

16 May


Originally posted by cinox

do you really think is it good designed heal, i mean the worse your adc trade you are more rewarded ? Played few times against her if you poke her and they are hugging turret you will lose in sustain battle, she heals more than soraka almost. Anyway well designed champion, i do like her kit and unique playstyle. Only problem have with her E(heal)

The heal scaling dependent on low health is specifically to encourage the Yuumi player to stick it out and fight with their ally rather than leaving as soon as they're low. Your best chance to turn fights is in the most dire of moments!


Originally posted by C3ntra

Those of you that designed her kit, do you think that you succeeded in bringing the original fantasy to the game?

Also, what was the first thought that brought Yuumi into existence? What was the spark of inspiration? Was it along the lines of “let’s put a cat in LoL,” or “What if we had a support that constantly sticks with teammates to help them?@

The initial pitch for the character was always "support that attaches to their allies." I do think that Yuumi's kit creates a mentality of co-dependence and a 'we're in this together!' kind of feeling.


Originally posted by RedShirtKing

The mid-patch update to Yuumi so soon after her release may be the largest I've ever seen. What do you think caused that discrepancy between where you thought she stood in power level during PBE testing and what we saw on the ranked ladder? Do you think bumping up her numbers across the board is enough of a fix to get her into a healthy state, or are there other changes you might be considering now that the playerbase at large has gotten a hold of her?

The learning curve on the champion was longer than we were hoping/expecting. Players from the team are having success with her on live, but it seems like the skill for her don' translate as well as we were hoping. We still need more data to figure out exactly what we should be doing from here on out.


Originally posted by moodRubicund

Did she used to have more portal-related powers with her book while in development? There are other attach-supports in other MOBAs like Abathur from Heroes of the Storm, who have global presence as well. Portal powers would seem to work well with a global presence-skillset yet they seem totally irrelevant to Yuumi, who doesn't use portals to do anything except get back to base.

We tried a couple. Her ult was initially concepted as a portal that would summon spirit creatures, but that didn't work for a variety of reasons. She had a spell where she would set up a mini-ryze ult and teleport anyone standing on it away, but it gave way too much safety to Yuumi's attached ally. If they were ever CC'd, Yuumi could just pop them away.


Originally posted by Zezimaz

Hi! thanks for the AMA, did you guys consider her Q being AoE? or maybe proc something similar like lundens echo? thank you

We did! We wanted hiding behind minions to be reasonable counterplay, so we took the AoE off of it. The damage + scorch + Spell Thiefs + Aery was often enough that the poke even through minions was too much.


Originally posted by Hextech_Avenger

In early iteration of the character, were there any ideas of granting the person you were attached to a percentage of Yuumi’s MS?

Yeah, actually. Constant MS creates issues where in lane you can chase down the enemy laners for favorable trades, so it was better as a spell that you had to pay a cost for.


Originally posted by BellyDancerUrgot

Ever gonna get that reverse yuumi skin where the book is riding the cat?

Also are rengar and yuumi friends in the kitty rengar alt verse?

I'm still holding out for BatCook.


Originally posted by ADD_ikt

Which champions do you think yuumi work well with?

I recently got smashed by Kled Yuumi. I think it's secret op. Any other secret op duos.

Divers. They love extra move speed, survivability, and catch potential.


Originally posted by Clotzy

Does it not worry Yous the yummi is completly locked to a support role , when every or champion can pull off a secondary role to some degree ,

Not really. It actually lets us have some freedom, since we don't need to worry about the additional pro power of having it be a flex pick.


Originally posted by Trickquestionorwhat

Which ability did you guys intend to have her max first, or did you try to make it balanced enough that it depended on the player's playstyle?

Q for sure. She needs a more poke oriented style to succeed in the early game, which is why the rank ups for that are so powerful. You can max E sometimes, but I'm not sure if its every really better than Q.


Originally posted by OpalP

What were Yuumi’s prototype names/appearance/abilities like? Was she always a cat or did the concept start out as something different altogether?

Once we saw the concept art for a cat with a book, everyone was sold, and we changed her playtest name to Catbook. It remained that for a long time until we got the final name in. We still call her Catbook from time to time.


Originally posted by Karna47

What was the worst thing to code about her? Im assuming having her jump on a champ could create so really weird interactions like Zed going into his ult.

The attach mechanic for sure. There are so many intricacies, timing issues and bugs that were created. /u/RiotLtRandolph is downright a hero for getting it all working.


Originally posted by Scienc3_HS

What where some of the most hilarious bugs/champion models or stories you encountered while making her?

Also how did you choose the name? I like it very much and I think it's very fitting.

In order to make the attachment work, we had to overhaul how other attachments work (including things like Kayn, Lamb and Wolf, and Nunu's snowball). There was one test where Kayn ulted someone under turret, they died, and then he was stuck there. He got blasted by the turret and died, but when he respawned, he was still stuck under that turret, so he just kept respawning and died over and over, unable to move.


Originally posted by Chocolatebeany

At /u/RiotMaxw3ll, is there any reason for yuumi to have extremely low base mr? IMO the untargetability doesn't really warrant that given that she also has one of the the lowest health pools, and if she still needs a buff it could probably be changed to standard ranged champion mr growth.

There were a lot of instances in playtests where she would get out of situations that we really felt like she should have died in. Getting caught warding super far from her allies, for example. But with two E charges plus a large range dash to safety, she wasn't getting punished enough. It's possible we went overboard there, and that we should've hit something else.

The other thing is that a high level optimization for Yuumi is to unattach to take skill shots for your ally, and I didn't want Yuumi to just blank enemy poke, so doing this had a meaningful cost.


Originally posted by CynicaIity

When designing enchanters what are the different tools or design niches you consider?

Some people like to simplify the role down to just heals, shields, and stat buffs, so internally what are the different things you are willing to try or boundaries you can push in order to make the role more dynamic and differentiate new champs from other enchanters?

We knew we wanted to do this attach mechanic, so we started looking for things within that wheel house to differentiate Yuumi from other enchanters. The most natural path wasn't what she was providing (heals, shields, ect), but who she could provide it to. Because she follows you anywhere, completely safely, she can hop onto a diver and follow them to the backline and buff them, which is just something Janna and Soraka can't do.


Originally posted by Mechanickel

Was Yuumi too strong with allowing her passive to get reduced by landing autoattacks and/or abilities? It feels like something that should happen when playing with her and it was a bit awkward to realize that it does not happen. I feel like it makes the lane phase not too interactive because you don't want to put yourself in the open as often.

We had a few versions that reduced CD's on Yuumi for auto attacking, but I wanted there to be points in time where it wasn't a mistake for Yuumi to just be chilling on her ally. Players want to play the attach support to attach, and if you're constantly being rewarded for auto attacks, then you feel like you're missing out when your attached.


Originally posted by SilverEmpress

What was the decision-making like around what her Q would do and be like?

I think the attached version is really cool; being able to direct it like that is pretty neat. But... I really wish it had a small AoE on it, even if the AoE was only on her Q when she's not attached to anyone. I've found if you're in a situation where you have to be by yourself, pushing a wave even slightly can be very hard.

We wanted her Q to be something that Yuumi players would have to invest some focus in while attached, since they wouldn't be burdened with move commands. It would be one of our few opportunities to do a high-demand input like that.

There was an AoE on it for awhile, but we cut it for a few reasons. The most major one was because Q is a highly reliable spell, we wanted minions to be more of a point of safety for enemies. Ducking behind minions, but still taking a percentage of the damage, plus spell thief + scorch proc often led to more poke than we were comfortable with. We didn't want the only counterplay to be 'run away the whole screen and wait.'


Originally posted by Youseph_Seraph

Are enchanter supports going to receive more attention? I mean, the last enchanter was released in 2013 and the enchanters that received some work between that period were just Janna and Zilean mini-gameplay update and Taric VGU (this one is a mix between an enchanter and a warden). As a enchanter support main, I'd like to see more enchanters.

Why is Yuumi made to be a female support? The only 2 male enchanters were released back in the early league days...

We made Yuumi specifically because we hadn't made an enchanter in awhile. I'm not sure when the next one would come out, but we always try and make sure that we're making champs for all player types; it can just take awhile some times.


Originally posted by Vekkna

To start, I'd like to thank the champ designers for making the first champ in 5 years that I both want to play and am capable of playing. And that I actually want to continue playing!

Question: It's still early, obvs, but I've had solid success using Coin, rushing Deathcap, stacking AP runes (Eyeball, Focus, Storm), and using Q mostly to zone or check bushes. At 1 item you're basically worth a BF and ~50% MS.

Have you seen any success with these sorts of builds, or is Q deliberately intended to be ranked first and W last?

I'm glad you like her!

Q is definitely supposed to be the first max, and W maxed last. Your W doesn't really scale with levels so much as it scales with items in the game. If you level it up at level 3, for example, you're gaining the extra stats on your support item and your ADC's Doran's blade. Compared to the extra stats you get from Q rank up, it's not even close. I do like the AP build personally, but if you want to be threatening your enemy, I think you need to be putting points into Q.


Originally posted by AForgottenSnowflake

Were there any other abilities you considered giving Yuumi, that while fitting the character just didn't fit her kit at all? I figured maybe something with portals might have been considered given Book's story.

Also, I love Yuumi a lot. I know she's getting a bit of a bad rep right now, but I do fully believe it is due to the fact that a lot of players suddenly became support mains with the new champion. So because she isn't a killing spree kind of support like Pyke was, people are saying she is weak. As a support main who plays a lot of healing champs like Nami, Soraka, and Taric, I think she is a wonderfully fun champion who can be extremely powerful in the right hands, and the right comp. ♥

We actually tried a spell where she would do a mini-ryze ult to teleport anyone in a circle around her to the targeted position. It was way too much safety granted to her ally, who if ever CC'd would just be whisked away, but it was a cool portal call out.