

30 Jan


Welcome back to the game and community! :)

As another player mentioned paid server hosting, I'd like to add that the free self-hosting process has gotten easier over the years and port-forwarding is no longer required. For more details, here is the official documentation:

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No, development is ongoing. There were some rather significant updates towards the end of 2023, and there is (at least in my opinion) a great-looking lineup of content coming this year!

I'm the developer of the core game, and I understand that from the outside, it sometimes looks like I don't do much, especially if there hasn't been an update for a while or if the updates seem to be mostly boring stuff. Game development is still my passion, I'm working on Unturned projects 100% lately (sometimes I do little side projects for various reasons like learning or experimenting, but not for at least the last 5-6 months), and I tend to get at least a standard workday every weekday. I've been having a lot of fun recently and feel very optimistic about the future!

25 Jan


Originally posted by Electronic-Tower6222

You're cat was beautiful ❤️ i really like all the details you work on the game, it's awesome how detailed you are in terms of working on unturned, the Easter eggs, missions and all are awesome, but this can be the unique opportunity I have to contact you, i wonder you read this, the game you made is awesome is one of the best survival games right now it's balanced on pvp and PvE, has one of the best construction system, nice graphics and insane maps, but i can't evade that like others survivals, the optimization of the game is not good enough, I hope you can work on it, that would be really insane and can become the game the best survival so far

Thanks for your kind words! There is definitely room for performance improvement. The previous update that was heavily performance focused was the level atlassing update last year. The majority of the performance cost right now is on the CPU in rendering, unfortunately, which is difficult to make further big improvements to. This is part of why even with a highend GPU the FPS could be around 60 - it's CPU bottlenecked. If future Unity updates further parallelize rendering we would see a huge improvement. This is also why maps like PEI are so much faster, there's just a lot less stuff to draw compared to newer super-detailed maps.


Originally posted by FactorRare4104

where is he located in germany?

I don't recall off the top of my head, but I suppose it's something to go looking for! That being said, it might be somewhere inaccessible.


Congratulations on the progress so far, nice work!

22 Jan


Originally posted by TavishGroot

I am so sorry to hear this, how did he pass away? I hope from natural cause and not from someone else's hands🥺

Yes, natural causes. I don't recall the exact explanation but it was along the lines that cats can catch Feline Infectious Peritonitis (FIP) as kittens and have it lie dormant their whole lives before it randomly mutates. His condition deteriorated very quickly. Fortunately, he had a long happy life, and we were able to put him to sleep at home calmly and peacefully.


Originally posted by Steeringwhee1

He speaks! I write this as I'm playing on Yukon, I kid you not I was just thinking about how cool it would be if I could ice fish on the lake. I was very sad I couldn't fish lol

I love Yukon, but I think it could use a little pick-me-up in some aspects

Haha there's definitely a lot of potential there! :)

21 Jan


You're right - that was my cat, Jasper! He had the role of Chief Bug Hunter at SDG. Sadly, he passed away early this past Summer, so I added these pictures as an easter egg memorial of him in all of the official maps.


Breaking ice spots would be a pretty cool feature immersion-wise.

16 Jan


Stats from the Internet server list for Unturned in 2023.

Partway through 2023 I mentioned I’d started preserving the server list stats. Several map developers expressed interest in making this data available to see which maps are most popular online, so here we are! You can download the csv (spreadsheet) for the day-by-day data used to generate the graphs – the graph images are only intended to show a quick overview.

Note: The Unturned client doesn’t track any analytics. This data only includes public Internet servers advertised through the Steam server list. Anybody can record this data. For example, ...

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22 Dec


Sorry for the trouble! Looking at the code I wonder: Is it a LAN server with the +LANServer launch option?

12 Nov


It's awesome that you're still progressing on this!

12 Jul


This gets a big facepalm so I decided to write what happened.

For the Pride Month event and the Firefighter Plushie launch there were supposed to be banners on the main menu. Nobody noticed they were missing because only I knew they were setup, and I didn’t notice them missing because the “live config” settings were being loaded locally. Fortunately this came to light before too long when Molt pointed out WeslieG’s arena event banner wasn’t working. Here’s how they were supposed to appear:

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This gets a big facepalm so I decided to write what happened.

For the Pride Month event and the Firefighter Plushie launch there were supposed to be banners on the main menu. Nobody noticed they were missing because only I knew they were setup, and I didn’t notice them missing because the “live config” settings were being loaded locally. Fortunately this came to light before too long when Molt pointed out WeslieG’s arena event banner wasn’t working. Here’s how they were supposed to appear:

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08 Jul


All of the changelogs from the 8th anniversary (2022-07-07) through the 9th (2023-07-07) merged in one place!

I thought it might be interesting to see all of the updates in one place, albeit slightly difficult to read. The Added and Changed sections in particular may contain some useful features that were easy to miss unless you scoured every single news post. I removed a few redundant changes like Unity versions that were reverted.

There are some behind-the-scenes changes that never got mentioned because they’re irrelevant to anyone except me, for example cosmetics fully use GUIDs rather than legacy IDs now. GUID support is still the limiting factor on new vanilla content, but progress steadily ticks away there.

I think a big turning point will be when/if I rewrite the inventory/item features. I avoid API-breaking changes as much as possible, but there was a suggestion earlier this year...

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All of the changelogs from the 8th anniversary (2022-07-07) through the 9th (2023-07-07) merged in one place!

I thought it might be interesting to see all of the updates in one place, albeit slightly difficult to read. The Added and Changed sections in particular may contain some useful features that were easy to miss unless you scoured every single news post. I removed a few redundant changes like Unity versions that were reverted.

There are some behind-the-scenes changes that never got mentioned because they’re irrelevant to anyone except me, for example cosmetics fully use GUIDs rather than legacy IDs now. GUID support is still the limiting factor on new vanilla content, but progress steadily ticks away there.

I think a big turning point will be when/if I rewrite the inventory/item features. I avoid API-breaking changes as much as possible, but there was a suggestion earlier this year...

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12 Jun


This post isn’t about Unturned (II, 3, or 4.0). This post is focused on my mental health, and the follow-up to my Unturned II Development Paused post from a bit over a year ago.

I’ve tried a few different therapists in the interim, but finding the right match has proven challenging. I’d hoped by now that I’d feel comfortable sharing more for the sake of mental health aw...

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This post isn’t about Unturned (II, 3, or 4.0). This post is focused on my mental health, and the follow-up to my Unturned II Development Paused post from a bit over a year ago.

I’ve tried a few different therapists in the interim, but finding the right match has proven challenging. I’d hoped by now that I’d feel comfortable sharing more for the sake of mental health aw...

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10 Jun


Thanks for your longtime support! I'm honored that Unturned is one of the games your grew up with. Best wishes to you in college!