I understand. Thanks for the feedback again. You guys are awesome, for real! S2
Ditto! Appreciate the great feedback!
I understand. Thanks for the feedback again. You guys are awesome, for real! S2
Ditto! Appreciate the great feedback!
Agreed. But could you implement pink wards in game? Maybe as an upgrade for normal trinkets after achieving certain lvl. It could take 2 slots of the normal wards, limiting the amount of trinkets on the team, but granting true vision.
We could even choose between blue, red or staying with the yellow. Blue could be limited to only one ward, but with longer range and red would be like said above.
I think it would add depth not only for the support role, but for the team play as well.
By the way, thanks for the answer and all the support you guys provide for our community!
Pink wards are an interesting topic and one we've discussed. It has some complications with the current system both from the itemization and vision system.
In the item system we don't have or want consumable items, so we'd need to have a pink ward in the trinket system.
For vision system it mostly falls into the overall balance and volume of vision on the map. Pink wards are not only extremely powerful vision additions, they subtract vision from the enemy which has a pretty massive impact on the overall balance, especially when you can multiply that by 10 players. The biggest impact this would probably have is on snowballing, which is something I'm not sure we want to be making stronger atm, but there are pros and cons to these options.
I think Pink Wards are a potential option (and we've discussed it in the past), there's just some complications that would need to get sorted out and we'd need to be careful before we added them into the system.
apart from that item, is it planned to add more pc lol items to wild rift or it's a design choice to have this amount of limited items? Same for runes, it would open lot of personalization in playstyles to add more runes and items.
On a related note, why don't you use the new upgraded pc lol icons in wildrift too?
Runes we're unlikely to expand a lot, they just simply aren't as important a system in Wild Rift as on PC as the time for Runes to really shine is on PC is That Level 1-3 window. Before a champions power really activates, and items start to get completed.
Wild Rift has such a short time window for that phase a super heavy focus on runes just doesn't make sense, but we may look at adjusting the system we already have.
Items are a system we'll likely be doing some updates and expansions on at some point, we'll go into more details as we get closer to releasing them.
Folks in the thread have largely answered it already but there's a few reasons we stay away from support items as they exist on League-PC. Support items in this case I'm referring to (and I'm assuming you are too), the starting items for supports that assist in gold generation only. Not, stuff like Staff of Flowing waters - Normal items for support characters.
The big reasons are
We've discussed changes to these abilities before but the main problem is despite all being channels you cannot treat them all the same. Janna in particular is tricky because unlike Kataria her ultimate has multiple, often opposing use cases. In Kat's case any time you cast her ult and cancel is in the first .25 seconds it's a mistake. It is just flatly the wrong decision so we can make an easy decision to mitigate these scenarios.
In Janna's case we originally had it harder to cancel and the feedback was overwhelmingly negative from Janna players becuase Janna's ult can vary from wanting the entire perfect full channel for maximum healing and the absolute minimum amount of healing to just leverage the knockback and move again as quickly as possible. This is a much harder balance to make as we can't predict player intent and the use cases are so extremely different from a controls perspective. I expect the team would be happy to look into adjustments here down the line, ...
Read morePsssttt... Put in the little devil himself.
... I know you want to.
We don't plan on putting every champion from PC onto Wild Rift. That's... just so many champions. I suppose it's possible at some point but we'd be years and years off from that scenario.
League is also releasing new champions as well all the time so it's a moving target.
I wonder if they'll incorporate the season 11 changes from PC. Having similar items to PC lol makes it feel more legit imo.
We'll have some of the new stuff. We won't have mythic items but we will have a number of the changes.
Whoa, did't know Devs read here on the sub. Thanks for the info. As a Sona main, that question has been in my mind when I was reading the item descriptions. I only have mana issues during extremely extended fights, but besides that, I only back because of shopping, not for mana.
That makes sense, for Sona I think that decision of when you engage and how much you cast during very extended fights is pretty critical to her mastery. She's meant to have tougher decisions for extended fights, so the pressure you're feeling is intended.