

07 Nov


Originally posted by Fettibomba

Wow still goes to school but already so talented!

Right? I wish I had that kind of talent in school!


Originally posted by Gunner62

Do you have any advice getting an internship at Riot? I am a canadian computer engineer undergrad and would really love to do a summer internship with you guys.

I don't know much about the process, but I remember there being a really great LinkedIn group that had advice. I think it's called "Riot Careers" or something like that.


Originally posted by Freyors

Hello Preeti! I currently study architecture. I don’t see any architectural internships (I.e maps, structures, space) on the website. I am eager to know if such a thing is possible! Exploring a 3D environment as an architectural space would be awesome as an internship:)

Oh, I don't know. One of our former designers used to be an architect, so maybe that's a potential avenue?


Originally posted by [deleted]


I'm not actually sure, sorry. There's a great LinkedIn group that Riot is involved in (I think it's called Riot Careers). If you post there, you're likely to get a response!

06 Nov


Originally posted by LordeLucifer

Get this man a job

He's coming back for another internship next summer (he's still in school)!


Originally posted by RicoSuave1881

Did they pay you or did you just make them a f**k ton of money for free? Lol

^ this is the real question :D

Here's more info on what the internship program involves:

Perks of the Program

PAID: Interns are treated like full time here, so expect fair and competitive pay for your hard work!


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Originally posted by Pwyff

this is real

[edit] also for those crusading against corporate america and internships, /u/Riot_Preeti has a good breakdown of our internship benefits (full paid) -

also some additional insight into why internships are valuable: - a tl;dr of which would be: it's for high-potential career seekers to sample work at their chosen company while they can't take on full-time jobs until they graduate. It's also why you typically can't get an internship if you're not in college, otherwise yeah you're ba...

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Thanks for verifying! <3


Originally posted by Layserz

Thanks for the prompt reply!

Np! Sorry it's not working right now. :(


Sorry! This is a bug. It'll be fixed with the next patch!

04 Nov


Originally posted by zhunflower

Thank you so much for the birthday greeting! I got the skins!!!

Yes!!! Sorry you didn’t have them on your birthday, but glad you got them now. Did you get them all? I just picked up the Vandal so far but I was so tempted for the melee or even the whole bundle. I figured I have a few days to decide.

29 Oct


Originally posted by GodbeastSlayer

Hes only in college, right? or?

Yup college.


Originally posted by zhunflower

The skins this Act are the nicest things that happened for my birthday this year. I'm turning a year older tomorrow and I'm definitely treating myself with the Reaver collection. I'm thrilled

Sorry it’s not out yet because of the patch delay. But hope you had a happy birthday nonetheless. <3


Originally posted by singlereject

i would hope permanently!! thats serious talent to add to the already talented team

I hope he joins permanently! :)


Originally posted by GodbeastSlayer

Yea some new intern came to riot games and they straight up asked if he wants to give the idea for the finisher

Not just come up with the idea, but we also asked him to make it. And he did an awesome job! He was a really talented VFX artist before we hired him for the summer internship, so we were very confident he could do it!

I’m really happy he’s going to join us again next summer.

28 Oct


Originally posted by therealkenz

Are the reaver skins delayed due to the rollback of the patch?

Yup, the skins themselves are fine but since they’re in patch 1.11 we can’t release them without the rest of the patch. It’ll probably go live the day after 1.11 is live. More info on release time will come from official channels!

Also, on a more human side, I’m sad too (seeing lots of “when is Reaver coming out now? Is it delayed too?” posts). I love Reaver and was really excited to buy it tomorrow (at least the Vandal and melee, idk about if I am getting the whole set yet). But it’ll come out as soon as we can get 1.11 out! Reaver continues to haunt us.


Originally posted by RocketHops

Holy shit. I was already super happy with Singularity, but it looks like I'm gonna grab this too.

When the game came out I asked myself what aesthetic I would be down to purchase no questions asked, and for me I knew it was purple, void/dark aether style magic or dimensional, and back to back now Riot has delivered.

Also big props to the art team, I really didn't like the original Reaver in the beta due to the gold trim, changing it to silver has made a huge difference and definitely fits the vampire hunter theme perfectly. The effects and colorways also add so much compared to beta. Great job to the intern too, seeing that finisher sealed the deal for me. Ya'll should consider bringing him back to the team if he's looking for work!

This was a sweet comment, thank you!


Originally posted by purplepower4271

Summer intern they said. Basically just job expirience but fingers crossed he joins riot at some point in the future cause that finisher is dope

He's coming back next summer for a 2nd internship!


Originally posted by eriF-

Good price on this bundle guys, I know people have been upset with prices but I think THIS one is 100% worth its salt.

Buying the second it releases.

I'm debating if I get the whole bundle or just Vandal + melee. I sometimes Sheriff but I never Op. I already have too many Guardian skins because of other bundles, especially since I don't Guardian either.


Originally posted by Victrox321

I remember loving them in beta :). They are beautiful now. I mean even more than in the past.

I'm late to the party but thank you. The team worked super hard to update Reaver but still make it feel like Reaver. Means a lot to hear that! <3

24 Oct


Originally posted by zergjuggernaut44

My pumpkin gun buddies beg to differ.

This guy knows. We made the jack o’ lantern buddy.