Do you expect her to be a broad or niche champ
More niche. The playstyle is going to ask for some investment.
Do you expect her to be a broad or niche champ
More niche. The playstyle is going to ask for some investment.
Is she ranged? What is the number as in Ashe is 600, Rakan is 350
does it grant vision around the projectile and if so, how much?
not really. If you hit a champ you reveal them tho.
Rylai’s ever come in or are more defensive options better?
It can for sure, but usually you're so much faster than them baseline that the extra slow is unnecessary.
Sry so let's say she's similar to AP Shyv maybe.
Like farming till ultimate and edging the fight constantly while getting in melee only for the killing blow?
that description is pretty good.
hmm since her playstyle is hit and run kite for days, is her q spammable like heca q?
not quite that low, but low. 4s CD
Does is collide with minions?
yes it does. Although it has a cone explosion on the back half.
She builds Runic > Liandries basically every game. Then its AP/defensive items usually. Most commonly Hourglass > Deadman's >Visage
I'm loving everything about this champion the only thing I dislike so far is the items you are suggesting after Hourglass. Building Tank with no Deathcap or Void Staff doesn't sound fun at all. Is it because her AP ratios are low?
Its mostly because her defenses don't scale well with the rest of the damage in the game. She hits a really strong mid game spike and needs to carry that through to close out the game, so mostly in late game fights liandries + passive + dark harvest do enough damage that you really just want to stay alive longer.
Sounds like something that will be busted on release, but we'll see. Of course, chances of landing that skill at such a distance is incredibly low.
Its a pretty slow skill shot. Its pretty hard to hit on someone without boomer reflexes (like me).
Does this mean if I hit multiple enemies I get multiple stacks or each hit of ability will only grant 1 stack?
1 stack per ability.
Does she have the zoomies
Many many zooms.
How long is the cooldown on her ultimate?
130 at first rank. Its a really easy set up on any pushed lane w a ton of CC on it, and especially in bot lane can lead to double kills if they aren't being respectful.
i get that, and talisman tends to give a lot of sustain for aoe champs, but i don't like the idea of a sustain rune being entirely necessary for a champ to succeed in the jungle. what if she wanted to go ult hunter?
and dodging skillshots is a big part of the defense of every champ, but other champs have dashes or conditional movement speed, hers seems reliant on landing one of the shortest range abilities in her kit. you'd want to have that move speed to dodge a reactionary skillshot, not a retaliatory one.
she has a ton more MS than the average champion. She gains the speed on any ability hit (not just Q), gains it on hitting anything (even jungle camps), and the speed stacks. So when she's in combat, she fast.
I hear you about the rune. I was very sad to see it go, but League is a complex game with tons of nuance. We have to balance Lillia around what we expect her best runes to be. The cost of opening up other builds in this case was also going to allow her to have so much healing that she could never really die.
What do her gank patterns look like? As far as I can tell she doesn't have good ganks Pre 6, and after 6 she still needs to land her E or else she needs to rely on overextending.
Pre 6 her ganks aren't great. She's super squishy and has to play like the shy fawn she is. Her goal is to use her movespeed and good clear to get a farm lead, hit 6, then ult the lanes on cooldown. her movement speed stacks on each ability hit, so she can build up a good chunk of speed on scuttle and take that speed into the lane.
Wait... it stacks on all abilities up to 5?? How fast can she go???
Pretty fast. Not rammus fast, but she can keep it up for longer by hitting jungle camps. Current numbers (obviously subject to change):
Each stack grants 7-11% (based on Q rank) movement speed for 5 seconds, stacking up to 5 times. Stacks fall off 1 at a time, at a rate of 1/second.
Weird how she was labelled as a mid-range skirmisher but she has no mobility outside of a conditional MS boost and no hard CC outside her ult.
That plus her passive dealing %max health magic damage in dot form, she sounds like a juggernaut more than a fighter.
Posted this elsewhere, but the Q movementspeed stacks up to 5 times and is granted on every ability hit. She can whip around fights, she just doesn't do it with dashes.
I wonder what the range of her ult will be. Given that her passive puts dream dust to all abilities, could she potentially throw her swirlseed down a lane before going into farming jungle and if it lands on enemy champion, she could make that champion sleep all the way from the jungle?
that is indeed how it works.
Something the video is really underselling is the movement speed. It stacks up to 5 times and is granted on every ability hit. Her game is about keeping the movement speed stacked up and using it to play a hit and run style or roam around the map.
i'm disappointed that the dual form fantasy was scrapped, but i get that there's enough transform champs in the game and making her change forms on a timer instead of making it her ult like most other champs would have felt like you had no control over her kit. and she's definitely cute, no question there.
i guess my only gripe is that her gameplay doesn't seem to leave much to do other than run in and do a bunch of damage with an occasional long range slow and a lack of hard cc until 6. if i wanted to do all of that and live to talk about it in this high damage meta, i'd just play mundo and not care about hard cc. she's definitely a jungle champ with how much aoe there is in her kit, but the lack of inherent sustain worries me a bit. i guess i'll have to get my hands on her first.
She had sustain on her kit for the longest time (The passive healed over time as it dealt damage), but as our playtest team got better and better at her, it became more and more egregious. The value we landed on was that Ravenous Hunter was the correct amount of sustain for the character, so there wasn't really room for it. She's a hard champion to play correctly. A lot of your defense comes from dodging skill shots.
hey! quick question. is the champion team still looking to make complex champions? after aphelios its back to back simpler kits.
Our goal is to release a range of difficulties for sure. Lillia's abilities are pretty simple, but you have to play a very tight game in order to get your damage done and not die yourself. She's pretty squishy compared to other close range junglers, so she really needs to use her movespeed to dodge skill shots and get in Q range to do her thing.