

21 Jan


Originally posted by JacksterL

Your actually one of my favorite riot employee, keep up the good work. Also love how your answering questions. Thanks



Originally posted by SleepConnoiseur

Would it be possible someday to remove the little teddy bear Annie holds when she summons Tibbers?

It's a minor detail, but considering how Tibbers is always depicted in cinematics as being the enchanted form of her teddy bear, I thought it'd be cool if it were that way in-game.

I always wanted that detail to happen, but there might be some gameplay implications to that, and would require some coding too!


Originally posted by TheAlmightyChanka

Hello Sirhaian, Great Job on the Annie's VFX definetly will start playing with Wonderland Annie more often now! Do you think of updating Hecarim's VFX he is one of my favorite champions

Thank you! :D

And yes, he's among a lot of other champions I'd like to update at some point!


Originally posted by ItsReallyJustAHorse

Im assuming you tried having it just be horizontal? If I had to guess the actual skillshot would look better but the animation would be goofy as hell because he tosses it out vertically

Yup, I did try that. And you're right! Another issue was that the anchor is so wide I had to scale it down so much to match the hitbox it looked a bit ridiculous. :x


Originally posted by RazeULikeaPhoenix

how about adding dirt and rock particles to digger naut skin? also thank god Annie got a VFX update on her ultimate skin to actually make it semi ultimate tier. now if only a certain card slinger could get a look at his....

I'm currently recoloring Subterranean Nautilus and adding some rocks here and there. :)


Originally posted by tundranocaps

Could've gone the Chemtech route, and added runes and glows and such on his body, but that probably calls for a remodel to prepare these zones first.

Yup, exactly. :/

His model is really old and difficult to work with.


Originally posted by ThisIsSnake

Hi Sirhaian, love your work ! I don’t play Orianna but I dislike playing against her because it feels like her orb just zips around with no effect. Could you consider adding some VFX to make it a bit more visual ?

Thanks !!

Yup, she's definitely on my long list of champs I'd like to update.

(I definitely use definitely way too often)


Originally posted by Eddalot

I don't know about Naut's Q. Its a bit too "stale". It's a bit too much like this gif. A slight tilt would look alot better instead of SUPREME STRAIGHT RIGGID GRAVITY DEFYING ANCHOR TOSS.

Sadly, due to our camera, tilted objects can appear to have a very different hitbox depending on the angle they're fired at... So we try to avoid doing so. :c


Originally posted by RyomaTheLobster

I wish they kept the ice particles for Frostfire instead of just making it blue fire, but overall the updates are nice.

I'll be adding some more snowflakes in her kit!


Originally posted by Solash1

Any chance we could also update Frankentibbers Annie's fire colour, maybe to something a bit spookier like green or a pale blue?

It IS a 975 skin so it's probably acceptable for it to have VFX changes

Yup, that's planned!


Originally posted by EdumBot

This is great and all but where are the snowflake particles from the Frostfire skin?

There are some in there, but not visible enough. I'll add more in her kit!


Originally posted by 36Kars

Trynda has the problem of not having any particles, and his autoattacks are so bland

He needs a full visual update imo

Basically that ^


Originally posted by VerboseAnalyst

Want to add. The direction of the annie in wonderland VFX are so solid that I actually hope you go back to update all "card" skins to it. Start of a wonderland theme. Release a new skin with updates to old ones at same time for hype.

That's definitely something I'd like to see!


Originally posted by Hyoudou

Will it also get a SFX update?

Only VFX, sorry!


Originally posted by 36Kars

Now if you guys could revert/fix Goth Annie's splash I'd greatly appreciate it, also nice work because the vfx looks really good

As an Annie main, I'd personally love that, but I only do VFXs, sorry. :c

Glad you like them!


Originally posted by AobaSona

Could you, in the future, be doing this to more recently updated champs that didn't get recolors on their previous updates? For example, Frosted Ez with his base gold particles is really sad... Noxus Poppy too.

As much as I'd love to, sadly those skins are 520, and they do not get new particles, sorry. :c


Originally posted by Captain-Turtle

sadly didnt do shit for tryndameres legendary skin

Sadly there's only so much VFX that can be added on Tryndamere. He barely has anything in his kit that uses VFXs... :C


Originally posted by alexappeal_

Is it possible to give Frankentibbers Annie green fire like Zombie Brand’s? :xxx

Yup, I'll be giving her a recolor!


Originally posted by PrivateVasili

Overall good changes, but I don't really see the point of adding trails to Nautilus' autos when his shield isn't active. Just sort of feels like unnecessary vfx.

Sadly it's either trails or no trails, Nautilus is very old and I don't really have a way to add trails only when his shield is up, at least not without refactoring a bunch of his old stuff, which would be outside of the scope of this update. :c


Originally posted by Javonetor

Only problem i saw is the hextech q vfx feels a little longer, idk what it is, but looks weird

I haven't touched Hextech's Q though.