

04 Aug


Originally posted by Austin_P7

For totally non bias reason, can we also get another cat?

Maybe it's possible. What kind of cat are we talking about?


Originally posted by AuntJ25

was the hive mind set influenced by Nausicaa ?

Oh no actually. It was something u/oniram177 came up with.


Originally posted by Pruvided

The chicken lives

We brought the chicken back for you, reddit!


Originally posted by MicahSmith

No one will read this but I don’t play valorant and this really f**king makes me want to play it. The animation is f**king rad!

Ok, no one will read this but this is really nuts. I never expected a skin would make someone want to play a game, so thank you. It’s the nicest thing you could say about a skin. :)

02 Aug


It should leave two slashes in the next patch. :)

24 Jul


Originally posted by ShadowDragon175

Its nice to see the actual devs engage with the community, not just some marketing team.

Keep up the good work guys! Game is amazing.

Aw, thanks! Actually our marketing team is super cool and engages with the community a lot. They're gamers just like us and are super into the skins, so it's fun to see them get hyped when we show them what we're working on.

23 Jul


Originally posted by KidContax

Truly mean it! I hope to see your name on many more projects!

Oh it wasn't me! I'm the producer for the team, so I don't do any of the art/audio/design/etc. work. You'll want to see the team's name on lots and lots of stuff. ;)


Man this is so sweet. Thank you. I'm going to share this post with the team because it's so wholesome and nice of you to say. <3


Originally posted by LOLGuy213

Yeah, considering the Oni skins are the same tier as the Prime and Sovereign skins I'm quite sad there are almost no sound effects, or at least in game I can't hear any sound effects at all. It would be excellent if there were some sound effects that could be mixed or added, or for some clarification about whether this is a bug or not. I like the whispy reload sound but I can not hear it at all in game :( EDIT - typos fixed

It’s not a bug. We wanted to try to make a skin that had more subtle ghostly sound effects to see what players would like. Some people want effects and stuff but don’t want the audio to differ too much. We’re trying to experiment with thematics and make stuff that’ll cater to all sorts of people.


Originally posted by tunaburn

Also when you slash down and right it leaves it mark on the wall going the opposite way. It’s really bugging me.

Me too. I have a note to follow up in the morning to see if we can fix it for next patch. :)

22 Jul


Originally posted by Top_Broccoli9033

u/Riot_Fragloser this is just beautiful. Can´t wait for it <3

u/Riot_Preeti did you also work on the skins and if so, what did you do? (^○^)

I'm just the producer for skins, so I didn't actually make anything. :'(


Originally posted by MrDongji

As a Jett player, thanks for the shorty skin.

You’re welcome! It was long overdue with Viper’s Shorty being the only skin.


Originally posted by hippopotamusssss

Edited to fit :)

Lol thank you! Tbh I was more confused by your comment at first because I thought you were saying Keanu was a man of culture, which duh of course he is so why even state the obvious? Hence the confusion. 😅


Originally posted by Scull247

Thts it... This is gonna be my B'Day gift😭❤️

Happily birthday!


Originally posted by 63128615

Is there a way to just get the phantom?

Yes you can buy the skins individually


Originally posted by erickwak

Holy shit skin team what the f**k

You are so nice 😝


Originally posted by ShinOW

Was saying to my friends how the Phantom was having no love then this came...

Got you


Originally posted by SinfulBaggins

Hey, I’m really curious how long it takes to make something like the oni skin line. Is it mostly concept art, modeling, or both? And how long does each take? Anyway, they look amazing!

Thank you! It’s a pretty long while. Not as long as Elderflame, but many months. If people like this kind of production info, we’ll maybe start sharing more about our development. We’ve done a few articles but we are down to do more.


Originally posted by EchoingSharts

Usually I'm against cosmetic dlc (although I understand it for f2p games) but I might get this one.

Also keep up the good work!

Haha! You’re like my husband. Let’s see if he caves and gets this set.


Originally posted by Lesentix

so f**king sick good job
