

08 Oct


Originally posted by TacoKingdom

Patch 1.10: New skin bundles now include mini map skins.

Ohh. Is that pay to lose or pay to win?

07 Oct


Originally posted by [deleted]


lol I'm on cosmetics, not maps! I did sent this to Volcano though. I don't know his reddit name so I can't tag him.

30 Sep


This is awesome! Nice work! I sent this to our super Viper fan on the team and I'm sure she's geeking out.

25 Sep


Originally posted by killeromega6

Yes the base model change is enough for me but i would like to see newer models with different animations in the future. Also i’m really really glad that the riot personnel are so interested to hear community opinion. I know not everything the community wants will/ can be implemented but i’m happy that you guys actually listen

Thanks! I know it probably doesn’t seem like it but we honestly do read and listen to a lot of what we hear. Changes just take time and Reddit isn’t always representative of all players around the world.


Originally posted by Four_Horse

Mad respect for keeping competetive integrity! I just hope it doesn't put this set in a negative light.

Same! I hope people still love the other skins, especially the Classic and Operator.


Originally posted by Ghostkill221

Massive respect for making the hard decision.

Thank you! It's sad to cut stuff, but it's worse if we make it and it's bad for the game.


Originally posted by cupidstoleyograndma

if there’s a different animation to this knife instead of a flip or boring default pull out (I’m not calling current animation uncreative just want something different) I would probably buy this bundle twice lol, other than that this is a really cool bundle will fs get the classic and operator, but hopefully a new pullout animation 😫

Damn! I hope we meet your expectations then!

24 Sep


Originally posted by Heeeeather

It looks awesome! I wish they included Phantom or Vandal though.

We talked a bit about the Phantom skin that existed at one point for this skin line and how we had to cut it from the lineup due to gameplay readability concerns in this article:

Basically, the skinned Phantom was hard to recognize from a silhouette perspective, so we made the hard decision to kill it. We thought you'd all love a Phantom in this set (we wanted it too), but we didn't want to compromise competitive integrity just to get a Phantom in there.

23 Sep


Originally posted by Shot_Consequence9181

Hi, when hill the fix be applied, because a few months later and I am still missing my items? Thanks for the help in advance!

Hi! I recommend you email player support if you’re still missing the items.

20 Sep


Originally posted by iJayR6

Hey, so I've been wanting to buy the Elderflame Collection as a pack ever since it came out because I decided it was a really good deal, but I was too late unfortunately. Do you have a planned schedule to release only new skins as packs for a set amount of time or is it unplanned and you'll start re-releasing older packs when you run out of new skins? Thanks!

We don’t currently have any plans to feature old bundles, so the only way to get old stuff is to buy it in the rotating store. I think if you get all the skin line’s weapons in the rotating store and then see the melee, the melee should be $0/free (don’t buy the melee first!). But don’t quote me on that. I recommend checking with player support! If you do it this way, you won’t get the accessory pack though (those are only available when you buy the full bundle in the featured store).

18 Sep


Originally posted by faceplant911

I mean, for me the coolest part by far is the mesmerizing ADS color shifting. Like, most of the time in game I don't actually "look" at the skins, but the ADS is something I get a good eyefull of since it's right there around the crosshair. For me, that puts Nebula on a tier above the competition. The only thing you see more during gameplay is custom reloads since you aren't exactly shooting while those happen.

I only hip fire, so for me I get the most fun out of inspecting and equipping pre-round. I'm glad you like the ADS, though because we try to make the ADS interesting without it being too distracting or busy.


Originally posted by faceplant911

Man seasickness is such a shame. I've got multiple friends who haven't played portal purely because of it, makes me sad just thinking about it.

Fortunately Nebula's still pretty cool looking (at least for me) so I guess it's fine.

Portal is the only game that ever made me nauseated! I couldn't play beyond the first 20 mins because of it. :(

I was fine with the Nebula skins, but lots of other people reported motion sickness so the team did a ton of tweaking to get it right. It was a challenge to keep some movement but not also cause motion sickness. We hit some points where the sickness was solved, but the effect was barely visible. And then when we turned it up, it made people sick again. It took several months of tweaking, but we finally hit a good spot with it.

16 Sep


Originally posted by Puzzleheaded-Bake-77

Oh THANK YOU :) :) :) :)

Np! Sorry it took so long to fix. :'(

15 Sep


Originally posted by comeonguys11

still didnt get fixed :*( my first skin upgrade and i was excited for nting :*(

It'll be fixed with the new patch this week. I'm so sorry. :( I promise you we tried to get the fix out last patch but kept encountering an error.


Originally posted by NightALX

I have

It’s a bug. We have a fix that should be going out in the patch this week. Sorry about that. The Variants weren’t affected, just Levels 2-4.

10 Sep


Originally posted by ObsoletePixel

To that end, are there any plans to create variants for existing melee skins? I adore the glitchpop set and I'd love to be able to use variants of it on the melee

Not at the moment. We want to run this test first, then see if players really want melee variants (reddit isn't always a representative sample :D), and then we'll decide if/when we can support making them. And THEN we'll see which skins we can make it for and if we ever go back and add them to older melees or not.

If you want the non-developer answer, I'll tell you that too many people on the VALORANT team have been begging for these. u/pwyff keeps yelling at us in all caps with TEAL AXE. :(


We updated this post to include a question about melee variants, too!

09 Sep


Originally posted by frost-zen

Its still bugged :(

I know, sorry. :( Still trying to debug how we integrate this fix; it's got some weird issue that the team has been looking at every day. Worst case it'll be fixed with the next patch.

05 Sep


Originally posted by lynatos

when will it be fixed? i bought the skin for the sound..

We’re still trying to fix it. Sorry. :(