

11 Dec


Originally posted by Pwyff

a compelling case, i will consider

also <3

Miss you, friend. <3 <3 <3


Originally posted by mmm_oist

You guys have been smashing it with every skin design! I love seeing your work.

Question: Will you ever consider adding other guns to previous skin lines? Myself and many other people would love to see new gun skins in previous skin collections. I would definitely spend some money on something like a Glitchpop Phantom or even something like a Reaver Stinger.

Thank you, this is really nice of you! :)

Maybe! We've talked about wanting to add more guns to existing skin lines! I'd love a Reaver Phantom personally.


Originally posted by tumi12345

Can you guys give us a little hint as to what's coming in the next battlepass?

oooooooh what kinda hint do you want?


Originally posted by Pwyff

*do you hate teal axes ;~;

If you come back, I'll give you a teal axe.


Originally posted by Riot_R4kiya

Sometimes I go to check what is going to be in the next patch on ValorantLeaks :)

Same! I know the minute the patch goes out because the dataminers are on top of it!


Originally posted by Pwyff

teal axe?



Originally posted by Rumblemike

Do you guys like ValorLeaks on Twitter? Also any hints on future skins?

I love leaks.


Originally posted by -spinner-

i thought they fired by the title

We got dropped?


Originally posted by ssenseb

u are literally santa

This doesn’t have enough upvotes.


Originally posted by voltaaage

Oh nice catch!

For your last one: vandals are like criminals who are caught by the sheriff and prosecuted by the judge

and the Marshal


Originally posted by 123420tale

Sean Marino

Why are you named after a country?

10 Dec


Originally posted by Supernatantem

It's funny, because we actually have a guy called Joe Lee in our QA department and I was very confused for a second.

Joe Lee took a 2nd job.


Originally posted by goaskaliceLoL

my fave right now is singularity <3 though prime and spline are in my top 3 :D

Oh nice! My top three are Reaver, Ion, and Singularity!


Originally posted by OrganicOnion

Not the person you’re replying to, but I LOVE the potato aim one. There’s just something awesome about having a tiny potato dangling from my gun.

I also love the twitch prime F key one!

Potato Aim actually came from a contest we did at Riot, so different employees submitted their favorite ideas and the winner got their buddy made in-game.

I love the F key too! We came up with that one one evening when we were trying to think of fun stuff to do for the Amazon Prime drops. It seems like a lot of people like it. We've thought about doing other keys, like maybe a W key, if you're like some of us who can't stop holding W...especially on CT side...


Originally posted by milk_tea_way

Not OP, but I think a cyberpunk-inflected, techno-dystopia aesthetic is on the rise right now, due to how relatable it is. The Glitchpop collection has a chaotic edge that sets it apart from most of the skins that have been released so far. The Wasteland skin line also possesses a "gritty" feel but subscribes to a post-technology dystopian vision, which is less relevant (at least for now).

We're in agreement on grit, then! :)


Originally posted by RiotSWAGGERNAU7

No way, how’d this make it past QA???

How'd this make it past Joe Lee?