

01 Apr


Originally posted by cactusKcaj

After this idea they need to make luxstones, so she can have her own tier and people can get VERY RARE lux skins using luxstones. This needs to be done or Riot Games will fail as a company.

Hmm.. Luxstones you say?

25 Mar

06 Mar

05 Mar


Originally posted by stunna006

Is the grind really long tho? Honest question i havent checked

We've tuned it to average out around 50 games per milestone but there are a lot of factors contributing to high variance for individuals.


Originally posted by TheReconditeRedditor

I had no idea about this. It definitely changes my opinion on whether or not to pick one up. It's possible that other people don't know about this either? I'm not sure it was advertised to be part of the package and it's a really compelling selling point. If it was, I just missed it then.

It's in the Eternals Explained intro video on the overview tab inside the client but I'm not unsure how many people saw the video.


Originally posted by DarkwingGT

Are personal bests per game or lifetime?

And to that point, what is the goal here? To show off great moments in gameplay or to simply act as a records book? If it's the former, this definitely will not achieve that goal, if it's the latter, then ok, I see it.

The issue I have with the latter is that you basically will never see the Eternal again after a small section of games. You'll just have a really great game at some point, hit a high mark on the Eternal and then will probably go months if not years before you see it again. "Wow that's awesome, I had a stand out game and blocked 5k damage with a single Braum shield" But if you look at it was because they had a level 18 MF with 4 Infernals who for some reason built 6 IEs and you realize that it will be years before the stars align again to even give you the opportunity to try again.

The former would feel more fun in that even if you had that amazing best shield block ever in a game two weeks ago, if ...

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It's your best per single game - so if you proc a Jinx personal bests for one of Jinx's milestones you will have that within your collection page until you have another game where you surpass that milestone within a single game and set a new personal best.


Originally posted by OhItsPreston

Here's some feedback if you're interested.

My issue with Eternals right now is that when you achieve a milestone for Eternals, it doesn't always correlate with having a big moment in game, and I think that's a major failure of the system.

Here's an example-- Braum has an Eternal that measures how much damage you have blocked with his E. I don't think this is a good Eternal because I don't care how much damage that my support Braum has blocked with his E over the course of his lifetime playing Braum.

If you told me that my ally Braum has blocked 400,000 damage with his E, I wouldn't know what that meant because there isn't any context as to how many games he has played with Braum. If he's played 400,000 games of Braum then I would be very concerned about his gameplay, and if he has played 1 game of Braum I'd think he was the best player ever.

I think this is the crux of the issue with Eternals. Because I don't care about my teammate's E...

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Hit milestone 5 my man and you'll unlock Personal Bests. Personal Bests are the highest time you've ever done a feature and are already included within the product.


Originally posted by SedOfAstora

To be fair I thought of these in 10sec while typing out a Reddit comment. And its enough to prove every idiot can atleast improve on Riots Eternals, not to mention how much better they would be if they were actually good. No hate on the second Varus Eternal though :P That one would be great.

These were all things we actually considered. The problem is a lot of events that you think would be common in League actually aren't all that common when you take a look at the data.

We're trying to balance out game warping, achievability, and an interesting experience. You also have to factor how many types of players play League of Legends and how their actions differ. For instance, high ELO players generally have far fewer increments of any stat vs. lower ELO players. Champions are also played in different roles and using different builds which changes what stats are currently relevant and how we would expect them to develop over time.

That being said this is our first swing. Really loving the feedback - will incorporate it as we the build different Series in the future.

15 Jan


Originally posted by HerrToasty

No tokens on my end, mam.

I'd encourage you to write into player support if you are on EUW and purchased the event pass before the 20th of December. Its a little late to get you tokens but there are other things the good folks on the player support team can do to help you.


Originally posted by JanEric1

yeah, 7-9 hours. majority is done at uni and the rest at home chilling with the gf.

this event I got a total of 2000+2200+1700=5900 tokens.

obviously super easy was some hyperbole. but definitely achievable

I landed on 100 by finding the average amount of games players played during the same timeframe in the previous year multiplied by the amount of tokens players would earn per game and rounded (significantly) up. 100 tokens is far and above what most players would earn during the downtime. However, I am always trying to find a better way to do things. What do you think is a better way to fairly allocate tokens?

Another strategy I explored was based on individual amount of games a player plays. Honestly, this would be my default. I'd love to give every player some token amount based on what they would have likely played during the downtime with a bit of cushion as that seems the most fair to me but this would take time to model out what that behavior would be. There's also a logistics component of matching the right players into our magic token-granting tools, and making sure no mistakes or misallocations occur. We have to verify players actually received the tokens and bu...

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14 Jan


Originally posted by HopefulJade

Do you know many tokens we received? I'm sure I got mine but didn't feel like it was a lot.

For this event we granted 100 tokens for the downtime for players who have purchased the pass before the 20th.


Originally posted by Riegerick

Don't think we did, although I got downvoted and got no answer when I asked the same question yesterday so who knows.

We did award EU players who had purchased the pass before the downtime with tokens. If you had purchased the pass before the 20th you should have received tokens.

01 Oct


Originally posted by Kazan

Your interest in this may be unusually high







yes that IS a pun on your name

Take my stupid upvote.


Originally posted by NolanVoid

Every summoner's dream: attaining a rank higher than their skill level. Now Elf Jesus has made me believe in Elo Heaven.

Be the summoner Elf_Jesus believes you to be.

30 Sep


Originally posted by Stinky1790

You want mecha ivern? If you say so bud here ya go

*takes note*

29 Sep


Originally posted by Charmander93

I used to do this in the older fire emblem games. I would get to the last chapter and have my supply full of killing edges, silver weapons, and completely unused S tiered weapons. I also did the same hoarding every armor in skyrim and stashing it in my house, so i can decide exactly what i wanted my character to look like. Im beginning to think im actually a hoarder in games

I do the exact same thing! I also "full" complete levels in Fire Emblem to make sure I've gotten every bit of equipment and EXP even if I'm already over leveled and have everything I need. Maybe I'm a hoarder too but I like to tell myself I'm actually just being prudent.


Originally posted by sanketower

Owning all current skins means that you'll be getting every single new skin that comes out until the end of time, as long as you have shards to re-roll. Sounds worth it (or at least back when Hextech crafting was first released).

This is amazing. Cool to actually see the end of the rainbow.

The gemstones are an interesting system as well. From what I can tell it appears players are not spending their gemstones and choose to wait for the "perfect" piece of content. They're waiting (even when they have 33 gemstones) because they're worried spending their gemstones now would stop them from getting the piece of content they really want. Consequently, no content can live up to the expectations of "worth".

To me its like when you're holding on to all your potions in a dungeon crawler for when you really need them and you end up finishing the game without ever actually using them.

26 Sep


Originally posted by FuchsGewand

this worlds pass is actl filled with value. 2 gemstones, little legend egg. extra orb and 1k orange essences. I really like this one

Don't forget - Twice as long !

21 Sep


Originally posted by Maxenin

idk if you are responsible or someone you work with but whoever decided to put legacy skins in the shop when a new release in the same theme happens is a genius thank them for me please!

I gotta get my Emerald Taric somehow

20 Sep


Originally posted by RyRoz

I should have known better you would've done a sneaky thing like this haha

Let the games begin