

06 Mar


Originally posted by haste57

If there was a glitchpop stinger and butterfly knife I would've emptied my bank account immediately. Then paid someone on Etsy to make me irl versions out of crochet. Let's not even get me started on how I'd butter my toast afterwards.

Glitchpop butterfly knife. Wow that would be crazy.


Originally posted by rrmultipass

Yes!!! Even a Glitchpop 3.0 with new variants on existing guns would be good...

You think existing guns would be cool? Didn't think of that since it would redundant. What about a twist on existing Glitchpop with some repeat guns (I guess like how we did Prime//2.0 with a twist on Prime).


Originally posted by BoyWithPower

Understandable, i just hope the next UE bundle will have a phantom and not vandal again. (And butterfly knife ofc ;)

What if it was 5 Guardians?


Originally posted by oniram177

plz say wasteland

Reaver 4.0


Originally posted by BoyWithPower

Can we expect a ultimate skin bundle this year? Elderflame 2.0 perhaps?

No lie but we have no plans for a 2nd Elderflame right now. It's one of those skin lines that was so huge and hard to make that we haven't planned to do it again.


Originally posted by GustForce

Have you guys ever thought about custom hit effects instead of just a different mark on the wall for melee weapons?
For example when you hit a player or a wall, small particles(like these for the prime melees) come out of the place you hit, but they would only appear for you similar to gun fx.

We have talked about this for melees when you hit a wall (I'd like it to be 1P only)! I still want to do this!


Originally posted by TLGMustardBoy

I’m not gonna lie, the melee reveal in the prime 2.0 nearly gave me a heart attack. The one thing I really think could have made the knife better is if it’s equip animation had something to do with the radianite reload animation in the prime skins. Like if on equip animation a crystal shattered and created the knife. It looks super clean, and I love using it.

We didn't even think of that. That's kinda cool.


Originally posted by PotatoBulletGun

Interesting, thanks for the response. Also, I appreciated that we get a different animal on Prime 2.0. Maybe, if you have plans for an Oni 2.0 in the future, we can get a different demon

oh a different demon would be fun!


Originally posted by pieceoftost

Hi! I just wanted to say that I absolutely LOVE the upgraded animation! I understand that people like watching things spin, I guess, but the upgraded animation looks so unique and badass to me, I think it's great. Thank you for not getting rid of it despite the vocal group of people who are saying they don't like it. IMO the upgraded version is way less generic.

aww thank you! :) The artists who worked on it will love to hear this!


Originally posted by Eriko204

Hey firstly, thanks for listening to our feedback! Means a lot to us when your put your resources into creating a skin level toggling system. However I do have 2 questions for you.

  1. How come the Prime 2.0 melee doesn't have color variants? I personally really like the level 2 animation but I'm super upset that it doesn't have color variants like the other prime 2.0 skins. Is it because these are harder to create than the melees without animations such as Ego knife, the candy cane, prism axe, etc?

  2. Unrelated to the prime 2.0 melee but relevant to skins. A couple of friends and I purchased the first prism bundle near the start of the game. However, it does upset us that you released even more Prism skins WITH variants and a completely new prism knife in the battlepass. Feels somewhat unfair that we had to pay so much more for a bundle which doesn't even have variants in it. Is there a plan to add variants for the original prism sets?

  1. We wanted to do do variants for this so badly but we ran out of time. :( It was something we all talked about a ton, but I didn't want the team to have to work lots of overtime to do it. It's been a hard year with COVID and WFH. :(

  2. So we actually thought the folks who bought the original Prism set would be excited to add more guns to the Prism line (for the cheaper $10 battlepass price) and show them off alongside their OG Prism skins (which is why we used different guns...that Phantom is rare!).


Originally posted by bprdc

u/Riot_Preeti, Cinetose here. You and Sean are an amazing team. Come to Brazil, haha!



Originally posted by CHYaBit

Yeah lol, so I can just enjoy what I have now

What skin are you enjoying right now?


Originally posted by CHYaBit

prism or glitch pop would be insane... For me... I think a clean blue/pink karambit is just perfect.

Can we do another Glitchpop set? Not a lot of gun options left. :(


Originally posted by YT_BRAMZA

OKAY, YOU'RE MAKING A BUTTERFLY KNIFE I THINK. Please make it SUPER GOD TIER, something super clean, a design like a benchmade (real life balisong). Clean blade with knife handle, cool pull out animation and sick inspect animation. You should make it so when its upgraded it does a butterfly knife trick using 2 hands, oh my

If we made a butterfly knife and it wasn't what you wanted, would you all tell us and trust us to try to do it better the next time we made one?


Originally posted by CHYaBit

“We don’t have another karambit planned for this year” Wow this is painful and relieving at the same time...

Why relieving?


Originally posted by godseru

Reaver 2 for sure

Please give me Reaver 2.0! My Vandal is lonely.


Originally posted by CHYaBit

True, butterfly knife is all I want, and I trust them they are going to make it extremely satisfying to use...

If we did it, we BETTER LEARN to do it right that time.


Originally posted by uwualex

Is it possible to own TWO riot fist bump buddies? Thanks :)

I don't even own one of my own, haha!


Originally posted by Toasteranian

I have two questions, you probably can't answer one of them but I'm going to ask anyways. Is it possible to implement a system where people could pick and choose which skin levels they wanted after purchasing them with radianite? Also, are there any plans for a butterfly knife at all? (I'm guessing you can't/won't answer this one but I'm desperate)

1) We've said above we want to allow people to downgrade levels this year. Sorry, it's a long post but it's in there.

2) I want a butterfly knife too, but we don't get to make whatever we want all the time.


Originally posted by vyom0509

no more karambits this year… absolutely devastating

What theme should our next karambit be?