

02 Aug


Thanks for the feedback WhatTheChef! This is a great idea. I am currently the lead ui designer for in game work and we will absolutely take this feedback to heart when we have the availability to restructure the combat report.

The combat report has been on our radar for a few months and we would love to update it in the somewhat near future, but I can’t put a timeframe on this for you. We have a lot of exciting updates for the in game space planned and some that are higher priority. I just wanted to confirm that we do want to give players more granularity when it comes to this feature.

Any other feedback or ideas to include in an update are always appreciated. I’m always lurking trying to gather ideas from our players, so keep them coming!

24 Jul


We’re working on something for you guys!

03 Mar


I forgot to get performance captures on this during development... I’m going to be in trouble tomorrow.

06 Feb


I will get this in front of the right people to see if we can confirm!

05 Sep


Hey! In game ui designer on Valorant here. We are currently working on improving our spectator experience every patch. We understand it’s not up to par yet and are committing to making it the best experience possible. I can’t give you a concrete timeline on when our esports overlays will be ready but I can assure you they are being worked on. Hopeful to have our viewer experience in a much better spot by end of year!

25 Aug


I just want to say that there is some really fantastic design thinking here! Love these concepts and I think that these would be great options to explore further.

04 Aug


Heya! The icons for the ‘newer’ agents in the lineup (Breach, Reyna, and Killjoy) were made by me. They deviate from the original cast as they are a bit more detailed. Icons are a bit difficult to design because you have to tow the line of not being to literal and only showing exactly what you see in game while also giving the essence of what the ability does. I would love to circle back at some point and give the original casts ability icons a bit of an overhaul.

As always let me know if you don’t think any of the icons hit the mark or if you have better ideas for them :D we aren’t adverse to making changes if we all think they need it!

26 Jul


Originally posted by xp677

The name is only 16 characters. The issue is that with this Chinese script, each character is wider than the average Latin/Roman character which we use in the West.

A 16 character name written in a Western language would not be as wide. Since Valorant is a new game designed in the US, situations like this may not have been fully considered at this time.

Great call out! I am responsible for this and will get a fix in for next patch. Thanks for bringing it to our attention.

22 Jul


Originally posted by SupAYYYer

I think the new weapon stats box is great! Perhaps could use pictures for head/body/leg instead of just the words? Probably only a minor improvement imo though

We actually tried this! It looked good in mockups but it didn't translate to in game. Sometimes things like this are difficult because we are designing for very minimal space and it has to scale correctly for all of our supported monitor sizes / resolutions.


Originally posted by Le_Vagabond

are you still going to play every character in the first round of a spectated match ?

that must get tiring at times.

It is really limiting the amount of work I can get done in a day. Playing all these custom games is tough.

On a real note - this will be fixed next patch.


Originally posted by sadboysthrowaway5295

Also the invisible HUD, please.

someone much smarter then myself is working on this! This is a pretty nasty bug and it is incredibly difficult to reproduce and track down. No timeline on fix but this is very high priority for us and we are hoping to have this fixed sooner rather then later. Sorry you have experienced it!

21 Jul


Originally posted by Seblor

Are the displayed stats now linked to the actual weapon stats to avoid mismatches like the Guardian last patch (where the stat block was not updated) ?

Yes they are!


Originally posted by IMavericIK

yoo that new weapon stat box is beautiful

Thank you! As you use it in game make sure to give us feedback on it. We are always trying to iterate and make things like this better.

17 Jun


Hmm I think you have a great idea here...

No promises obviously, but it’s a great idea.

14 Jun


Originally posted by Deranox

If I might suggest some feedback. Please give us an owned/unowned filter for gun buddies, sprays etc. AND a list view. This carousel just doesn't do especially without filters. It's really, really, really a must in an ever expanding list of things like this as more content is added.

Also, when selecting an agent in agent select, pre game, the skills description font is so small and on bright background (most of the time) with white letters. It's really hard and annoying to read. Can the team please take a look ?

Also also can we please have an equip button somewhere when we unlock something new and it takes us to the corresponding menu ? I find myself often wanting to equip some spray or skin that I just earned in the post game lobby and I can't do it fast enough and then I'll have to go and search for it.

Edit: Why am I being downvoted ? I'm just suggesting feedback.

Don’t worry about the downvotes. We appreciate all this kind of feedback. I will provide this feedback to the designers working on the out of game UI experience! And I will take a look at the character select text and see what we can do to get the text a bit more readable.


Originally posted by spiritedlemon

Out of interest, is the HUD made up of a bunch of different layers? Some of mine keeps disappearing and I’ve been trying to work out why it’s happening so often

First off - sorry this is happening to you. These kinds of bugs are extremely rare so we would love to solve these edge cases.The HUD is made up of a bunch of different ‘layers’ so to say. When this happens could you please take screenshots and submit a bug ticket from the client? If it is easier you could send me a message directly on here but I need screenshots and/or videos to help our QA team track down why this is happening.


Originally posted by Evilijah39

I know EXACTLY where you are

I really missed a great opportunity with this one. I even have a Cypher profile image. I'm the worst.


Originally posted by xXUtahraptorXx

Don’t understand what you said, but what I take from it is that you are the god of all custom games

And you would not be incorrect.


I am watching all of your custom games...

But on a real note - this ones on me. I make the majority of the in game UI and I tend to use my in game name as placeholder text. Sometimes the engine falls back on this text when it’s being stressed from various other sources (600 ping and 1 fps will do it).

04 Jun