

30 Apr


Greenbeards don't grow on trees, you know!


Season 5 will remove the cap on Promotions, so you can keep promoting indefinitely.


We'd never stoop so low as to utilize cheap psychological tricks like that to stoke the community.

But at the same time: There will be no petting of the Drillevator.


Good post, OP. Thank you.

Everyone here at GSG are extremely grateful for our community's ability to plainly tell us what they like and what they don't like in a civilized manner. No valid constructive criticism delivered in a sound manner should ever be met with negativity from the community. We're all human at GSG and are more than capable of making mistakes. Sometimes we get a bullseye, sometimes we don't - and we rely on our community for that candid feedback. Your feedback is literally helping us make the game better.

In short: Always speak your mind, whether positive or negative - we appreciate it greatly, so long as you keep it civil. Don't hate on others for disagreeing with your own personal take. Keep an open mind and don't assume your personal opinion is The One Valid Truth. Don't feel that any and all criticism of the game is an attack on it, but at the same time don't negate all positivity as toxic either. As with all things, it's all spectrums, people,...

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Originally posted by TheDiscordedSnarl

u/robert_gsg as Management, you are legally required to fix it! So uh... draw us a fix? Draw a fixed server? Draw a server attached to a refinery pipeline being hammered on by a dwarf? I dunno, fix it!

(I tease of course, one of the comments in this thread says something about an expired certificate, so we just have to wait. :) )

Thank you, Miner. I WILL however send this screenie to my minions - that hideous piece of UI needs to be fixed up.

25 Apr


Originally posted by noo6s9oou

How about a deal: you don’t tell management about our petting Ellie, and we won’t tell management about your “secret” Jetty Boot sessions. Fair?

You wouldn't!


If only new Overclocks were incoming. :>


Short answer: Age rating. It's one thing to have it in the poster art, another to actually have it ingame. ESRB ratings are a morass of contradictions and odd choices. We're as saddened by its absence as a cosmetic as you are.


The Pods are pulled out ASAP these days for exactly this reason. If they stay too long, the locals will destroy it, as these incident sites show. These are remains of early missions that did not make it out in time and overstayed their welcome.

As for the Mini Mules, the introduction of the current MULE unit was a cost-saving measure introduced by Management. Independent AI cores of the sophistication and complexity seen in the MULE units do not come cheap, and the larger model allows for more heavy armor as well. A win-win for all parties concerned.

23 Apr


Most HOA's oppose the decommissioning of 750.000.000 tonne orbital installations within their confines.

16 Apr


Any rumours of alien artifacts on Hoxxes are unfounded and malicious, and Management restates that spreading of said rumours is against company policy.


He calls them a cab and tells them to get out of his sight.


Originally posted by TheDiscordedSnarl

Do you think you'd ever give us a virtual tour of the place? Maybe a screenshot of your office or something...

Possible! At the very least I wager you can expect some WIP videos once we start moving to our new offices this year. I'll add it to the list, it's a cool idea for a post.

13 Apr


Welcome to Copenhagen, Miner! While we'd love to show each and every one of you around, we don't encourage people to visit unannounced - we tend to be busy working after all, and unannounced guests take up time, cause distraction, and sets an unfortunate precedent - if we take *you* in, what about the next guest?

But if you do happen to be in the neighborhood and can't help yourself, I'd suggest knocking on late friday afternoons - we usually try to end a little early and kick back for a beer or two after work.

30 Mar


Management repeats that using essential station hardware for ellicit games is neither sanctioned nor encouraged.


Originally posted by MrCookie2099

We don't get payed more. But the company appreciates the effort.

What is this, a gift shop?

26 Mar


Management appreciates all Miners that go that extra mile for the company. Well done, Miner.