

14 Jan


Originally posted by notJheck

The prime vandle does more damage, and also you can do a bait trick where you throw it in the open and it automaitcaly attracts people rank silvar and below to pick it up and you can camp there with a juge to get a free ace, trust me I did it before

works with raze ult too if they're clumped

13 Jan


Originally posted by RiotSuperCakes

I am also watching the three of you, which should terrify you. lol

Damn. Back to work, everyone!


Originally posted by rycoux

always watching

I’m watching you, Rycou

08 Jan


this is really cute! nice work!

28 Dec


Originally posted by SchiavoAnto

i believe you, i’m going to check the models, and then post an update

EDIT: here is the comparison of the models

Sorry about that. We caught this right before the winter break and have already fixed it. This fix will be in the next patch.

17 Dec

15 Dec


Originally posted by Elevayshun

Honestly if I ever bought the Wunderland skins I would have been fine with them not having any finishers or anything, that thing is f**king beautiful. Reminds me of when I went to Iceland lol.

I loved Iceland when I visited! Our artist was inspired by a visit abroad when coming up with the idea.

13 Dec


Originally posted by viper353

Imagine...Reaver, Prime and Elderflame Phantom... 🤩😍

I want my whole collection to be an edgelord's dream.


Originally posted by smileistheway

You have ONE animator?

Yeah, he's amazing though.

12 Dec


Originally posted by LLaigend

Ikr they announced it a year ago and left it. I hope its not as bad as the first BOTW and is delayed for like a year or two

Same. :( They're prob finding it super hard to ship. As a fellow dev, I get it. But I'm also waiting for so long!


Originally posted by Vacre

You were always my favourite riot employee!

WERE? past tense? :D


Originally posted by communistjack

get a 0.2 KDA and make the rest of the dev team look good by comparison

Ah, we could use one of those.


Originally posted by Recurzander

Thank you very much, I will be sure to hit radiant rocking this bad boy on my Vandal <3

oh hell yeah!


Originally posted by BirdBoyfriend

All my friends and I got the prime vandal on its last colorway, the yellow/black one. We call it the energy drink gun because it looks like branding for an energy drink (absolutely no offense we LOVE the design)

lol i like that...we may be making an unrelated energy drink-type buddy already


Originally posted by hicheckmypassword

hmmm ur a rioter 🤔

wp check your collections buddy page


Originally posted by Vacre

If you do see one, tell them they’re doing a great job and that Vacre#5024 said hi!

well played, check your collections


Originally posted by Vacre

Where can we find one of those 🤔



Originally posted by Ethereal-Throne

Just tell Swaggernau that the prices are still not it.


Originally posted by Recurzander

Any Chance Ya boi could get a BROFIST charm ;) Recurz#000

ALSO, Will old collections as a whole ever be back, or will i have to hope for daily shop items?

ok fine I gave you one because you made me laugh

no plans to bring back old bundles right now, so rotating shop it is