Originally posted by Effective_Airport182
He also admitted they have no plan of continued support if the game does well.
If there was any plan to release new content, if the playerbase was large enough, they would care deeply about player retention. Hell, if they cared about the project at all past solely being a means of short-term profit player retention would matter.
Respectfully, you're putting words in my mouth, and I also feel the original and continued use of "player retention" in this context is incorrect mainly due to the term's usage in online games & sp titles is quite different.
Online games rely on continuous player engagement over long periods, linked to monetization strategies like microtransactions in rotating stores etc. This as well as the onboarding and quest drop requires player retention to be finely tuned so they keep coming back daily and converting over and over to keep the service running. We do not operate a live game anymore; we do not look at retention numbers over 30/14/7/1 day intervals. It is irrelevant.
Single-player retention ensuring players complete the main experience and return for optional or new content if they deem the title worth of their time. We've heard people deem the game worthy of their time and they want a reason to return once they feel they got their money and time's worth, so we d...
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