

03 Mar


Originally posted by SaengerDruide

Could you make the bright Lux skin's E make some ripples like a water surface after a stone fell in? Would be a handy little Easter egg for gravitational waves.

They are in there! I just had to tone it down a lot so it's barely noticeable because it was interfering with gameplay too much. :c


Originally posted by Stewbodies

They're amazing, huge fan!

How'd you get into this line of work, how'd you get this gig?

Thanks! My experience was pretty linear and basic: learned game art at school, decided to learn VFX online, made some fan arts, got a first job, then applied to Riot and eventually got in.


Originally posted by TehRudeSandstrm

Assuming this is gonna be the normal version of Malphite's Prestige skin then.

ALSO there's no way in hell these Lux skins weren't worked on by Sirhaian considering they were brought in for the Jax skin too, right?

Edit: Confirmed :DD

Just for full disclosure, I work full-time at Riot now (and have done so for two years now), so there's no need to bring me in anymore hahaha.

(And yes I just HAD to work on those two skins!)

22 Jan


Originally posted by RektByRekcah

I currently use Subterranean over Astronautilus because it's scarier. I'm pretty sure the psychological aspect of it lets me hit more hooks, so please don't make it too pretty :)

It'll mostly just be a recolored version of base, with some rocks~


Originally posted by MemoryStay

Will Ahri be getting anything anytime soon(if not then was she ever considered for anything?)

She's on my list for sure! Her Q hitbox is much wider than it appears.


Originally posted by JamayneIsuckyo

"complete bs"lol? dont swear at us mr riot worker

Sorry, I have an history with bad hitboxes and I died way too many times to Naut's hooks.... >_>


Originally posted by hey_its_graff

Her R cast effects are spot-on, adding clarity to the hitbox and making it feel cooler at once.

Thanks, glad you like that part!


Originally posted by RazeULikeaPhoenix

yeah great job man. these vfx updates are very much wanted and appreciated.

Thanks! Always happy to see players enjoy those updates!


Originally posted by RaphtotheMax5

Awesome, saw someone else make a comment about this but the base Nautilus could use a bit more water-y effects as rn i feel its mostly shadow isle-y

Besides that its all great and your vfx updates are the best and super appreciated

Thanks! I might polish base a bit while it's on PBE, but no promise here~


Originally posted by TheBestCCIsDeath

Will Annie in Wonderland be the only one to get new effects?

I'll give Frankentibbers a recolor too! The other skins (outside of the ones shown in the post/video) are 750 or lower, so they won't be getting new VFXs and will be using base ones like they always have. :c


Originally posted by JapposaurusRex

Make her W shoot out snowflakes please :c

Yup, I'll add more snowflakes in her kit!


Originally posted by RaphtotheMax5

Hey! Where the best way to give feedback, right here on a comment or on the boards?

Right here sounds good!


Originally posted by LoLFanfiction

You're a god/dess among men, Sirhaian!

Excited for the green Frankentibbers effects you mentioned!

I'm excited to see what I can do with that skin tbh!

21 Jan


Originally posted by ItsReallyJustAHorse

Fair enough! If only it was possible to add a fun easter egg where Jax's scarf gets attached to the anchor if he kills Jax with Q for that extra new dawn spice lmao

I was actually thinking about how I could do that like 5 min ago!!

Sadly I still haven't found an answer to that, and I'm not sure I have the time to invest in that, and I don't think it's really necessary, although it'd be a nice easter egg. :C


Originally posted by SlurpTurnsMeGreen

You did a wonderful job on Annie's W. Much better clarity on its strength and range.

Thank you!


Originally posted by EntropicReaver

thanks for the work on these skins. annie in wonderland looks amazing and im glad to see someone at riot prefers the previous goth annie splash

Thanks, glad you like the changes!


Originally posted by Harry_Skywalker

I love the new Annie VFX. They're fire! (heh)



Originally posted by ItsReallyJustAHorse

Just spitballing here because Im busy avoiding doing my actual job, what would just a tiny amount of rotation look like? Like, <=10 degrees over the course of the entire animation. I wonder if that would help with the static look without causing too many clarity issues.

(Want to be clear, these still look amazing and I love the work you do for Riot)

I did add a bit of vertical rotation to give it some more weight and get closer to the feel it has in the New Dawn cinematic. I'd still like to avoid horizontal rotation as much as possible, though.


Originally posted by LoneLyon

I mean you guys did find a way with jax.

But he has a jump, an AOE stun, a big shield and an empowered attack.

Trynd has.... a rage? And basic attacks? His AOE slow/debuff is so large it can't be noisy. There's really only so much that can be done with him VFX-wise, at least in my own opinion. :c


Originally posted by Hyoudou

Oh, okay... Will Shaco ever receive a VFX update?

Would love that!