this looked into?

Thanks for the tag, and noted! :)


Originally posted by Fish_Goes_Moo

To the surprise of no one, turns out he's blind as a bat when it comes to this topic. Has posted multiple times since this topic/being tagged and yet once again, nothing.

To the surprise of no one, turns out he's blind as a bat when it comes to this topic. Has posted multiple times since this topic/being tagged and yet once again, nothing.

Hiya! Thankfully my vision isn't completely gone just yet. I made note of this thread and what's being discussed.

I read most of what gets posted on here, and it gets passed along and discussed with the right teams at the studio even if we don't reply in a thread. In some cases, if I don't engage with a tag, it's usually because the tone or the context comes off as a personal attack or irrationally negative. At that point it's way easier for me to drill down to the core issue(s) (matchmaking, player behavior) and log it for internal discussion. The same goes for when someone calls our Customer Care team clowns -- I don't have time for that. ...

Read more

29 Mar


Originally posted by poop_creator

Add in your complaint that the bug isn’t allowing you to spend any of your money on rocket league so you’re going to spend it all on the steam store. Might create the urgency to get it fixed if they know they’re losing money.

Add in your complaint that the bug isn’t allowing you to spend any of your money on rocket league so you’re going to spend it all on the steam store. Might create the urgency to get it fixed if they know they’re losing money.

Hard to tell on Reddit when it's supposed to be a joke, but this isn't something we would ever consider when troubleshooting connection problems between a group of players and a server. In all likelihood, there is some sort of third-party issue causing this disruption (ISP, IXP, etc.) that we will do our best to diagnose and address.


Hiya! I know we started looking into this earlier this week, but don't have any updates to share. Sending you a DM now as well!

27 Mar


Originally posted by steen311



Let's go! Can't wait for Bahrain this weekend.


Originally posted by YoungTroubadour

Turns out the F1 car is the SF1000 and you can't use boost with it

Turns out the F1 car is the SF1000 and you can't use boost with it


25 Mar


Originally posted by Nuttydev

It's like RL had a baby with a fighting game

It's like RL had a baby with a fighting game

Given how much some of the team here plays Smash, not surprised!


u/MasterDavicous I remember your post back in 2019! Always cool to see fan projects.

We did start working on Sideswipe back in Spring 2018, though. I think we were calling it RL2D or something like that back then, and the Sideswipe name came later.

24 Mar


Originally posted by YungMonkey21

So I guess it only available in New Zealand and Australia right and android right?

only available in New Zealand and Australia right and android right?



Originally posted by Alk1s2009

Imagine a Rocket League VR Game...

Imagine a Rocket League VR Game...

I think we'd all barf while playing!