

28 Sep


Originally posted by DeathfireGrasponYT

20/10 game design sir


26 Jun


Thank you Zimmer1569!

As a little fun fact, I made the initial pitch and created a weapon model for Prime (Vandal), Glitchpop (Bulldog), and Prelude to Chaos (Vandal).

28 Dec


Originally posted by Caffeine-_-

Ascent has pizza too right

Oh yeah true. AND gelato and other food for attackers. Wooow.

27 Dec


I think Icebox and Split would be unbalanced because Icebox has diet milk and leftover pizza for defenders and Split has a ramen shop for attackers.

11 Dec


Originally posted by Hefrii

when's smite 2.0 coming?

If we were to make Smite 2.0, would you all be excited if we did 4 guardian skins and a melee?


Originally posted by Just_Mardo

What has been your own personal favorite thing you have made for the game that has released?

Pitching and working on Prime and Glitchpop :D

12 Nov

16 Oct

29 Sep


Originally posted by ScaryMonster1988

Getting kills. That's it. Top fragging/ Bottom fragging mean getting the most kills and least kills in your team respectively

And sometimes when you play DM17 in Quake 3 and you keep falling off the map, you become a frag loser and go negative on the scoreboard :D

27 Aug


Fixed on our end, should be in the next patch!

28 Jul


Originally posted by Soham_rak

When do we get

ONiON phantom

Onion Phatom - when you spray to inaccuracy your screen starts to blur until you wipe the tears away.

20 Jul


Thanks for the love on the skins, and the game itself! As an artist, it's been really fun and challenging to push what a weapon skin can be in a competitive shooter, even if we don't always get it 100% right.

23 Jun


Originally posted by Riot_Preeti

I thought only Prime Vandal had aimbot

Ktac Sheriff comes with Felix Felicis

22 Jun

17 Jun


Originally posted by KhmerStory

Thank you Fragloser for this super clean line. It's apparent you recognise these are guns and so keeping them black with subtle accents was a nice artistic touch. I know there are people that want the melee to be a dagger but I hope it's a sword, just makes sense to kill someone with a sword given the choice imo.

No problem, really glad you like it! As always, it's a team effort for every skin we make. We had an amazing concept to work from and our outsource managers also did a great job giving feedback throughout the model!


Originally posted by iamdandyking

Jigsaw Collection

Monarch Collection

Holy, this BP is so good, definitely the best one yet. The Monarch and Aristocrat skins would go well together.

Thanks!! We were real excited to work on these internally. I think I'm gonna pair the Monarch skins as a compliment to the Prime skins in addition to the Aristocrat :D

15 Jun


Originally posted by whimsicalphysics

What, not Elderflame? I mean, it's a dragon... for your face. Everyone needs a face-dragon!

True true.


Prime bundle with Prime sunglasses?

04 Jun


Yeah I think a haggle system could be cool too. If you are good with managing your money you can set an interest rate and players can press F1 to accept your rate or F2 to haggle with you on a new rate. The bankruptcy and transfer of assets may be too predatory, but maybe if they don't have enough money to pay you back the next round you can ban them from picking up your guns off of the ground and they have to pay a penalty fee on top of the interest they owe you.