I want to dive in and address some quick points on how we think about performance and what you can expect from launch. First let me just say that we see launch or 1.0 as the starting line. We're in this for years to come. Perf is part of that commitment.
Performance is a wide range of topics but in terms of top priorities for perf we have 3.
Accessibility : We want people with low end computers to be able to join their friends in VALORANT. So invite your buddy with his Intel HD 4400 to game with you. They won't be slamming 144FPS down but hopefully they can have fun. For the most part, we seem to be hitting the mark here, there is ongoing work to get all character ability VFX in budget here but it's coming along at a fast rate. We improve a number of abilities every patch. Patch .50 fixed a rather large issue introduced with .49, one of our key GPU optimizations regressed and we had to go fix it up again.