

08 Dec


Originally posted by rkdsus

Blast X skins are so dumb and goofy, it's great. Really captures the whole Christmas toy theme.

Best part is that they're finally doing melee skin variants. It's also nice that they gave the melee a unique equip animation even though it's the default knife type. Tired of knives like the Singularity and Ego ones that are just reskinned versions of the base knife.

That's funny. I said the same thing when u/oniram177 proposed a candy cane as the melee. I said something like "that's so stupid and fun, I love it!"


Originally posted by Asomboy4

Thank you for taking your time to look at it!! Love the work you're doing with the skins :)

If there is/isnt a problem, would it be possible to let us know before patch notes drop?

Sean (oniram) responded below! :)

07 Dec


Originally posted by Adventurous_Sea_4287

It's truly marvelous how great minds are being combined in order to deliver such a finesse skins! Can't wait for the next release skin lines <3 have a great day!

The team is brilliant! :) I'm also excited to show off the new skins!


Originally posted by Timely-Philosopher17

Thanks for the best skins you make. 100% Elderflame fan:)) looking forward to other skin bundles

Aw, glad to hear you love Elderflame. :) It was the toughest skin we made so I'm really glad that players seem to like it. Was fun seeing it used in the NA First Strike finals this weekend.


That's so sweet. I can relate! My first day at Riot was League's world championship finals in 2013. My mom (she is not a gamer) was so supportive of me that she watched a bunch of group stages with me before she helped me move to California and she went to the finals with me as my +1. And she kind of knew what was going on because she said something like "I thought they would win, they had more gold!" at one point.

It was a big deal to me because I had made a huge career switch by joining Riot and I was moving across the country to join Riot, so it meant so much to have her take an interest in League. She's been really supportive of VALORANT too, watching trailers and stuff I send her.


Originally posted by Asomboy4

Thank you for taking your time to look at it!! Love the work you're doing with the skins :)

If there is/isnt a problem, would it be possible to let us know before patch notes drop?

<3 No worries. We hate when you all feel bad about stuff. Like actually feel super bad. This job is a passion, so we all take it to heart. :(

Yup, I'll provide an update when I have one. I don't know if it'll make it to patch notes since that takes localization time (it has to be translated into lots of languages), but I can post a reply to this thread at the very least. Investigation can take a little while though, so don't be surprised if I don't have an update right away.


Originally posted by Riot_Preeti

Hey, all! It's Sunday night, so the cosmetics dev team is enjoying their weekend. I'm going to have them take a look at this tomorrow to investigate when we're at work.

If this is an issue (even though OP says you can actually shoot before the anim "completes"), please trust us that it was unintentional and we'll try to fix it. We never intend to make things pay-to-lose or pay-to-win.

If it's not actually an issue after we investigate (some of you below have pointed out the videos aren't side-by-side, so some of this might just be "feel"), thanks for still reporting it. We make these skins for all of you and we honestly do appreciate bug reports, general feedback, and "feel" type feedback we get. This is why custom anims are very tricky--it can be the same exact timing but sometimes "feel" slower, or even "feel" faster. We test extensively for this, but sometimes we will screw it up. Not saying we did here YET (still gotta look at this with the team)!

In gen...

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Hey, all! It's Sunday night, so the cosmetics dev team is enjoying their weekend. I'm going to have them take a look at this tomorrow to investigate when we're at work.

If this is an issue (even though OP says you can actually shoot before the anim "completes"), please trust us that it was unintentional and we'll try to fix it. We never intend to make things pay-to-lose or pay-to-win.

If it's not actually an issue after we investigate (some of you below have pointed out the videos aren't side-by-side, so some of this might just be "feel"), thanks for still reporting it. We make these skins for all of you and we honestly do appreciate bug reports, general feedback, and "feel" type feedback we get. This is why custom anims are very tricky--it can be the same exact timing but sometimes "feel" slower, or even "feel" faster. We test extensively for this, but sometimes we will screw it up. Not saying we did here YET (still gotta look at this with the team)!

In gen...

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04 Dec


Originally posted by dollarholler

Theres no chance of that lmao. It says December 23 and like all other packs remain in the store for 2 weeks.

Is there no chance?


Originally posted by pyeltor

If its anything like how they touched up the Reaver bundle, then this could be really fun

heeeeey! i like this comment

10 Nov


Originally posted by Khr0nus

They look amazing, good job on these.

Thanks, I'll tell the team! They did all the work!


Originally posted by c3303k

yea. Good thing i never bought the singularity. f**k riot releasing damn skins every 2 weeks. XD

Ok, Guardian skins in solid colors every week from now on. :D


Originally posted by imheretostate

I see! guns great though!

No Guardian, sorry. :D


Originally posted by Buttchin-n-Bones

Sorry, I should've clarified: new reload animations.

I was basically waiting for Singularity since release because it's the only Phantom skin with a different reload animation. Even still, that's a bit of a stretch cause the movement of removing the magazine isn't different, but the cocking animation changed at least.

Ah! Well the orb mechanism powers up and down on reload, so it's a different kind of reload animation/effect!


Originally posted by sideflanker

ah. Hand animation is the distinction I was looking for.

I think that was a good choice. Although naturally not everyone will agree.

Since you worked with the animation team, does the front of the Bucky fade to a transparent panel like it does with the Sheriff? It unfortunately goes off-screen, so I can't tell if that detail made it in.

It does! You can kind of see it and you can definitely hear it!


Originally posted by Gallatek

Please continue trying different things! I'm a fan of new hand animations, but I love that you're trying different ideas of what a skin set should be.

Also more Frenzy love! Its been underappreciated thus far and there haven't been many great skins for it outside of Glitchpop.

Haha! I had people saying "no more Frenzy skins" after we did Elderflame and Glitchpop!

Sensation has a Frenzy skin. :)


Originally posted by imheretostate

Default reload animation? Will that be fixed?

It's not a bug. There are animations on this gun through the spinning turbines and the orb mechanism. We want to try different ways to animate guns since some players want hand animation change (like with Reaver) but others want something that's more based on the gun itself.


Originally posted by sideflanker

There are plenty of animations. The reactors spinning, side panels opening up when you pull the gun out, etc. There's just no reload animation.

The orb pulses on reload. We tried something different with this skin with animations since not everyone wants new hand animations for a skin.


Originally posted by Buttchin-n-Bones

Yeah I was about to say

Aesthetics are cool, sounds are new anims? byeee

It has animated moving parts on the inside (turbines and the mechanism holding the orb).


Originally posted by Lord-Bob-317

Can you confirm or deny this was made in partnership w Destiny

No partnerships involved at all with anyone.