

14 Jun


Originally posted by Lucky-Luck

Do you know, or are you able to comment on wether or not the model upgrades or changes in WR... does the street only go one way to PC LOL, or can your visual updates make it to PC?

We use completely different game engines, so everything needs to be rebuilt completely in each game.

13 Jun


Originally posted by Zenfudo

I have two questions

1-was wild rift mundo design an inspiration for the lol pc remodel?

2-are characters in wild rift be getting an update if there is one in pc lol? Im still talking about mundo since he just had one

  1. We made Mundo before the project was started on PC, so it wasn't inspired by the update, but at it's core we did want to make him feel more like "Mundo" which they wanted to as well in the update so there's a little natural overlap.
  2. For large scale updates like this where the core champions visual changes, yes we will updating them for WR as well as on PC. In this case though it'll be a bit before we get to update Mundo for us, it'll happen though.

12 Jun



Thanks a bunch, and I'll pass this along to the artists. They spend a ton of effort trying to find that right balance between modernizing designs, while keeping that feeling of authenticity so it's great to hear its paying off for you.

04 May


Originally posted by RiotFeralPony

What's likely happening here is your sensitivity may be too high where your accidentally aiming instead of tapping during a hectic fight. If you go to your settings (in the game or practice tool). There is a tab on the middle right that has a slider where you can increase this Dead Zone which will likely reduce your problem.

Portrait Locking is the other feature I'd look at as well, especially if you're maining Markmen or auto attack heavy champs.


What's likely happening here is your sensitivity may be too high where your accidentally aiming instead of tapping during a hectic fight. If you go to your settings (in the game or practice tool). There is a tab on the middle right that has a slider where you can increase this Dead Zone which will likely reduce your problem.

03 May


Originally posted by snuff337

More often than not, we miss. And you don’t remember or even notice those ones. But the times we do hit, those seem to sting a lot.

It's like chucking the basketball at the net from half court at the buzzer.

100% this :D

26 Apr


Originally posted by Ch4de_

Make your deadzone bigger. Helps with a lot of things, you dont accidentally target stuff in teamfights etc

This is the correct answer. We don't want to completely remove the ability for a player to flash, but we do want to allow players to make the button less sensitive if they want to.


He'll be updated on WR as well, however there will be a bit of a delay likely after PC launches. There will be a short time as a result where the champions are different.

16 Apr


Originally posted by bluepbluep

Ive play few moba on mobile but almost all of them doesn't have rewind button on their replay system i wonder why

The suggestion 2 and 3 is already implemented in other games and working just fine. It would be great if wildrift consider this suggestions

It's because of how the tech on replays generally works for most games. Most games do not simply record the video and let you fully engage in it. What they do instead is recreate the game from the start and replay all of the inputs from the players and system - with you acting as functionally a new 'live' spectator. It's actually being created from scratch each time. This makes rewind functionality incredibly difficult, hence why most of games don't have it despite being something makes sense and folks want.

15 Apr


Originally posted by Decimusczf

There Is setting in option where you can tweak IT... I think Its called like Dash on enemy or something

That's for tap behavior for offensive spells such as Tryn's spinning slash or Tristana's Rocket Jump. It doesn't change the behavior discussed here, what it does instead is if there is an enemy on screen do I dash...

  • Towards my facing direction?
  • Towards my enemy?

Different players have pretty different expectations for that should behave the downsides to getting it wrong are... usually death :D so it's available as an option.


This is something that's always going to be contentious, and was something we debated heavily internally. When we assess the pros and cons of a system like this it's important to look at what happens when it goes wrong, what are the worst case scenarios.

Escape: You dash a very tiny distance and get wrecked, when you meant to go far. This is also done in a panic scenario when you _need_ to be as frame fast as possible.

Engage: If you dash a short distance your entire approach fails. In this scenario usually when engaging you have more preparation time to aim the spell the full distance, but it's still a painful experience.

Jungle: If you dash _futher_ than you want in the jungle it can be frustrating, and in the worst case you can mess up your route by going over a wall. However, jungle clearing is lower stress and time dependant. Additionally the worst case scenarios tend to only happen once as you can pretty easily adjust your positioning to avoid the pr...

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Thank you for the kind feedback and please do take a break or even stop entirely if you need to! As much as we'd love to have you in the game I know that it can't always work out, the real world and people's personal situations are really complicated. Please take care of yourself first and foremost.
And congrats on Gold! I'm really happy you got to hit such a meaningful milestone before leaving!

30 Mar


As what many of others have said, this is a phone setting, not something we can wrangle within the app (and even if we could we likely wouldn't want to). It's up to the user what level or 'do not disturb' or to turn off notifications of the apps they don't wish and those are handled differently based on your device and your personal settings.

24 Mar


Originally posted by loyalshnuffy

It's nice to see you responding to so many messages. Thank you



Originally posted by yazmadaoyna

After emerald nobody actually cares about role queue. Because everybody plays every lane. But when there is a broken champ, banning system is much more needed. Higher elo players want banning system more tbh

I'd def believe that is very true for some players and I get the argument, but it's not true for the majority, even in high skill play. This is the kind of thing we survey folks on pretty frequently.

23 Mar


Originally posted by cha0z_

Hey, regarding the wild pass - will you continue to do events with the same frequency or you will switch the content/initiative to play from events to the wild pass? Will be upfront here - I hope that you will not go "all mobile, all profit" way and keep it a premium experience... I really liked that till now purchases are not "in your face" and one could receive icons, heroes, borders and so on - from events that are unique, thematic and different from each other.

Already spend 150-200$ and I am not regretting, just keep in mind that a lot of us (I am sure of) not only prefer WR as a gameplay over ML, but totally also the more premium game feel attached to it. VG is a good example for bad trajectory (besides their bad monetisation strategy that they should had changed literally 1 year after release with model similar to PC league) - started like you - totally premium experience (their only mistake was they gave easy and fast path to unlock any skin you want) and from there...

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There are no plans to adjust our event strategy in regards to event pass. They are separate systems with separate goals (give some free content and cheap access to more content for players who play heavily).

We are going to look at some continued improvements to events but I think you'll be happy with them based on this comment :)

From a $$$ perspective, obviously we need to make money as a company but the most important $ figure we track is ensuring people don't regret their purchase after they buy it. We think it's absolutely critical that people can choose to spend money and feel good doing so.



We definitely still want to add bans, but game development is always about tough tradeoffs. In this case we made a call to prioritize position preference system before adding bans. A lot of the client work, UX/UI, etc is the same folks who would be doing both systems.

While bans is certainly the easier feature it non-the less would have delayed position preference noticeably later and the upsides to PosSel are much higher - influencing everything from better team comps, helping players learn and onboard, reducing toxicity, the list goes on. Fear not though, we still believe bans are highly valuable though and will still add them at a later date.


Originally posted by nagabalashka

Does someone understood what they said about attack speed ?

There will be more details in the patch notes but essentially we slowed down how much higher volumes of attack speed reduce your windup frames. It's important to note you will still get exactly as many attacks per second you'll just pay a slightly higher movement penalty for attacking while running with late game items. There will be no noticeable change at lower attack speed values.

I personally still feel it's very generous and smooth, but we're definitely going to be listening to feedback on this one.

04 Mar


Originally posted by LostVengeance

Multiple instances of tenacity stack multiplicatively, not additively. I believe the tooltips are the one that's incorrect, as this has been documented before in League PC. This means that the correct formulas are the following:

First Part

= 1 - [(1 - 0.2) * (1 - 0.35) * (1 - 0.3)]
= 1 - (0.8 * 0.65 * 0.7)
= 0.636 or 63.6% tenacity

Second Part

= 1 - [(1 - 0.2) * (1 - 0.3) * (1 - 0.3)]
= 1 - (0.8 * 0.7 * 0.7)
= 0.608 or 60.8% tenacity

There isn't any wiki documentation for Wild Rift yet, but to answer your question there is no hard cap on tenacity but only diminishing returns. The largest possible tenacity at the time in League PC was documented here at 98.6% for reference.

This is correct. Tenacity stacks multiplicatively, there is no actual "cap".

20 Feb


Originally posted by MashV

Thank you for responding. What you're doing with this game is really appreciated.

Much appreciated. Thanks for the great thoughts and feedback, always happy to talk about these things!