Hello! Mind if I ask a question? What was the justification for going true damage on the Q over adaptive? While I realize she's supposed to be a jungler, I feel like she's shaping up to be really feast/famine as a top laner. She'll either not deal enough damage/not have enough sustain to get rolling, or she'll relentlessly stomp you everytime you walk back to lane with an overwhelming MS stacking passive, a long range slow (needs skill though so not as bad) and an unavoidable hard CC if you fail to dodge anything.
I would be worried of the scenario where people take her top, she gets an early advantage from a bad play or her jungler ganking, and she just runs you down over and over. You won't even be able to tank it out because she has true damage on the Q. This wouldn't be a problem but unlike Darius, she has way better MS in addition to a slow. I feel like she'll just CC you with E/R, and then rip your HP bar with true damage Q while you can't move.