

06 May

    Radar_X on Forums - Thread - Direct

Let's please keep the discussion constructive. We aren't removing any class, it's not even a conversation.

In the meantime let's please focus on which issues you feel are most important and affecting the class you play. Bear in mind other classes while they may appear powerful may not be in the opinions of those playing them. Ultimately how folks feel mixed with good data is how balance decisions are made.

    Radar_X on Forums - Thread - Direct

While CVs are capped at 1 per side at Tier 10, it is unfortunately not beneficial to do at lower tiers due to the increased queue times it would create for both CV and Non-CV players. We do understand the challenges multiple CVs can create so please see today's Dev blog which will hopefully address some of them.

    Radar_X on Forums - Thread - Direct

Hey Khafni, the intent of these changes is to make adjustments which will increase options available to DD players when targeted by CVs (especially bombing). While I have no doubt your experience feels accurate, did that captain state to you he wasn't paying attention? How can you be certain you would have hit him if he wasn't shooting something?

Overall the goal of these changes is not penalize CVs but ensure proper balance between ship interactions (and in this case that's CV vs DDs). Again keep in mind this is going to PT and if adjustments need to be made, we'll absolutely make them.

03 May

    Radar_X on Forums - Thread - Direct


We want to notify you regarding a bug recently discovered around the Naval Battles feature for this weekend. Normal functionality requires you go to the Clan screen and toggle Enable to indicate your participation for the 10 available battles. Currently this toggle has been defaulted to Enable so there is a chance players could unknowingly play a Battle counting towards the event. We are investigating this issue and plan to resolve it as quickly as possible in a future update.

In the meantime we apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused. Good luck and fair seas!

    Radar_X on Forums - Thread - Direct

Actually quite the opposite. CVs are a discussion you guys have daily and as a result so do we which means they aren't exactly where we'd like them to be just yet. The message here is we aren't ignoring CV feedback, and more information about upcoming changes will be coming soon.

02 May

    Radar_X on Forums - Thread - Direct

I'm still a little timid playing up in Tier IX but the matches I've tried in the Alaska have been a lot of fun. I personally think she's really worthwhile but try it out and let us know how you feel about it.

    Radar_X on Forums - Thread - Direct

We do understand the concern and I'm sorry this has become an issue for you. As I stated the team is looking into these issues to determine a way which will allow you to continue using the OS of your choice. For now we do ask you refrain from it until this work is complete.

    Radar_X on Forums - Thread - Direct

We're really glad you like the port! I'll admit I was a bit skeptical about it when I first saw the concepts but now I'm using it every day. I just wish there was a way to shoo the mice because clearly the cat isn't going to do it.

    Radar_X on Forums - Thread - Direct

The Montpelier is definitely a collaboration ship for now and while there isn't a "non AL" version available it is possible to use the ship with the Anime style content turned off. This will of course negate the permanent camo, but it will otherwise work perfectly normally.

    Radar_X on Forums - Thread - Direct

Hey JeffKnight we did discuss having an event with the U-505 but unfortunately the logistics couldn't come together in time for this tour. We're really hopeful we can make it to the Chicago area in the future!

    Radar_X on Forums - Thread - Direct

Thanks for asking about this. Current Macwrapper versions were tested as extensively as possible during our Public Testing phase with many of you giving us a hand to ensure we measured how much of an improvement we saw.

Have you utilized the Beta version that we've promoted in the Support section? This seems to be working for a number of other players.

    Radar_X on Forums - Thread - Direct

Derzwerge while I can understand being frustrated with the game there is fundamentally a lot inaccurate about your statement. You should always be pleased with your purchase but nothing was "stolen" from you. You provide a lot of accusations with frankly little specifics making it very difficult to respond.

OP losing streaks do happen and it can be incredibly frustrating but things will swing around the other way. Hang in there!

01 May

    Radar_X on Forums - Thread - Direct

We've done quite a bit of research not to mention experimentation with the content. Obviously if folks aren't interested in it, we have options to turn it off completely but there are a number of you who enjoy it and we want to provide the experience where we can.

    Radar_X on Forums - Thread - Direct

You are still able to use any other consumable camo you wish on this ship, but unfortunately only one perma camo is currently available.

In my opinions it's honestly not that "anime" compared to other ones we've done the in past. I realize it may not be the answer you were hoping for but I hope it helped.

    Radar_X on Forums - Thread - Direct

If you disable the Azure Lane visuals the permanent camo on the Montpelier will become inaccessible to you and you won't be able to mount it for it's benefits. You of course won't lose the camo permanently and once re-enabled you'll be able to mount it as normal.

    Radar_X on Forums - Thread - Direct

Hey folks, this really isn't a specific gameplay topic but we can very much appreciate your concern around community sentiment. First there are a lot of you with very strong opinions about CV and a number of other topics and we genuinely want that feedback.

What will really be more distressing to us is if we don't see a number of concerns raised about various topics we're working on. We're always reading and always watching. The more passionately you post, the more feedback we pass along so please do continue to let us know your thoughts. Literally any topic is fair game and we really appreciate it!

    Radar_X on Forums - Thread - Direct

Hey folks! Unfortunately at this time our team is unable to provide direct support for Linux systems. The team is aware of and looking into issues which may affect players using both Linux and Proton. While we continue our investigation we ask you consider finding an interim alternative solution for launching the game. We very much appreciate your patience and understanding.

30 Apr

    Radar_X on Forums - Thread - Direct

Hey Timaras, as someone who wasn't even adept at the old system of CVs I had to start fresh like a lot of folks and torpedo launches were incredibly frustrating initially. I found Tier IV torps planes my last resort and only utilized them after rockets and bombs. That being said the practice you'll get from utilizing those single drop torpedos will help you with the higher tier planes and eventually you'll be able to drop a full spread. You'll still miss sometimes (for some of us a LOT of times), but learning to lead the target will get easier.

    Radar_X on Forums - Thread - Direct

Folks this feels like it's spun off topic for at least the last few pages so I'm going to close it.

As a fellow gamer, I don't personally want any of you to regret a purchase you haven't had the opportunity to enjoy. The nature of online games changes things significantly at times and while that may difficult to accept (I'm not a fan of change either), it many times results in positive outcomes.

The most important thing you do is to keep letting us know your experiences. Is something not working the way it used to? Are you not having as much fun in certain regards? Tell us why and specifics (not "I hate CVs) but in ways that will let us ensure the Dev team knows how you feel.

    Radar_X on Forums - Thread - Direct

As mentioned above these are of course 2 very different games and the PC version currently only has the WV 1941. As others have mentioned we do have existing ship lines already and one of our goals is to continue to provide at least some diversity in the ship lines. A good example is the USS Massachusetts which was in great demand and could have been released as a reskinned Alabama, but that is not our goal with World of Warships.

Now that isn't to say neither of this ships will ever make it to the game, but our focus right now is on the new Russian BB line, French DD's, and other ships we've announced in the Dev Blog.