

02 Jun


Originally posted by NoctusED

I've always had high fps but I've been running with locked 144 fps.

Now that the game is fully released I still have it locked to 144 but the game says I have 220+ fps in the counter at the top. Is this intended behavior or what's the deal?

Hmmm not intended. Maybe try turning the setting off and on again? I'm not sure why it would have changed in this patch. In 1.1 we will give you the ability to track "idle" time in the perf stats/graphs so I wonder what it will look like there.


Originally posted by Instantcoffees

Great to hear! Performance is extremely important to any competitive game.

We definitely share your opinion here!


Originally posted by funk--

Thank you very much, the game is way more improved than beta. You said it'd be better, and you didn't lie, so keep this way by listening and being honest with your community, we all need that !

You're very welcome. It's really hard making shot calls in front of millions of players. Especially around performance where it can be hard to predict the exact outcome before you do the work. How much faster can you make a segment of code 1.2x 1.5x 2x or more? It's hard to know exactly or how long it will take. So even if we're a bit slow sometimes, or miss the mark, just know we don't lie about our intentions and we'll always work towards the continuous improvement of the game for y'all.


Originally posted by omegakeepo

my 240hz monitor would like to thank you

LOL. Tell your monitor it's welcome for me.


Originally posted by Giocatore-1

Tnx a lot guys. I don't know if you'll ever get to read this but I just wanted to thank you. I don't own a powerful pc and being able to play an amazing game like this at 70 fps stable is just too good for me. And now after this patch it's even better!

I've read just about everything posted on Reddit about FPS. The good and the bad. It means a lot to see players appreciate our efforts! We want everyone to be able to get in and have fun.


Originally posted by Phamous3k

Hey, is there an issue with BP rewards?... I earned a few levels and those work but the bought/purchased levels Im unable to equip

We believe we've mitigated this so it shouldn't happen to any new players. We're going to be restoring any missed items ASAP but need time to prepare that fix + run it off peak hours.


Originally posted by IkeKap

I'm curious, what was the most garbage specs device you tested the game on? Also did you carry forward any optimization lessons from league or were those not as applicable in a 3d FPS game?

We have this one laptop with an i3 and a Intel HD 3000. It's so old it had one of those mouse nubs. Always hate testing on that one. It's so old/slow it crashes our profiling tools. The screen is tiny too.


Originally posted by rilverotter

I submitted some tickets through out, mostly about memory crash dump errors, did any developers, mention these/fix them. Not hating love the game!

We fixed lots of crashes this patch and previous patches. We usually don't put crash fixes in the patch notes since it's impossible for players to know if we fixed their particular crash. We track every single crash and fix ones the biggest ones each patch. Sometimes just having bad memory can cause crashes, if VALORANT crashes often for you consider running a memory test. For context, we expect you to need to play VALORANT for a many many hours before you'd ever see a crash. It's a development metric called Mean time to failure (MTTF) and you can read about it here: ...

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Originally posted by Skerald

I’m soooo glad. For no reason, my FPS would drop at 10-15, which is unplayable (yes, I don’t have a PC made for gaming hahah)

Now, I constantly get 40-50 FPS and it’s SUCH AN AMAZING improvement for the quality of life. I’m know able to play without raging about my FPS’s lmao

Thansk a lot for these changes, it means a lot for me :)

Love to hear it. Honestly this is why we do what we do. It means a lot to hear it.


Originally posted by Reimillya

Hi! Thanks for the hard work over these past few months. I've been enjoying the game a lot.

However my friend seems to be having extreme stuttering issues. I'm certain his PC is capable of running the game, but currently he keeps getting around 20-60fps with extreme frame drops. The game is also taking up around 40% of his CPU.

His specs are I5-7500, a GTX 1660 Ti and 16GB RAM. Any idea as to what could've been causing this? Thanks in advance! :D


I would expect your friend to get much better average and higher performance given these specs. Can you have them contact player support and see if they can gather information and help them?

Off the cuff I'd say check all the settings in game and nvidia control panel to make sure everything is what they expect there.


Originally posted by LilyRose50

I love you guys!



Thank you very much! We worked very hard on performance this patch.
We're not done yet either. We've already got another set of improvements lined up for 1.1. I don't think it'll be as major of a jump as 1.0 but it should still be a nice bump for many players. This is something we're committed to getting right over the long term.

30 May


Originally posted by sest0977

Did we just become best friends?



We Closed the Beta but opened our hearts to friendship.


Originally posted by feens_

Well... they called it Valorant...

Nope we called it VALORANT. :P

22 May


Originally posted by oRKaRnaGe

Any reason why my game has never been able to run nicely? I have a mid-end rig and I was never able to even get 70 fps, when I should get easily above 144. I get more fps in AAA games than VALORANT, this should not be the case for a competitive shooter. For example, on CSGO I easily get a constant 250-300 fps, which is required for my 220hz monitor, while I can’t even play VALORANT due to EXTREMELY poor performance.

That definitely seems a bit out of the norm. I get about 300FPS in CSGO and ~200-240FPS in VALORANT.

What do your specs and video settings look like?


Originally posted by adELiNN1

Thank you for the detailed answers, i have a question what happened to the game after the first patches in terms of optimizations/fps drops, when the game was released everyone had an amazing fps and no fps drops and after the first patched all the problems start happening. Can you elaborate on what happened ?

This is a bit tricky to answer. I don't want to throw anyone under the bus. Suffice to say we checked in some code with the .47+ that slowed down CPU work across the code base. This code was fixed in .49. However .49 had another (less severe but still pretty major) degradation when we integrated the new version of UE4. So .49 was better but still degraded. We got back more of this perf in .50 and even more in 1.0.

It can all be quite tricky to track and manage as well because it's never one thing. You add new features that players love or ask for in a new patch. You have to get that perf back somewhere else. Sometimes you don't offset it completely. Sometimes you offset it and more. Perf might not get better EVERY patch forever in VALORANT but if you look at the long term trend you should see it going up and to the right. If perf ever got SOOO bad the game was going to be unplayable for a significant chunk of the audience we would block the release. We have pulled features ...

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Originally posted by EtazisGG

Thermals are not great, and i've seen some throttling, especially after turbo boost. But they are somewhat fine, hovering around 80C, and clocks are around 2.4-2.8GHz. I've tried to tweak graphics, and never noticed real impact on fps. Also tried a lot of things with CPU settings and Windows, and it really made no visible difference, so i just locked fps to 60, and still have some occasional drops to 50 (but at least barley noticeable). Forgot to mention, i play on external monitor 1080@60Hz

Hmmm if it's dropping to 2.4 it's definitely downclocking from the 2.6 base. With those temps it's likely due to thermal load. Try seeing what you can do to run cooler and see if you can get those clocks to the 4.2 turbo the processor supports (likely can't maintain, macbooks/laptops can actually have a pretty hard time with cooling). A cheap quick test can be to very carefully set your laptop on some ice trays to see if you can get temps down. Please be extremely careful if you try this. Other options can be to buy laptop stands with built fans. Other options can be to try finding some fan control software and maxing them out.

Also try not using the external monitor. I've seen some weird HDMI issues that can cause gpu stalls for external monitors. When you switch monitors be sure to put your resolution back down to 1080 and not the 2880 I think your mbp supports.

Anyways I do have to get going now. It's pretty late here. I hope this helps!


Originally posted by EtazisGG

Thank you for the detailed reply. I have MBP 15, 2018 with I7 8850H and okayISH video card (radeon pro 560x) for light gaming on bootcamp. I understand that your concern is devices with real drivers and support, but really my question is how and why my fps dropped from consistent 140-150 to consistent 60-70 just in 2-3 weeks? Funny thing is that i get back my fps when watching someone play while im dead.

Hmm that's a hard one. I've definitely seen weird things when I used to use a bootcamped macbook for gaming.

You might check if your settings got reverted accidentally. With a Radeon Pro 560x you might be gpu bound especially if you're playing at higher resolutions. Try some of the GPU fixes (lowering Res, turn off improved clarity, turn off antialiasing). Does that change your framerate? If it doesn't you're probably CPU bound. Maybe a thermal issue? You can download a tool like HWMonitor to check on that, see temperatures and clock rates.

From the data I've reviewed I don't see specs dropping 50% average framerate even from best patch to worst patch. It's probably best to reach out to player support for something like this. They can maybe go through more of your computer's data and help find anything odd.