

06 Mar


Originally posted by YT_BRAMZA

Very nice melee. I bought it, no problem with it, love the animation. Some people say it looks like a paper origami but it was nice to me. I do admit I did refund it, reason? I am waiting for a butterfly knife and I don't prefer it over the reaver knife

Would be nice if the upgraded VFX was something better as well, for the price of Radianite I see no point to upgrade it to that pull-out animation

I want butterfly knife too.

03 Mar


Originally posted by god_rolled

Have you guys given this man a riot fist bump yet for all the brilliant suggestions he gives?

No because he told me he only got a 65% in AP Chem.

02 Mar


Originally posted by ElyseanMoon

personally i like the evolution. i actually would like my prime vandal to look more like 2.0. white is so clean and makes the purple thing look kinda old imo.

btw, i'm a kj main and i think prime and glitchpop are two aspects of my girl, but i can't decide between them for my main skin. which one do you or a kj main on the team think i should buy?

It's hard to say! I skipped the Glitchpop Phantom so I'm trying to decide if I get the Prime Phantom (I have the Prime Vandal already). I'd say see if you can try the skin out if you see someone using it and decide how it feels. I like the vents a lot when you fire and Prime//2.0 is sleek. I really want the whole bundle too so I can get the melee.


Originally posted by zetraex

Glitchpop 2.0 is not the official name. The only reason it's referred to as 2.0 is because of the misleading title of a video. In the same video they said it's actually 1.1 meaning continuation of the prior set. Notice how in the shop the skins were never referred to as 2.0.

Prime 2.0 is the first of it's kind being a revision of it's predecessor.

Yup, very accurate! We want to know if players want more of the same, or a reimagining/evolution.


Originally posted by i-reply-with-ok

AP bio is 100x easier than AP chem

I didn't take any AP exams because they seemed too hard. It's cool to see how accomplished you all are and that you all still have time to play games. :)


Originally posted by Slurple7

Thank you, if I hadn't won, that would've been a waste of at least 3 weeks of break. I wasn't playing valorant then so not much I missed out on. Lol imagine sucking up to riot devs couldn't be me

Must have been awesome to win that prize after all that work!


Originally posted by kashyap456

AP Chem took too much league of legends time from me!! do not want to be reminded of those dark times......

VALORANT steals League of Legends time from me.


Originally posted by Shadow-chaos

I just finished IB Chem. Finished with a level 6, sold my soul to the devil for it tho. I asked for a level 7, but he asked me to be realistic

You're too smart. I don't even know what IB Chem is.


Originally posted by Dogsidog007

Please, I took a break from my AP Chem homework to browse Reddit, don't bring it up :sob:

ahahah I still have nightmares about classes I took in high school and college. Never goes away.


Originally posted by Slurple7

Nah it's ok just get top 300 in broadcom Master national science fair. Ez ion phantom and glitchpop vandal

oh for real? if so, congrats!


Originally posted by daffyducktaffytuck

No, it’s the Revive Me, Jett spray

Agreed. u/oniram117 is wrong.

01 Mar


its ez you dont need to Find ur moms cradit card just dastroy AP chem with a 5 its to OP


Originally posted by oniram177

oh glad to know its not wanted, i kept going back and forth on that one. we were considering it but if players dont want it then we'll trash the idea.

how do we trash something we were never ever gonna make?


Originally posted by Pokevan8162

prime odan op because of pay to win modal

it's scarrier than skype's p2W dog


Originally posted by yfa17

Can't tell very much without feeling it in game, but from the hitscan video it sounded less pew pew than before. (that could also be because the video doesn't have raw audio from the game).

I have no doubt it's gonna give everyone aimbot + better sprays + higher fire rate though

Phantom is also silenced, so it won't sound exactly like the Vandal. But the other guns have some pew in them. Our audio designer made sure to 10x the pew-pew sounds since you all liked it so much on the original Prime.


Curious if you will think this one is aimbot like the Vandal too. 😅


Originally posted by Riot_Fragloser

Hehe I saw that. You were spot on!

What about the Prime Odan?

23 Feb


Originally posted by StunningTomato86

Yes, correct. The moment the buy phase ends, all pre-round sprays are destroyed. Works as intended.

Thank you for confirming! Was worried something went wrong and it didn’t work! 😅


Originally posted by StunningTomato86

And it does work, I've personally tested it with that space game spray. The one from last act's battlepass.

Does work as in "gets destroyed" right? We set this up so all sprays are destroyed at round start and it should have gone out with the patch.


Originally posted by trueswipe

Could you check the Yoru combing his hair back while you’re at it? I swear I’ve had that one scare me more than once.

Yup, it was pre/post round only but we saw it persisted til the start of the round so it was disruptive. All pre-round sprays should be destroyed at round start now, so it shouldn't happen anymore. If it does happen, please post on reddit or send in a ticket to player support. Those tickets get sent to us as bugs!