

26 Jul


Going to jump in and say a big thank you from me as well. It’s been wonderful having @Hawx and @gary_dils as part of this community.


Thanks for reporting this everyone, our team is looking into it now.

25 Jul


Originally published at: Crimson Dawn – Gems of War

New Event Troop: Meira Dawn Meira Dawn will be available in the World Event Shop, and will appear in Glory, Gem, Guild, and VIP chests in 3-4 weeks’ time. New Ultra-Rare Troop: Crimson Agent Crimson Agent will be available this week for 300 Glory in the shop as well as in Event Chests, and will…

23 Jul


Originally published at: Bounty Weekend – Armored Boarlet (Nintendo Switch) – Gems of War

New Bounty Troop: Armored Boarlet The Armored Boarlet from Grosh-Nak, is this weekend’s Bounty Captain. The Armored Boarlet will be available in the Bounty Shop, and will appear in Gold, Glory and Guild chests in 3-4 weeks’ time.


Originally published at: Invasion Weekend: Naga – Gems of War

Returning Invasion Troop: Vassara Vassara has returned to lead Naga during this weekend’s Invasion. You can get her from the Event shop during this event. New Weapon: Scaleguard Protector This weekend it will be available in both the Event shop, and in the Soulforge.


Our 5.6.1 Hot Fix is releasing to day on Steam, iOS, Android, Xbox and PlayStation. We have resolved the following issues in this hot fix:

  • Skulls deal double damage on faster animation speed
  • Banner counter was not including all Kingdoms and Factions owned

Switch will receive the 5.6.1 hot fix once it passes submission.

External link →

Originally published at: 5.6.1 Hot-Fix Released – Gems of War

5.6.1 Hot Fix is releasing to day on Steam, iOS, Android, Xbox and PlayStation. We have resolved the following issues in this hot fix: Skulls deal double damage on faster animation speed Banner counter was not including all Kingdoms and Factions owned Switch will receive the 5.6.1 hot fix once it passes submission.

19 Jul


And here it is! The Bingo sheet for tomorrow. <3

stream bingo1000×1000 257 KB


This is the correct event scoring. As Darkstone is an island, you are fighting Merlantis troops. :slight_smile:

Sorry for the confusion.

18 Jul


Originally published at: Centaur of the Universe (Nintendo Switch) – Gems of War

New Epic Troop: Auspecia Auspecia will be available this week for 400 Glory in the shop as well as in Event Chests, and will appear in Glory, Gem, and Guild chests in 3-4 weeks’ time. New Legendary Troop: Orrery The Orrery will be available exclusively in Event Chests this week, and will make its way…


Originally published at: Hey Soul Sister (Nintendo Switch) – Gems of War

New Epic Troop: Sister Ebony Sister Ebony will be available this week for 400 Glory in the shop as well as in Event Chests, and will appear in Glory, Gem, and Guild chests in 3-4 weeks’ time. New Weapon: Athame of Shadows This week it will be available in both the Event shop, and in…


Originally published at: Sharknado – Gems of War

New Epic Troop: Wereshark The Wereshark will be available this week for 400 Glory in the shop as well as in Event Chests, and will appear in Glory, Gem, and Guild chests in 3-4 weeks’ time. World Event: Sailing North There are 6 battles that players can encounter during the event: Deep Wereshark, Rogue Wereshark,…

16 Jul


Last thing from me for a bit…

  • The changes to the encounter rate were easier to deploy, as they only required a server push This meant we could do them on our end without needing a more major update. Also, changing the numbers on a drop rate is very different to fixing a bug, which takes time with reproducing, finding a fix, and deploying that fix. (A fix which often requires a client update.)

  • We have a fix for the double hit skull AI issue, but it requires a client fix. Unfortunately everytime a client fix is made we need to do a new build of the game, and each time we release a new build it must pass certification across all of our platforms. That is the reason we could change the encounter rates quickly, but can’t speed up the release of the fix for the double hit skull AI issue.

I wanted to be transparent about why one thing can be done quickly, while another may take more time.


Just to answer some things mentioned above, you can still encounter the Mana Surge Gnomes in a Gnome-a-Palooza, but the chance is much lower than before.

They have the same encounter rate outside of the Gnome-a-Palooza as before, this has not been changed. You have a chance of encountering the Mana Surge Gnomes in every place you can find Gnomes. (Unlike Pet Gnomes they don’t only appear in PVP and Arena.)

Lastly, the Mana Surge members have the same encounter chance. If you are seeing more of one than another this is due to RNG.


Ahoy adventurers,

As some of you might have guessed, a few too many gnomes have been set loose in Krystara than intended. As such we are pushing a server fix that will make a few small changes.

  • The chance to encounter one of the Mana Surge Gnomes during Gnome-a-Palooza has been lowered. Right now they are appearing too often during a Gnome-a-Palooza, leading to an unbalanced amount of Verses being obtained. You can still encounter one of the Mana Surge Gnomes during an active Gnome-a-Palooza, but it will be a rarer occurrence.

  • We have adjusted some of the other Gnome chances to account for this. We wanted to make the chance to encounter our other Gnomes more even. (That being said, the chance to encounter a Pet Gnome in PVP remains unchanged.)

We don’t have any intention of rolling back the awards you have gotten thus far, so enjoy your stashes. Thank you for your understanding as we make these changes, and happy matching!...

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@urofan unfortunately it isn’t that easy. Server rollbacks can be done one our end, but update rollbacks mean we have to be in contact with each platform. It would likely take as long as releasing a fix, and we would rather focus on releasing the fix we have already found and tested.

We will be sending out global compensation for this issue once the fix is released, and it will be the same for each player.

As @Jeto mentioned earlier, we are doing everything in our power to have this out before the Delve event on Tuesday. If all goes according to plan it will be out prior, but it is depe...

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Some cheeky changes…

bingo plain1000×1000 173 KB

15 Jul


This issue is quite inconsistent across devices, and seems to be affecting those that have older devices in regards to speed. This was likely missed due to the devices that we used for testing, and this also wasn’t picked up by our beta players. We are terribly sorry for missing this, and are doing everything in our power to get our builds made, certification passed, and update released as quickly as possible.

We have some ideas on what may have caused this and have addressed them in the fix. We have tested the fix and it all seems to be working as intended.


I’ve been speaking to the team and I have a few updates regarding the double trouble AI bug.

Our team has sorted out a fix for this issue, but it will require a client update. This means it will take a while for us to make new builds and pass certification. More info coming.