

13 Jun


Had such a fantastic time casting today with Frosk and got the pleasure of a super fun game from OG. I love that Deficio told me his team was gonna play more aggressive and take the fight to G2, they did and they won. MORE OF THAT PLZ


Originally posted by The_Real_Philinex

Anyone else notice Quickshot refer to Perkz as Upset when he got caught by the Sett ult mid lane?

I caught that in the rollout of the day, so bummed in myself lol. It happens though.

12 Jun


What an absolute banger of a game. Had so much fun with Ender and so lucky to get such an exciting game to end the day. Very happy with the content and maybe was a little too excited but thought the game called for that level of energy.

31 May


Originally posted by Megalodontus

The real loser is Quickshot, who has to sleep on the couch tonight

I deserve it. I should have just told the truth and not tried to claim my wifes profile picture.

30 May


Sjokz POG no doubt

09 May


Put a ring on it. Any partner who plays with you and is able to help set up future pentakills is worth holding onto. In 10 years of playing this game, my one ranked pentakill was setup by my wife on her nami while I played sivir!

29 Apr


Have you seen how many mech anime there are?

19 Apr


I was not in the toilet FYI

18 Apr


Originally posted by Antihiero

I think Quickshot was being too nice on MAD on his comments after Game 4. Orome and Kaiser straight out brought the entire team down with that Game 1 and 2 play.

If only they feeded less MAD would be in a better spot. Like that other guy on here said; good job G2 Orome and G2 Kaiser!

I somewhat agree, but also think it was sort of intentional. Going into game 4, Ender said to me, don't 'baby MAD Lions, be more harsh'. Going to share a few points to consider that shapes how I decide what to say.

Overall the player experience difference as well as G2 being expected to win and the better team on many levels makes editorial choices more difficult. Ender and I also felt strongly that we are happy with MAD overall, we wanted to praise this young team for what they have done in 2020. I think maybe that I played it a little softer for MAD than it could have gone. This is a great finish for such a new team and org, so I hope the biggest take away is that they proved they can be at the top but have some work to do to actually win it all.


Originally posted by KyrieIrving

I swear to god it sounded like the casters kept saying Corona break instead of Chrono break :D

f*ck did I really? Or is it my accent HAHAHAHA That's kind of funny, in a dark way.


I actually got so freaking lost lol

16 Apr


Originally posted by Hinyu

Who is the owner of the cute dog?

Her name is Appa, she is a little over a year old :D Samoyed is the breed and @Appathecloud on Instagram.

15 Apr


There are hundreds of people behind the on air talent team that push every aspect of our show, our content, our league and our region. I am so proud of the way every single person gets involved and continuously strives to improve, no matter the circumstances. It would be impossible to list them all, but I just want everyone to remember the rest of the staff in the office or studio, contractors and 3rd party team mates, they are the heroes here. Finally, every single one of YOU, Thank you for watching, supporting, laughing and crying with us.

It's been a hell of a ride watching this show and team grow, but I wouldn't want to be anywhere else.


10 Apr


Originally posted by Gordo778

It’s just lame to have these convos with you every week my man, remember last week when MAD Lions made an excellent flank play and your entire cast for the play was repeating “This is bad for MAD Lions, this is bad for MAD Lions” over and over again?

Honestly just feels like you’re not paying attention quite a bit of the time, which is shitty for the viewers. If you want to make fun of me for being “triggered” for calling that out, go ahead I guess.

Edit: And in game 2 you pause the whole cast and do a whole “drumroll” to repeat what your cocaster says verbatim, kind of exactly what I’m talking about in regards to not paying attention.

Maybe you just don't like my style? Not all casting has to make every single viewer happy. I had several folks messaging me saying they enjoyed the joke, I'm sorry it's not to your taste, but I truly do appreciate the feedback. Just remember this is an entertainment product as well. I actively make choices about what I want to say and do, and I'm feeling pretty happy with the 3 games I've cast so far :D


Originally posted by Gordo778

Quickshot is such an awful caster. How hard is it to look at the screen when nothing is going on? Giving a whole speech about how Inspired has only 1 mark when he, in fact, has more than 1 mark. Talking about how important ocean soul is going to be when we’re on cloud map. It’s right in front of you! You have the information, just look at the screen!

<3 Thanks for the feedback, I actually can't log into the client super easily while broadcasting from home and rely on production team to feed me information while casting hence the small mistake about 'one mark'. He had 2 when I said 1, and the point was really that 1 or 2 at 24+mins isn't great ;) That was the main point I was trying to address.

I also am extremely confident I said cloud soul but may have said have an ocean and infernal drake :P If I did have a MINOR misstep in wording, so sorry it triggered you so badly.

03 Apr


Originally posted by vijhin

Imma be honest, I don't like the forced narratives presented by quickshot. While it does make for a more interesting story, it can get excessive at times. How many times are we gonna hear "playing with their food" or " Kings/king slayers"?

Those lines aren't for everyone, but they do resonate with many, and also work as great sound bytes that clearly explain in an easy to understand statement touching on history, communal understanding, current context. In some form or another, these sorts of lines will exist in any serialized competitive event. I for one love them :P Obviously, but I hope you can see the value in them even if you just don't like the exact phrase.

Also genuinely thanks for the feedback today throughout the series. It was a difficult cast because of so many factors and I spent time between games reading post match threads, and digested what I could, tried to get a feel for what some of the audience was feeling both positive and negative and integrated it with Yamato into our casting. Overall I feel happy with the show we put on and only wish that in game, Yamato and I revisited the MAD Lions dark horse for playoffs a few more times. I think we told the player performance story and rookies t...

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28 Mar

21 Mar


This was my first full game cast from home in over 7 years. Last time I did this on broadcast was in 2012! It's insane how different the entire process is not having hand signals, not having a crowd, (Not having stakes too) but also how rusty I am in with at home commentary. GOT A LOT TO PRACTISE. I also need to get a better audio setup for next weeks shows.

Thanks for sticking with us and HMU with any feedback <3

20 Mar


Originally posted by gusky651

Does covering your monitors/FOV with those cloths help with the webcam lightning or is it only for style points?

If it's my photo that you're referencing. It's primarily for the echo in my spare room. The echo is so bad I have to cover the wall and monitors to try reduce the impact on my microphone.


We are halfway through the first day of LEC Remote broadcast and I just wanted to say thank you to everyone at home watching, to everyone that put this together.

I'm sitting at home playing a coordinating role today honestly I'm just blown away at the response from the viewers at home and even more impressed by the production team. We started investigating how to produce the LEC from home, and keep all the major elements of the broadcast so that it was still LEC Quality. At the time of posting we have completed two games and I'm happy with the current state. For the first ever remote broadcast of LEC planned with less than 4 days, relying on our home internet connections and with so many different variables.

It isnt a perfect broadcast, and we are working through audio issues as well as new slew of technical challenges to work through. I'm optimistic that we can increase the quality and address these problems one by one over the coming shows. Please be patient with...

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