Who will cast the lec finals?
I answer this question elsewhere in the thread.
Who will cast the lec finals?
I answer this question elsewhere in the thread.
why did you remove one potential worlds-qualifier game from gauntlet, it really sucks if you look at my flairs :(
We did not! We changed which teams appear in the gauntlet.
There are still 3 series in RQ for Worlds.
This year the change that happened is that teams 2-5 in ranking for Championship points compete for the spots instead of 3-6.
You can watch a handy explainer video here!
Will the casters be at the venue for groups, or will that also be done from the studio?
The plan is to cast play-ins from the LEC studio, groups from the arena, QF and SF from the Berlin studio and Finals from the venue.
jesus f**k I read "outside" of EU and had my pitchfork ready
I tweaked the wording to make sure it's easier to read / understand.
More MediVedi screentime?
How about Frosko joins them and they cast the final? THATS HAPPENING!
Got any puppy pics???
You can follow my doggo here.
Who is in charge for Worlds broadcast, LEC team or LCS team?
Worlds is in Europe and I would be sad to see NA controlled broadcast with just a few EU casters involved like last year
As with every international broadcast, it's a mix of EU and NA. We share responsibilities, staff and teams and we always travel to the broadcast location. Whether it's EU going to NA or vice versa. I answered earlier in the thread, but Worlds will be hosted from EU this year, and the NA crew coming to work the event will be based with the EU team in our studio.
Since it's happening around EU this time around will the worlds broadcast team be located in Europe for worlds or will it still be done from NA, and will the analyst desk stay in Berlin or move around too?
Worlds in EU will be broadcast from EU. Expect to see the Berlin Studio for Playins, in venue for Groups, Berlin studio for quarter and semi finals and in venue for the Finals. For all international events EU and NA teams work very closely together to produce the shows, no matter where the location is. I'm personally really excited to hose the NA crew again in a similar fashion to MSI last year and hope you are too.
I haven't seen a question asked about who is casting finals yet, but I wanted to share the answer anyway :P
Athens will be the first weekend in a while where I will not shoutcast any games! I am proud to share with you that /u/MedicCasts will be casting his first LEC road show final along with /u/Ovedius and /u/thatEuropeanFangirl
The Semi Final series on Saturday will be cast by ...
Read moreYou go to riot.com and you can find all open positions in riot, I believe that there are currently open positions in Berlin office and some of them are for the LEC.
+1 bro. Good job.
But I would walk 500 miles And I would walk 500 more Just to be the man who walks a thousand miles To fall down on the LEC floor.
There aren't enough words to describe Trevor and how fun and awesome he is in real life. He is supportive, hilarious, and an allround wonderful human- :D He really is the dad of the casting team. His dancemoves are awful though. Don't ask.
What is a strength that is specific to the LEC broadcast team that no other region’s broadcast team offers? What makes you different/standout?
I can't speak to directly comparing other broadcasts because I don't know the intricacies of how other teams operate, build their shows, decide on content direction.
What I can say is that the 2019 season of LEC has been the single best of our entire career. Comparing 2019 EU to previous years, our team matured, developed a new level of trust, understanding and willingness to try bold ideas and this feeling was shared across our entire office. What makes us stand out, is our ability to be brave and take deliberate actions with our content to try differentiate our broadcast from the rest of the world. I'm very proud of how our team has evolved vs our former selves!
Read moreI'll just throw questions at everyone because why not:
/u/eutriaged How would you describe your job in a sentence with less than 10 words and whats the most fun about it?
/u/Barshnip What's the most interesting stat that you want the casters to talk about, but they actually haven't?
/u/havocrumpet my guess would be, that you create/organize hype videos for lec and all these things, that are played during the broadcast, if yes: who is your favorite pro to work with? If no ... what do you actually do?
/u/RiotQuickshot Do you miss Deficio, or have you gotten over him?
/u/RiotDrakos How do you come up with all those rap-lines for the rap-battles we have seen so far?
/u/Mediccasts Is there anyone at riot, that benches more than you? also ... did you try arm wrestling hyllis...
I... I'm fine. I don't sniff miss him at all. I'm a happily married man...
Oh yes he is, but unless im wrong he is noticeably less than in spring/last year. I knew he got a baby (huge congratulations) and that he took some time off for that, but even regarding that I feel that he is out less on stage. I was wondering if his new title meant that he now does more off-broadcast work now compared to last split/last summer.
Got a puppy :P I'm not dadshot YET, but I will be soon. Once /u/keldith lets me.
How is the broadcast team's relationship with the pro players? In some interviews it seems like you all are so close and and in some others it seems like you never met outside of the studio
I think that's because both stories are true. It varies from caster to caster and player to player, remember that not every player is as comfortable on camera which can also lead to the appearance that there is no synergy or comraderie. This is a really wide topic to unpack.
If you could pick 5 people from the LEC team to make an all-star team, who would it be?
For me - This is a no brainer.
Who's idea was it to bring in external talent (Machine, Excoundrel etc.) to host? I personally loved the energy and different opinions they bought to the show and would love to see this kind of thing continue to happen in the future
Does this mean you are the driving force/works with stuff such as Papa or crusty coming in as guest hosts/casters? It's quite interesting when there are "guest stars" coming in on the broadcast (as they say; variety is the spice of life) and it's both refreshing + makes me appreciate the incredible "on-air talent" LEC has.
Thank you :)
Yup. I fought really hard to make this a thing when I was promoted in 2018, and fortunately it worked and I was able to expand. It's super important to recognize that so many people come together to make this work. The entire broadcast team has to step up to welcome guests that don't know our show, our systems, our staff and in some cases, they don't know our League. It's been a really fun challenge that fortunately a lot of fans have appreciated.
My questions are for all the casters.
Certain casters definitely seem to be
benchedon the desk more often than others, especially for international events. Is this down to people's preference, a group decision, a decision from higher-ups, or a mixture?What are some less obvious preferences that you might have between casting vs post game analysis?
I imagine it will be covered on the broadcast but who's your contender for EU's 3rd worlds spot? (assuming Fnatic and G2 are the favourites for the top two seeds)
Can we stop bullying Quickshot? :(
Finally, when is the LEC crew dropping their debut album?
hehe - My team love me, they just show their affection by calling me old. Everytime you hear them say that, it actually means I LOVE YOU TREVOR. I promise.
Not a question ..but this year has been a blast! I enjoyed the new rebranding and all members of the crew! Yes even you ender xD
Thank you for watching <3